
Guest Post with Author Bronwen Evans and Giveaway

Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She has always indulged her love of storytelling and is constantly gobbling up movies, books, and theater. Is it any wonder she’s a proud romance writer? Evans is a two-time winner of the RomCon Readers’ Crown and has been nominated for an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award. She lives in Wellington, New Zealand.

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The Earl of Markham has a Problem

I’m excited to introduce you to my latest hero, Christian Trent, Earl of Markham, from my new historical romance release, A KISS OF LIES, book #1 in my Disgraced Lords series. Christian has popped along to talk with me (and you) this afternoon because he needs advice on women, one woman in particular, heroine, Sarah Cooper.

Christian: Good afternoon, ladies. Thank you for inviting me to partake of afternoon tea. I have a problem of a delicate nature and I’m hoping you’ll offer sound feminine advice.

Bron: That sounds intriguing. I’m sure we’ll listen with sympathy and try to help you. What’s the nature of the problem, trouble in the boudoir?

Christian: (seductive smile with a laugh) I’ve never had any complaints in that department. No, the problem is Sarah’s fear of matrimony. I want to make her my wife.

Bron: You’ve asked her? Down on bended knee and all that?

Christian: Well, I did ask passionately, but I may not have been on bended knee. Would that matter?

Bron: Not really. Wow, she turned you down—an Earl. Did she give you a reason?

Christian: (nodding vigorously) Yes. She won’t risk being owned by any man again. You see she’s a widow and her husband was a brute of a man. Now she’s a bit skittish at the idea of putting herself under another man’s control.

Bron: Well, I can perfectly understand that. You’ll simply have to be patient and earn her trust.

Christian: I would if we had time, but she’s my wards governess and it is unseemly to carry on our affair now that we are back in England, and living under the same roof. I’ve run out of time.

Bron: I see. You met in Canada where you have been living since the terrible incident with the Duke of Barforte. Is that where you feel in love? What has Sarah suggested?

Christian: I first met Sarah when I employed her as Lily’s governess, in York, Canada. Then we sailed home via Jamaica. We stopped there for a few days and that’s where we fell in love. It was very romantic, the beaches, the warm weather... But now she wants to end the affair. She is thinking of my ward, Lily and me. I’ve been falsely accused of a terrible crime and Sarah doesn’t wish any further scandal to set the Ton against me. Plus, it would ruin Lily’s chances of a place in Society. But I don’t care about all that. Since I was badly burned at Waterloo, Sarah is the first woman who has looked at me with passion filled eyes. She loves me. I know it. I wish she wouldn’t be so noble. I don’t care that she’s a governess. I love her (beats his chest).

Bron: I knew there was a reason the Duke shanghaied you to Canada. You love her, oh, that’s so sweet. You are indeed in a bit of a pickle. Could you not offer her a financial settlement that would be put in trust for her should she feel the need to escape? It would prove you’d let her go if she wanted to?

Christian: (rubs forehead) I hadn’t thought of that. It could work. I wish I could understand what her husband did to her. That way I could try to show her I’m nothing like him.

Bron: Sorry, I can’t think of any other way to reassure her, except by being good to her and that all takes time.

Christian: Perhaps one of your readers could offer a solution. Ladies, what should I do?

Bron: I’ll throw the question to the readers; come on ladies, Christian needs some advice.

Thanks for sharing with us today, Christian. I hope you get your Happy Ever After with Sarah. One way for readers to find out is to read your story in A KISS OF LIES. Enjoy!

In Bronwen Evans’s Loveswept debut, a pair of damaged souls ignite each other’s deepest passions—even as they tempt fate by deceiving the world.

Desperate to escape her abusive past, Sarah Cooper disguises herself as a governess in the employ of Christian Trent, Earl of Markham, the man who, long ago, she fantasized about marrying. Despite the battle scars that mar his face, Sarah finds being near Christian rekindles her infatuation. A governess, however, has no business in the arms of an earl, and as she accompanies Christian on his voyage home, Sarah must resist her intense desires—or risk revealing her dangerous secrets.

One of the renowned Libertine Scholars, Christian Trent once enjoyed the company of any woman he chose. But that was before the horrors of Waterloo, his wrongful conviction of a hideous crime, and his forcible removal from England. Far from home and the resources he once had, Christian believes the life he knew—and any chance of happiness—is over . . . until his ward’s governess sparks his heart back to life, and makes him remember the man he used to be. Now Christian is determined to return to England, regain his honor, and win the heart of the woman he has come to love.

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Check out the Disgraced Lords series:
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $35 Gift Card
  • 1 Loveswept Mug
  • 1 Loveswept Tote

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Bronwen.
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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Bronwen Evans & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


penney said...

This sounds really good thanks for the review

Diane P. Diamond said...

I loved the interview, character interviews are a great favorite of mine. I think that Christian should just be patient with Sarah. He should continue to show her how much he loves her, and eventually Sarah will learn that he is her "happy ever after".

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I love historical romances, so I'll have to check this one out.

Fingers crossed for the giveaway! :-)

Unknown said...

I loved Bronwen's book so much that I can't wait to read her next release! Beautiful love story written for Christian and Sarah! I strongly recommend A Kiss of Lies!

Cathy P said...

Hi, Bronwen! I love your books, and really enjoyed Christian's interview. I think he should continue in every way to show her how much he likes, loves, and respects her, and she willl come around in time. He needs to be very patient with her.

Bronwen Evans said...

Hi Cathy

Yes, patience. Although, you know men, patience is often not a virtue.

Bronwen Evans said...

Hi Nicole

Great to see you here. Thanks for the lovely recommendation.

Bronwen Evans said...

Hello, Lindsey

I'll cross my fingers and toes for you.

kipha said...

Oh Christian, just listen to her and always stay by her side when she needs it. Sure give her some space and trust her but give her some leeway to do the things she wants. But of course show her you love her no matter what happens.

Jan Hougland said...

Ah, Bronwen! I just know I'll adore this story, how could I not? Damaged souls finding each other, saving each other through their love---that has to be the best formula for happy-ever-after endings! It was interesting, too, that the hero was wrongfully convicted of a crime and we hear about that kind of thing all the time today in TV news. Some things haven't changed over the years. Thanks for the post!

sheryl said...

It's funny that I just added this book to my wish list @Amazon. I saw a post by Shana Galen saying that this book was wonderful. Thanks for the post, I love character interviews and I can't wait to read.

Bronwen Evans said...

Hi Kipha - love does conquer all!

Bronwen Evans said...

Hi Janice
I've never been on a jury yet, been called a few times, but I know it is such a serious responsibility given the effect it has on all parties.

Bronwen Evans said...

Hi Sheryl

Oh, thank you. Shana read it for me and I'm blessed that she loved it.

Jeanne M said...

Hi Bronwen!

I love your stories and they always manage to tug on my heart so that by the end of the story you may end up hearing me asking the hero what took him so long to see the inevitable solution to his problem!

Alas the same is obviously true when it comes to poor Christian but then I think it's a dastardly male trait! After dealing with sons of my own they finally got the message that the one way to win the love of their life is to grovel! Okay the other thing is that they had to learn to listen not to what their one true love said but instead to simply let them see the true person they are and not what they may show to the rest of the world!

Were you listening Christian? What I mean in one short sentence is just listen to your heart and go for it!

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