
Interview with Authors Debra Kayn and Rebecca Zanetti and Giveaway

Meet Debra Kayn,author of Weston.

Romance Author, Debra Kayn, lives with her family in the beautiful coastal mountains of Oregon on a hobby farm. She enjoys riding motorcycles, gardening, playing tennis, and fishing. A huge animal lover, she always has a dog under her desk when she writes and chickens standing at the front door looking for a treat. She's famous in her family for teaching a 270 lb hog named Harley to jog with her every morning.

Her love of family ties and laughter makes her a natural to write heartwarming contemporary stories to the delight of her readers. Oh, let's cut to the chase. She loves to write about REAL MEN and the WOMEN who love them.

When Debra was nineteen years old, a man kissed her without introducing himself. When they finally came up for air, the first words out of his mouth were…will you have my babies? Considering Debra's weakness for a sexy, badass man, who is strong enough to survive her attitude, she said yes. A quick wedding at the House of Amour and four babies later, she's living her own romance book.

Places to find Debra:

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Weston is possessive, dominating, and too sexy to deny. And, he's got a cute ass.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I'm a sucker for writing that first touch, first kiss, first connection when the hormones are taking over the characters.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose?
Have I ever told you that dead people creep me out. I can't even stand the thought that there are ghosts. So, I'd pick authors who are alive. I'd love to sit down with Nora Roberts, Shirin Dubbin, and Gina Gordon.

What are your favorite types of stories to read?
I love contemporary stories, and I usually pick suspense or series set around a town/group of people. Best part of reading is becoming invested in someone else's world.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I'm currently writing Lance McCray's story and it's getting to the point where I want to talk and tell all the secrets. But, I can tell you the Beaumont Body Shop boys are in trouble and Kage's uncle better watch out because his world is about to go BOOM.

She's on thin ice . . .

Detective Rocki Bangli has spent the past four months undercover, trying to get the goods on drug lord Darrell Archer. Now that she's gained Darrell's trust, he's given her a job: keep an eye on the Beaumont Body Shop, a car detailer and private investigation agency. There's only one problem-her target is the hot and very sexy Tony Weston, whose eyes tell her he's on to her game . . .

He's her only hope

Tony spotted the gorgeous detective a year ago at the police academy and never forgot her. A thousand fantasies later, he finds Rocki working for the most dangerous man in town. Now, Tony's determined to find out what's going on . . . after he brings her home with him. But when her position is compromised, suddenly Rocki and everyone she loves might be in danger. Now Rocki must trust Tony with her secrets, her mission, and her life-or it could be the end for both of them.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |
Check out the Hard Body series:

Meet Rebecca Zanetti, author of Sweet Revenge.

USA Today Bestselling Author Rebecca Zanetti has worked as an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, college professor, and a hearing examiner - only to culminate it all in stories about Alpha males and the women who claim them. She writes dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and sexy contemporary romances.

Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories. She resides in the wild north with her husband, children, and extended family who inspire her every day--or at the very least give her plenty of characters to write about.

Places to find Rebecca:

Thanks for having us here today!

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
FORGOTTEN SINS - Passion, fire, and intrigue combust when a sexy soldier with amnesia protects his feisty wife from the military group hunting them down.

SWEET REVENGE - A sexy thriller about the eldest Dean brother as he tracks down a surgeon to save his brothers and instead finds a spirited bartender also on the run from a bad past.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
The very first scene of any book is my favorite to write. I may end up with different scenes being my favorites at the end of the book, but to write? That first scene when the heroine and hero meet either for the first time or meet up again--that’s where the intrigue and sparks ignite, and anything goes.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose?
  • J.D. Salinger would be a hoot to sit down and harass. I’d love to know more about him and actually have a conversation with the recluse. Plus, he died three years ago, so I’d be curious how that has gone for him.
  • Stephen King would be fascinating. I’d love to crawl inside his head and play around for a little bit. Can you imagine what’s in there? Plus, everything I’ve read about him shows he’s a good guy who still loves his wife after all these years, and that’s the type of guy you want to have coffee with and talk about writing.
  • Nora Roberts first introduced me to romances when I snuck into my mom’s book of bags and read one of the MacGregor books, so I’d like to sit down with her and thank her. Plus, I’ve attended workshops she’s given, and she’s a kick in the pants. I think we’d have a lot of fun.

What are your favorite types of stories to read?
I read anything and everything I can get my hands on, but romances are my favorite. The passion, the chase, the happy ending in a romance take me into another world for a while, which is the purpose of a good story, if you ask me. For a brief moment in time, I’m the heroine, and I can do anything.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Right now I’m working on edits for BLIND FAITH, which is the third book in the Sin Brothers series (after FORGOTTEN SINS and SWEET REVENGE). Blind Faith features Nathan Dean, the second oldest Dean brother and undoubtedly the heart and hammer of the family. He has to track down the woman who’d broken his heart years ago in order to help his brothers, and well, talk about passion. =)

What is your favorite part of a romance novel? The intriguing beginning, the wild middle, or the happy ending?

The One Man She Can't Have

Matt Dean was born to fight…and kill. A member of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be the perfect soldiers with an expiration date. Now, with time running out, he's gone rogue in a relentless quest for the one person who can save them. His mission leads him to Charmed, Idaho…and to a beautiful woman with eyes like emeralds and a body made for pleasure.

The One Woman He Can't Resist

Laney Jacobs knows the mysterious, handsome stranger is trouble from the moment he walks into her bar, looking for a job. She's spent years running from her own past—the last thing she needs is a romantic entanglement. But Matt's strong arms offer her protection, and his gentle touch promises passion unlike anything she's ever known. As lethal forces surround them, revealing explosive secrets about Matt's past and putting everything—and everyone—he holds dear in danger, can he save them all before time runs out?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |
Check out the Sin Brothers series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Prize Pack - $25 Amazon Gift Card, print copy of Forgotten Sins, eBook copy of Weston
  • 4 copies of Forgotten Sins & Weston

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Rebecca's question: What is your favorite part of a romance novel? The intriguing beginning, the wild middle, or the happy ending?
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Debra Kayn, Rebecca Zanetti & Forever Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

My favorite part of a romance novel is hard to say but probably the middle. The moments of discovery and realization but I really need my HEA too. I enjoy reading romance for the escape so without the HEA it's a let down.

Betty Hamilton said...

Its the WHOLE package for me. I love it all. But, if I had to chose, it would be the HEA. To me a book that doesn't leave me with a smile just seems to be lacking something.

AquarianDancer said...

Everything! But I like the last showdown. The last scene right before the happy ending.

Kim said...

My favorite part is the HEA. The characters can go through all kinds of twists and turns, but at the end of the day, we are assured of a happy ending.

Glittergirl said...

I love all parts of romance books but if I had to pick it would be the end because it gets real exciting, question & conflict is resolved and we get the HEA I crave! You two live in my neck of the woods =) Maybe someday you'll have a signing in Oregon I can get to! That would be awesome.

MissRlovesbooks said...

The HEA I also love the suspense of it all too. A good story always makes me feel like I'm there watching it all unfold.

May said...

The Hea!

Glenda said...

I get hooked by a great beginning and love every minute until the HEA!

Alexisa said...

MY favorite part of a permit novel would have to be the middle. In the beginning they are getting to know each other. But in the middle they're working towards a commitment and they're learning each other secrets that's the fun part.

Unknown said...

The beginning. If its not interesting enough, I'm not going to want to read the book.

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