
Guest Post with Author Julie Brannagh and Giveaway

Meet Julie Brannagh, author of Blitzing Emily.

Julie Brannagh has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She lives in a small town near Seattle, where she once served as a city council member and owned a yarn shop. She shares her home with a wonderful husband, two uncivilized Maine Coons and a rambunctious chocolate Lab.

Julie hasn't quite achieved the goal of owning a pro football team, so she created a fictional one: The Seattle Sharks. When she's not writing, she's reading, or armchair-quarterbacking her favorite NFL team from the comfort of the family room couch. Julie is a Golden Heart finalist and the author of four contemporary sports romances.

Find Julie at:

Ten Facts About Emily Hamilton You Didn’t Know

Emily Hamilton likes order. And organization. She feels most comfortable when everything in her world is exactly as she wants it. Emily can be a little intense. She’s somewhat introverted, despite the fact she makes her living appearing onstage before a few thousand people several times a week. Emily met her match in Brandon McKenna, an easygoing, extroverted free spirit who employs methods of distraction that none of their family or friends have access to. Can two complete opposites fall head-over-heels in love?

1. Emily likes to sneak into karaoke bars and sing popular songs. A recent rendition of Forget You at Ozzie’s in Seattle brought the house down.

2. Emily didn’t learn to cook until she was almost 34.

3. Emily’s spice rack is organized alphabetically. Brandon messes it up once in a while.

4. Emily has a copy of Football for Dummies on her Kindle. She’s been sneak-reading it.

5. She lets Deacon the cat sleep in their bed when Brandon’s out of town. He still doesn’t know.

6. Emily texted Brandon last week that she was naked in their bed in the middle of the day. Brandon set a land-speed record getting home from Sharks headquarters.

7. Emily talked her mother-in-law into buying a pair of Louboutins. Emily’s father-in-law sent her flowers the next morning.

8. Emily has a Pinterest account. Brandon mines it for gift ideas.

9. The inscription Emily had engraved inside of Brandon’s wedding band: More than yesterday. Less than tomorrow.

10. Emily fell in love with Brandon when she discovered he slept in her bedroom chair all night so she wouldn’t wake up alone while she still wasn’t feeling well.

All is fair in Love and Football...

Emily Hamilton doesn't trust men. She's much more comfortable playing the romantic lead on stage in front of a packed house than in her own life. So, when NFL star and irresistible ladies' man Brandon McKenna acts as her personal white knight, she has no illusions he'll stick around. However, a misunderstanding with the press throws them together in a fake engagement that yields unexpected (and breathtaking) benefits.

Every time Brandon calls her "Sugar," Emily almost believes Brandon's playing for keeps, not just to score. Can she let down her defenses and get her own Happily Ever After?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 eBook copies of Blitzing Emily

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Julie.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Julie Brannagh & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


dstoutholcomb said...

the ones in books are almost perfect--they need a little flaw, but not criminal flaws ;)

JenM said...

Julie is a new author for me, but I'll definitely check out her books. This sounds really cute. I love nice guy heroes, especially if they are sports stars - I love sports stars because anyone who is at the top of a sport is guaranteed to have a hard body.

TxDee said...
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TxDee said...

I have no idea why sports heroes are such fun to read about, but I have read about hockey, football and baseball---none of which I would ever watch in real life!

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Julie! I love that you have "sports" heroes. For me, I love that they take care of their bodies...what woman can resist a hot muscled body?? ;)

Glenda said...

What's not to love about an athletic guy with a great body?

Michelle said...

I love athletes because you know that they're capable of serious dedication/single minded focus when they're interested in something! Not gonna' lie though...they're uber hot!

erin said...

They are a modern example of the bad boy :) Thanks for sharing!

TerrieLynn61 said...

They have great bods. Thanks for this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I've read this and it's GREAT! Don't tell my husband, but I'm in love with Brandon.

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