
Guest Post with Charlotte Stein and Giveaway

Meet Charlotte Stein, author of Control.

Charlotte Stein has written over thirty short stories, novellas and novels, including entries in The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance and Best New Erotica 10. Her latest work, Addicted, was recently called salaciously steamy by Dear Author. When not writing salaciously steamy books, she can be found eating jelly turtles, watching terrible sitcoms and occasionally lusting after hunks. For more on Charlotte, visit:

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Five Fun Facts About Control

1. One of the heroes, Gabriel, was actually based on the character of Gabriel Gray from the TV show Heroes, with just a hint of Clark Kent. Of course he isn’t secretly a serial killing supervillain or an alien from the planet Krypton. But he is an intense, dark haired nerd with a core of steel!

2. The other hero Andy was loosely based on Alex O’Loughlin. And when I say loosely, I mean mostly his gorgeous tattoo covered arms and his smoldering eyes. I’m a sucker for tattoos and smoldering.

3. Madison’s shop is almost a real place. There is actually a quaint little street in York, and slap bang in the middle of it is a kinky sex store that sells goodness knows what.

4. The most fun I had while writing the book was in the describing of Gabriel’s apartment. Apparently, I love the idea of plastic covered furniture and everything being at right angles.

5. The books mentioned in Control are based on real books that I loved as a young woman. So basically, a big chunk of Gabriel’s fascination with sexy stories is actually my fascination – with the work of authors like Emma Holly, Juliet Hastings, Cleo Cordell and Portia Da Costa. I adored Black Lace books when I was growing up, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring that through him.
And those are my fun facts! Hope you enjoyed reading a little about the book – and thank you very much for having me.

When Madison Morris decides to hire an assistant to help run her naughty bookshop, she gets a lot more than she bargained for. Aggressive Andy doesn't quite make the grade, but continues to push her buttons in other areas, while uptight and utterly repressed Gabriel can't quite take Madison's training techniques. One makes her grasp control, while the other makes her lose it. But the lines are blurring and she's no longer sure who's leading and who's following. In the midst of kinky threesomes and power plays, can Madison work out what she really wants?

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Control

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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May said...

Sounds like a fun book!

Marcy Meyer said...

Really interesting plot! Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Debby said...

I love how you put a piece of yourself into the story.

Natasha said...

Sounds like an amazing read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

TerrieLynn61 said...

I want to read this book. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Unknown said...

Control sounds very steamy and sexy! Looking forward to reading it! Thank you for the amazing giveaway! :)

Janice said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sue G. said...

Pretty cover. Love the coloring.

Cassie Polla said...

Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Nice cover, nice review and will be adding to my TBR pile :)

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