
ARC Review: Something Great by M. Clarke

Something Great is the first book that I have read by author M. Clarke (Mary Ting), so I really went into this one not having any idea what to expect. I really ended up enjoying this story and loved the characters.This was a quick read for me and I didn't want to put it down. Lately a lot of the New Adult books I have read have been very similar and I felt as though they were all starting to sort of blend together for me. This book however was different and I had a lot of fun reading it. I can't wait to read more from M. Clarke and I am really looking forward to the next book Something Wonderful.

After finding out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with her roommate in college, Jenna has had trust issues. She is hesitant to let anyone in and has made sure to protect herself by keeping most people at a distance. She lives with her best friend Becky and is dating a nice guy named Luke. Even though she doesn't feel any sparks or fireworks with Luke, she thinks that he is a stable and good guy which is what she is looking for. One night out with Becky though and she sets her eyes on a handsome stranger. They share an instant connection but end up never speaking to each other. As time goes on they continue to run into each other until one day they end up sharing lunch together. Jenna finally finds out that his name is Max. Max begins pursuing her, and before long they are getting to know each other. The more time they spend together, the more she begins to feel for Max and the less she thinks of Luke. But with Jenna just starting a new job and being determined to advance her career as well as keep her distance, do Max and Jenna have a chance at more? After a few misunderstandings and some truths are revealed, Max and Jenna are left trying to figure out if what they have could be something great.

I really liked Max. He was sweet and thoughtful while being charming and sexy. I loved that he was confident without being too arrogant or cocky. His pursuit of Jenna was so great and I loved every second of it. I thought that his texts and notes to her were beyond adorable and I loved their banter back and forth. It was really sweet that Max was so into her for who she was and he really seemed to understand exactly who she was. I liked Jenna. I thought that she was a great friend, and I liked how driven she was. She was constantly seeking to better herself as well as not just be happy with getting by, and I really liked that she wanted to be challenged. It was also great to watch her start to get over her hurt from the past and let someone else in. I understand why she fought so hard to avoid anything with Max, but I am so glad that he stuck with it and got her to come around. I thought that Max and Jenna were great together. They were cute and funny, and they had amazing chemistry together. These two were a really great couple and I enjoyed watching as they figured everything out together.

Overall, I thought that this book was really enjoyable. I really loved Max and Jenna, but I also really loved Jenna's friend Becky and Max's brother Matthew. I can't wait to see what happens with those two! Even though Max and Jenna's relationship was pretty much another case of insta-love, I really felt like their connection and relationship was real and believable. It doesn't usually work, but in this case it did. I really liked how fate kept intervening and throwing them together. The one complaint that I had with this story was that the characters did act a bit childish at points and seemed to be a little immature. I think this was due to their age and even though it did annoy me a bit, it didn't stop me from enjoying the story. I thought that a lot of the issues Max and Jenna had to deal with were basically a bunch of miscommunication, and that if they would have just talked to each other a lot could have been avoided. I look forward to reading Something Wonderful and seeing them grow more and hopefully learn from some of their mistakes. I can't wait to see more of them as well as Becky and Matthew. I would recommend this book to fans of the New Adult genre, and anyone looking for a sweet and fun read. This story was a great way to spend a few hours relaxing and being entertained, and I am anxiously awaiting the next installment in this series.

**ARC provided by Good Choice Reading**

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Good Choice Reading said...

Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

This book sounds amazing!!! Cant wait to read!!!

Unknown said...

Great reviews! I cannot wait for this book to be released!

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