
Feature and Giveaway: Stealing Justice by Misty Evans and Adrienne Giordano

If you love Scandal, you’ll love Stealing Justice.

Justice “Grey” Greystone was fired from the FBI for insubordination. Now the FBI wants him to use his renegade skills to take down a serial killer who’s above the law. To trap the Lion, Grey will need to send the perfect woman undercover.

Sydney Banfield runs a women’s shelter and bends the law daily to help victims of abuse escape their painful lives. Three of the women she’s recruited for government jobs have become victims of the Lion. If Syd has her way, the vicious killer will never touch another woman again.

Grey and Sydney set a trap—with Sydney as the sexy bait—but the Lion adds a complex twist to his homicidal agenda. With Sydney’s life on the line, Grey must race against the clock to catch a killer who’s as unstoppable as he is evil.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Misty Evans has published over twenty novels and writes romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. As a writing coach, she helps other authors bring their books – and their dreams of being published – to life.

Misty likes her coffee black, her conspiracy stories juicy, and her wicked characters dressed in couture. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, movies, and hanging out with her husband, twin sons, and two spoiled puppies. Learn more and sign up for her newsletter at

Find Misty at:

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane's Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction. For information on Adrienne’s street team, Dangerous Darlings, go to

Find Adrienne at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Kindle

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Misty and Adrienne.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Misty Evans & Adrienne Giordano for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Michelle said...

I discovered Adrienne Giordano last year, thanks to becoming a member of the Dangerous Darlings. Quickly read as many of her books as I could! I just bought this book today & am looking forward to starting a new romantic suspense series! Wishing them both lots of success with this release!

Susan P said...

Stealing Justice was phenomenal! I love how you added cupcakes to the book. ;) Where did that idea come from?

Carol L. said...

I can't wait to read Stealing Justice. I just found Adrienne and Misty through this tour so have a lot of back reading I'm looking forward to.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sandy Kenny said...

I have not had a chance to read this, but it will now be on my to-be-read list.

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