
ARC Review: Some Like It Wild by M. Leighton

Some Like It Wild is the third story in M. Leighton's The Wild Ones Series. It is the second full length story in the series and center's around Jake Theopolis, the brother of Jenna from Wild Child. I wasn't sure exactly what I was in for with this one because I have liked this series by M. Leighton, but I will admit that I haven't loved it the way I did with The Bad Boys series. I was pleasantly surprised how much I really enjoyed this story though, and it is by far my favorite of this series! Jake and Laney were so much fun to read about. These books have interconnected characters, but can be read as standalones.

Laney is the daughter of the town preacher and is used to being the good girl. She has always had a dream of getting married and having kids and devoting herself to her husband and family. When she finds her best friend and fiance in bed together, she throws herself into her work and heads to her hometown. She ends up working for the town bad boy who she once shared a passionate kiss with. Jake is everything she shouldn't want, and yet she can't stay away from him. Jake knows that Laney is the settling down type and that he could never be that for her. But Jake is determined to get her to loosen up and live life with him a little. But when her best friend and ex-fiance come back into her life as well as her meddling parents, what will she chose to do? Can she have some fun with Jake before she begins her planned out future? Or will the attraction they feel lead to more?

I really liked Jake. He was honest and up-front about what he wanted and what he could handle. He was funny and charming, and full of life. I really liked that he was such a fun-loving guy and that he was pretty much the exact opposite of Laney. He was a great balance for her and exactly what she needed in her life. Laney was nice and sweet, and she was a really caring person. I liked that even though she had been used to living her life to the expectations of her parents, that she was able to start to see that she needed to live her life for herself first and foremost. Jake helped her realize that she could stand up to them and do what she wanted. I really enjoyed watching as not only Jake helped Laney, but as Laney in turn helped Jake to get past some things that he had been through as a kid. She helped him see that he was worthy of love and that he deserved to be happy. Jake and Laney were also really hot together and had amazing chemistry from the start. These two generated a ton of steam, and I loved that they were so passionate about each other. They also had a really good time together whatever they were doing, and I really enjoyed their playful scenes together.

Overall, I think this series definitely keeps getting better. This installment was really good, and I didn't want to put it down. It was a really quick and enjoyable read, and I loved getting a bit more of Jenna as well. I was a little surprised how short it was though, and I felt the ending though satisfying was a bit abrupt. But that didn't keep this one from being a really entertaining read. If you are a fan of M. Leighton or New Adult books, this is definitely one that you will want to give a shot. M. Leighton is a great writer and her stories are always captivating. Jake and Laney's story is no different, and they will pull you in and make you fall in love with them. I can't wait to read more from Leighton and see where she takes this series as well as what she comes up with next.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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