
ARC Review: Thrash by JC Emery

Thrash is the second book in the Bayonet Scars series by JC Emery. After reading Ride I was kind of skeptical about reading Thrash, even though I really liked Duke. I had some problems with Ride and I just wasn't sure how Thrash was going to go for me. I am so glad that I read it though. Thrash was much better and it really made me not only like Duke and Nic better, but also Ryan and Alex. Thrash takes place over the same time period as Ride, but yet we get to see so much more than we did with Ride. I really loved getting to see some of the same events but in a completely different light.

Nic has been turning down Duke for as long as she can remember. She has always had a crush on him, but knows that he isn't the type for commitment. She has enough to worry about in her life without adding heartbreak on top of everything. Struggling to take care of her underage brother after her dad is sent to jail after some club business, Nic barely makes it by. Looking to escape for a night, Nic and Duke end up spending the night together. Nic is determined to keep her distance to avoid getting hurt. But Duke isn't about to let her go so easily and sets out to prove to her that they belong together. Duke knows that Nic will make the perfect Old Lady, but he just has to convince her without scaring her away. When Nic's past shows back up, Duke becomes more determined than ever to protect Nic and take care of her. But with Nic and Duke's relationship already having problems and the club being thrown into more turmoil, can they possibly make it out alive and together?

I really liked Duke. He definitely screwed up a few times and made me want to slap him around. But he was a good guy deep down, and I think he just didn't think before reacting most of the time. I loved that he didn't give up on Nic and was determined when it came to pursuing her. The more he realized about her life, the more he looked to protect and take care of her. I liked Nic. She was vulnerable and had clearly been through a lot, and yet she was a fighter and determined to survive. I connected with her character so much more than I did with Alex from Ride because Nic is so much stronger. I liked that she knew how everything with the Club worked and that she had been around it her whole life. I think it was easier for her to deal with things because of her connection to the club. Duke and Nic had a lot of chemistry and were really hot together. But they also really connected and I think that they were a good pairing. They worked really well and I thought that they really seemed to bring out the best in each other.

Overall, I really enjoyed Thrash. This book definitely surpassed my expectations after reading Ride. I thought this book was written better and did a much better job of showing depth of character. I think that this one really did a great job of showing flawed characters who were capable of not only making bad decisions, but also of showing that they were redeemable. I really didn't care for Alex and Ryan in Ride, but seeing more of them in Thrash really changed my opinion of them. It was really great to see the emotion and feelings that Ryan was experiencing because I felt like in Ride we really didn't get to see that. It definitely made their love and connection so much more believable and I finally got the feeling that their connection was truly real. I really liked Nic and Duke, and with this book I like Alex and Ryan now too. I also thought that Thrash did a much better job of leaving the reader with questions and yet the ending wasn't as abrupt and jarring as Ride was. I can't wait to read more in this series and see what happens with Duke and Nic as well as Ryan and Alex. JC Emery has really changed my opinion on this series, and I now feel really invested in these characters. I am really interested to see how everything plays out with the MC as well as Alex's cousin and brother. This series is definitely worth giving a shot, and if the improvement from Ride to Thrash is anything to go by, I can't wait to see how the next book is.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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