
ARC Review: Hot Rock by Annie Seaton

Megan Miller is in London from Australia doing research for her doctoral thesis. Her topic is rock and roll, especially the career of Davy Morgan. He’s a recluse, living in the Cayman Islands. Upon her arrival, she gets a message from her brother-in-law Tony about her teaching job. She’s been suspended pending an investigation of falsifying grades, receiving money from students, and plagiarism. She rightly believes the real liar is Greg Cannon, former lover and colleague. Tony will start investigating the charges, but urges her to come home. David Morgan is Davy’s nephew. Or is he? He dresses like him, sings like him, and is him. Davy has mastered time travel and has a new neighbor. Megan has rented the cottage next door to him. She finds her cottage has no water or WiFi. The lady in town explains it’s the stones and too close to the summer solstice. In a few days, all will be well. Megan runs into Davy in town who offers to take her to another town so she can get an Internet connection. They go and she finds out things are worse with her job. Her mind is focused on David and his uncanny resemblance to his uncle. She’s had a crush on Davy since she was a teenager. Sitting on her porch, she watches Davy walk across a field with his guitar, touch a stone, and disappear. She runs over to help, thinking he’s hurt, but he’s gone. She touches the stone and is transported to a music festival in 1971. She sees Davy and his band perform and falls in love with him. He sees her in the crowd and insists on bringing her back to the future. Trying to discuss their future, Davy can’t commit. Megan takes it as rejection and leaves. How will they be able to be together when they are living forty years apart?

Davy is a rocker. His life is all about the music. Megan starts out as a distraction, then his whole world. He’s an intense guy who has a touch of tragedy in his life and afraid to be vulnerable again.

Megan has been burned in love too. She doesn’t know what to make of her neighbor, but he fascinates her. Megan matches his love of music. It draws her to Davy. They haunt each other’s dreams and make them come true.

This is a short story I didn’t want to end. Other band mates, Bear and Slim, are introduced and deserve their own stories. Hopefully, they will be written soon.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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