
Guest Post with Author Jade Lee and Giveaway

Meet Jade Lee, author of What the Groom Wants.

A USA Today Bestseller, JADE LEE has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. An author of more than 40 romance novels and winner of dozens of industry awards, she finally gets to play in the best girl-heaven place of all: a Bridal Salon! In her new series, four women find love as they dress the most beautiful brides in England. A Gentleman’s Gamble and What the Groom Wants are coming out in January and February.

And don’t forget KATHY LYONS. She’s Jade’s lighter, contemporary half. Don’t you hate it when you share erotic dreams with a stranger? It happens in her new Kathy Lyons series. Dream Nights with the CEO is available now!

Places to find Jade:

It's been a long day of writing blogs, so I've gotten a bit punchy. What does that mean for you? YOU GET THE FUN BLOG!!!! Yes, the later it gets, the more bizarre I get. So we're going to do some multiple choice about my book What the Groom Wants.

1. Radley (the hero) is looking forward to a bright career as captain of his own ship when he steps off the boat and

(a) is met by solicitors who tell him he's suddenly become a duke! (Because that always happens)
(b) celebrates his promotion with a dozen prostitutes of questionable age and gender.
(c) rushes to Wendy's house (she's the heroine) and drags her to his love shack where he makes mad, passionate love to her for 800 pages.
(d) looks at the author and says, "Truly were you drunk when you wrote this?"

Answer: D! Okay, A because soon after he steps off the boat, yes he's told that he's inherited a dukedom.

2. The inspiration for the lovely heroine Wendy was

(a) A bookseller in O'Fallon, MO named Wendy Drew who time travelled from the past to the future because she has a thing for modern plumbing.
(b) my critique partner Elizabeth Hoyt because I promised her I'd pimp her in my next blog
(c) my editor Deb Werksman because she just emailed me a Starbucks gift card and I've had a few too many expresssoeeees, er, expoxessoes, er essspresssssooos,!
(d) Squidge! Because, she loves dress up and Scott Nova. (Per Elizabeth Hoyt, "Let them know that Squidge is actually ambi-sexual." I think she meant omni-sexual. Unless she really did mean having sex while walking.)

Answer: all of the above! Or... A. Wendy Drew really is an awesome bookseller at Rose's Bookhouse near St. Louis. ( And yes, she does like modern plumbing.

3. The biggest surprise in the book is

(a) When Benedict Cumberbatch appears and shoots the villain in the ending. BTW, Sherlock was the inspiration for hero Samuel in Wedded in Sin. Also, who doesn't want Benedict showing up for any reason at all?
(b) When Wendy gets her ears pierced because that's cool right?
(c) That any blogger would want me on their blog ever again.
(d) That I have justified buying corsets as a business expense. [FYI to any IRS employees reading this: I meant justified to my husband. My accountant won't let me do it even as a costume expense. Please don't audit me.]

Answer: All of the above, especially Benedict. Well, maybe it's really B, but I'm not telling you why because that would be a spoiler. It was a really great scene though.

4. Reasons you should buy this book are

(a) Link here to all the awesome reviews ( “From the moment I opened this book and read the first sentence, on up until the gripping end, I was hooked. This book has it all: suspense, humor, sexy love scenes, and enough sweet words to make a girl swoon." —Romantic Romp
(b) Link here to the corsets I want to buy. Yes, I want ALL OF THEM!
(c) Link here to a picture of me on my knees offering you favors if you would just go buy the book. [Link disabled because of IRS fear. It's hard to deduct "favors" as an expense]
(d) Because you won't get the inside scoop on Elizabeth Hoyt without me as her critique partner. And I can't be her critique partner if I'm so devastated by lack of sales that I give up writing and decide to stalk Benedict instead. [Elizabeth's comment: Please, you're going to do that anyway.]

Answer: ALL OF THE ABOVE! Especially the Benedict part!

An honest love...

Radley Lyncott has been in love with Wendy Drew as long as he can remember. When he went to sea, she was too young to court. Now that he’s returned to take up his Welsh title, he is appalled to find that debt has ruined the Drew family, and—even worse—Wendy is being courted by another man.

Or a dangerous attraction?

Family comes first for seamstress Wendy Drew, who is forced to settle her brother’s debt by working nights at a notorious gambling den. But her double-life hasn’t gone unnoticed—she has captivated none other than Demon Damon, a nefarious rake who understands Wendy’s darkest desires and is hell bent on luring her into his arms.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Bridal Favors Series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of What the Groom Wants

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Jade.
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Hi Jade, Great answers above. I read "The Groom's Gamble" - loved it - and have ordered "What the Groom Wants". Cannot wait for it to show up in my mail. I read an excerpt and the villian seems very interesting even if nefarious. Wendy deserves her HEA.

erin said...

congrats to Jade on the newest release! I'm just diving into her books and I'm very excited for this newest :) Thanks for sharing!

May said...

Congrats! :)

Sounds like another great book by you! :)

Unknown said...

If you need a partner for stalking Benedict, I'm your gal. ;) In the meantime, I look forward to reading about Demon Damon and Wendy's darkest desires!

heatherzilla said...

Now, I want a corset too!

I loved The Groom's Gamble (and the Rags to Riches Regency series) and plan to order the Bridal Favor's series soon. (I was out sick for a few weeks and spent way too much on books before I knew it -- Yikes!) First paycheck, more books!

If you have the scoop on Darling Beast, we can be bffs. October is so far away!

jmcgaugh said...

Fun mulitiple choice list! I'm glad I didn't miss your more bizarre post of the day!

Jade Lee said...

I'd love for a partner in crime!

Jade Lee said...

I do have the scoop on Darling Beast. Elizabeth Hoyt is writing furiously and bitching about the winter. Also, her car is busted and she's annoyed because Benedict Cumberbatch hasn't called her. Beyond that...well, the manuscript so far is LOVELY!

Barbara E. said...

I loved the post, it was so fun. :D I especially liked all the reasons to buy the book, as if it being an awesome read isn't enough. :D

Winnie P said...

I am going to dig up Wedded in Sin, and enjoy picturing BC.

dstoutholcomb said...

I love all of Jade's books--love the premise for this teaser.

AquarianDancer said...

I always love the Truth/Lies interviews! They're so interesting.

Diane D - Florida said...

Hi jade, I've read your other books and loved them. "What The Groom Wants" sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you for the chance to win.

Carol L. said...

Hi Jade, great post. I love reading your books. Congrats on this new release and count me in. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

I'm weak with laughter. And I might not be able to stop thinking about BC or WHAT THE GROOM WANTS for the rest of the day. I might even put one or both on my wishlist. (OK, BC isn't available via my favorite online bookseller, so I'll go with the latter.)

Evelyn Berry said...

Thank you for the post, Jade. I also appreciated your post on Romance University. I agree with more Benedict appearances for no darn reason!

Jade Lee said...

More Benedict is good for everyone! Glad lots of you like my books and/or this post. Good luck on the contest and I hope you enjoy What the Groom Wants. Now I'm off to stalk Benedict some more! HUGS!

lorimeehan said...

I loved the corsets. I wish I was brave enough to wear one.

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Di said...

that was fun - your answers are intriguing!

Unknown said...

love the covers of your books; putting this one on my TBR list!

JenM said...

I can't believe you mentioned O'Fallon. My FIL has lived there for 30+ years and we were just there in January visiting the family. Best wishes on the new book. It sounds great.

Sue G. said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

How come all the covers have a guy and girl except one?

heatherzilla said...

Glad to hear it! I think Apollo is going to join Charming Mickey as my favorite.

Oh course, I am looking forward to The Bridal Favor's Series. I loved The Groom's Gamble and can not wait to read more about the horrible Demon Damon.

veRONIca said...

I want to read this author's work just because of 4(c)! lol

Glenda said...

As always, great post! Love your pop quizes. I kinda have trouble believing your husband doesn't like your corset addiction. ;-)

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