
Feature and Giveaway: Feel the Heat by Kate Meader


Photographer Lili DeLuca spends all her time managing her family's Italian restaurant, instead of following her dream of getting an MFA. When famous British chef Jack Kilroy unexpectedly challenges her father to a cook-off, Lili decides she's tired of playing it safe and vows to seduce the tempting Brit. But once a video of her and Jack kissing goes viral and her luscious butt starts trending on Twitter, Lili fears she's cooked up a recipe for disaster.


Jack Kilroy's celebrity has left him feeling used and used up. While Lili's oh-so-sexy moans when she tastes his delicious creations turn him on, he's even more aroused by how unimpressed this beautiful, funny woman is with his fame. He knows they could be amazing together, if she could only see past his bitch fork-wielding fan base. Now, as he's about to start a new prime time TV cooking show, can Jack convince Lili to realize her own ambitions - and turn up the heat in his kitchen?

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“Before we go, I’ll need you to take it back.”

“Take what back?”

“What you said about my kissing technique.”

Aw, poor little big shot needed massaging for his sore ego. “It’s all so subjective. That suction thing might work for some girls, I suppose.”

Another dangerous step and he had gripped her hips with both hands. Mercy, he was fast. “Give me another chance.”

“Oh,” she managed to eke out just as that smooth-talking mouth met hers. Her initial thought was gratitude that he was holding on to her, because her spine had dissolved. Her next was . . . she didn’t have a next. The kiss hit her like a fifth of bourbon and with each luxurious swipe of his tongue, she fell deeper and deeper into oblivion.

Displaying his range, he cut a path of honeyed devastation along her jaw. “Am I doing better?”

“Hmm. Full letter grade improvement. B minus,” she teased. “But I’m still not going to date you.”

He laughed, a warm chocolaty sound against her neck that goose-bumped her heated

flesh. “And I’m still not going to sleep with you. No matter how much you beg.”

“Oh, I think I’ll survive. We great women are used to enduring.” Her hands caressed his strong back, shaping its tightly woven muscles. “You, on the other hand...How long has it been since you last had sex?”

“Four months”—he nipped her earlobe—“one week”—his lips tickled the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder—“five days.”

“Sounds terrible,” she murmured as she rubbed her breasts against his chest. So much for keeping her nipples in check. They happily pebbled their pleasure at this latest turn of events.

“It hasn’t been so bad,” he said, his voice as thick as the humid night. “I just can’t help flirting with gorgeous women.”

Her mind heard the compliment, but before it could register fully, he moved in flush, making her gasp as his hardness rasped against her belly. A Darth Vader–like rumble reverberated in her head. I have you now. They just needed to get Laurent settled on her sofa, then let the good times roll.

Jack drew back to face her, his lust-blown eyes illuminated by the overhead streetlamp. “Lili, all joking aside, I’m serious about going on a date . . .” One hand dropped from her waist and traveled shakily to his forehead.

“Jack, are you okay?” She squeezed his beautifully muscled shoulder. She couldn’t wait to kiss every inch of—

“I’m fine,” he muttered just as his body crumpled and slid from her grasp. He made a surprisingly soft thud considering all that rock-hard muscle. As if in sympathy, Laurent slid down the wall with a well-oiled giggle.


Kate Meader writes contemporary romance that serves up delicious food, sexy heroes, and heroines with a dash of sass. Originally from Ireland, she now makes her home in Chicago, a city made for food, romance, and laughter - and where she met her own sexy hero. When not writing about men who cook and the women who drool over them, she works in an academic library.

Places to find Kate:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Deep Dish Pizza from Lou Malnati's + Feel the Heat
  • 5 copies of Feel the Heat

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Kate.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kate Meader & Forever Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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