
ARC Review: His Secrets by Lisa Renee Jones

His Secrets by Lisa Renee Jones is a very short novella (approximately 60 pages) in the Inside Out Series. This novella should only be read if you have read the previous books in this series as it centers on the progression of Chris and Sarah's relationship as well as expands on things that have happened in previous books. I have been a fan of this series from the first book on. I really enjoyed the first few books, and I really loved seeing Rebecca's journals as well as getting to know Mark better. But with this novella and the last book, I have to admit I've begun to have mixed feelings about this series. While there are still many things that I like, this series has changed from what made me fall in love with it and the characters to begin with.

Chris and Sarah are in Paris where he is determined to show her the real him. When Chris gets a call from Tristan about Amber going to Isabel's, he knows that he needs to go and try to help. Even though Chris said that he needed to show Sarah his secrets, he tries to get her to stay at his house. Sarah convinces him to take her and she goes with him. Once at the club, Sarah sees just how broken and damaged Amber has become. Chris blames himself for the way she is and is determined to get her the help she needs. Tristan and Chris try to get her to see reason, but Amber is determined to play games. Chris and Tristan set in motion a plan to force Amber to get help, but in the process will Chris lose his chance at a future with Sarah? Once she finally sees everything, will she still feel the same for him?

I felt like most of this brief novella really didn't offer a lot of new to the series. At this point, we already knew that Chris turns to the whip in times of stress and trouble when he feels he needs to be punished. We already knew that he felt guilty about the way things went down with Amber and how she has handled everything in the past. It just felt a bit repetitive and didn't really seem to further the story much. I also felt like the way it was laid out was a bit disjointed, and it just didn't flow as well as her previous stories did. As much as I loved getting Chris's POV, I feel like this one just missed the mark. It was good to catch up with Chris and Sarah, and I was glad that we got a bit of them to tide us over as we wait for the next book. But honestly this one just didn't seem to really add that much to the series as a whole. There was a lot of drama in this one, but because most of it centered around Amber it just didn't really draw my interest. I think fans of this series will enjoy getting more Chris and Sarah and will probably think that this is a good addition to the series. However I think that those that are looking for new material and more depth will find this isn't what they are expecting. I am hoping that with the upcoming novellas featuring Mark as well as the next few books that we will some resolution and answers and more of what was so great about the first books in this series.

**ARC provided by Bewitching Book Tours**

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