
ARC Review: In Bed With Mr. Wrong by Katee Robert

I haven't read anything by Katee Robert before In Bed With Mr. Wrong, but I have really come to like pretty much most books in the Brazen line from Entangled Publishing. They are always sexy stories filled with lots of good and steamy scenes. This book was no different and I really enjoyed those parts of this book. That being said, I did have mixed feelings about this book. For the most part though, I found this one to be enjoyable.

Brianne agrees to go on a blind date with her friend's brother while he is on leave from the Air Force. When Ryan shows up at her door, they immediately get off on the wrong foot. They go on their date, and things get even worse. Brianne thinks that he is way out of her league, and Ryan thinks that she is an uptight prude. When the date ends abruptly they trade more insults and end up sharing a passionate kiss that leads to even more. They both can't stand each other, but the attraction they feel and the physical connection they have explodes any time they are around each other. Ryan's brother and their friend end up tricking them into becoming stranded at a cabin for a weekend knowing that they will eventually have to stop fighting what is between them. They spend the first bit of time there fighting like normal, but soon their physical connection grows into more when they start opening up to each other. Before long they are no longer fighting, and they begin to fall for one another. But when Ryan suddenly gets called back on a mission before they ever really get started, is it possible that they can have a future with so much distance?

I liked Ryan a lot. I thought that he was sexy and a lot better guy than most gave him credit for. He seemed to be pretty misunderstood, and Bri definitely jumped to conclusions with him. It was great to see him take care of Bri and cook for her even when they were constantly fighting. I loved watching him give her all of her missed childhood memories and loved watching as they opened up to each other. They were fun to watch when they weren't always sniping at each other. Bri was likable one minute and frustrating the next. She was a little bit confusing to me. She was really kind of uptight out of bed and then all of a sudden was really sweet when they were being physical. I didn't really get it, it seemed like a complete shift in personality. There were times though that she would drop her guard a bit though, and those times were when I did like her. I just wish that she would have been a bit more consistent. Ryan and Bri had a lot of heat and attraction between them though, and I really enjoyed that part of their relationship.

Overall, I thought that this was a quick and easy read. The arguing and insults got a bit old for me and seemed to be a bit immature. Don't get me wrong, I love some good banter and snarky comments, but some of these were just flat out mean. I also felt like it went on for a bit too long, which ended up making the ending seem a bit rushed for me. I really liked the end and how they were with each other though, I just wish it would have started a bit sooner. I did really enjoy Robert's writing style though, and thought that sexy scenes were done really well. I also liked Drew and Avery, and I look forward to reading more about them. I think this one was a good read despite the criticisms I had, and if you are looking for an enemies to lovers story this is one that you will probably enjoy. I will look for more from Katee Robert in the future, and I look forward to seeing where she takes this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

I had my eye on this one, but I'll hold off and read some other stuff first. Heroines have really been getting on my nerves lately and this one sounds like she would too. Thanks!

Shelley said...

This is a great review!!!...Love is so complicated...But this story seems to prove that the old saying is true, "There's a thin line between love and hate"...

WAHM Shelley... :)

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