
Interview with Author Christy English and Giveaway

Christy English is happiest when she is dreaming. Her dreams have taken her to the royal court of Henry II in THE QUEEN’S PAWN, to medieval Paris in TO BE QUEEN, and now to Regency England in MUCH ADO ABOUT JACK, LOVE ON A MIDSUMMER NIGHT, and HOW TO TAME A WILFULL WIFE, where she loves to watch her characters find true love, often in spite of themselves.

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A la Twitter style, please describe your book, Much Ado About Jack, in 140 characters or less.
Down on love, Countess Angelique meets a hot Scot who spends the rest of the book trying to change her mind

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I adore writing love scenes. Because as intense as the sexual sparks can be, my characters always seem to discover something new about themselves. I guess that's part of what makes their connections true love: in the right frame of mine, sex can be transcendent.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Dorothy Parker: She would be rude, but she would be funny. I like a rude and witty lady. Reminds me of Eleanor of Aquitaine or Angelique Beauchamp.

Maya Angelou: She is inspiring as a speaker, so I imagine she would be even more amazing in a one on one conversation.

Mary Renault: She is the most amazing historical fiction writer ever. I would bask in her brilliance no matter what she said.

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
Historical romance: I love to watch as love conquers all. The idea of true love is one of my favorite things.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I am indeed...I am not sure what it is going to become, though. It's exciting to begin a new project, not knowing for certain what the end will be. I think that's part of why I love being a writer: getting to discover new worlds as they come into being on the page. When they're my own books, I get to see them first.

Folks out there, do you believe in true love?

How to Become London's Most Notorious Widow:
1. Vow to NEVER remarry
2. Own a ship and become fabulously wealthy
3. Wear the latest risqué fashions in your signature color
4. Do NOT have a liaison at the Prince Regent's palace with a naval captain whose broad shoulders and green eyes make you forget Rule #1

Angelique Beauchamp, the widowed Countess of Devonshire, has been twice burned by love, and she is certain that no man will ever touch her heart again. But that doesn't mean she can't indulge a little—and it would be hard to find a more perfect dalliance than one with the dashing Captain James Montgomery.

After a brief torrid affair, James tries to forget Angelique and his undeniable thirst for more. The luscious lady was quite clear that their liaison was temporary. But for the first time, the lure of the sea isn't powerful enough to keep him away...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Much Ado About Jack

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Christy's question: Folks out there, do you believe in true love?
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


ChristyEnglish said...

Thank you so much for hosting me...I had a blast :)

Unknown said...

Yes and no. I clicked with my guy when I first met him and that was good.

May said...

I do or I wouldn't read so many romance!

ChristyEnglish said...

I love that Jen :) Thanks for coming by and playing with us :)

ChristyEnglish said...

LOL Me too May! Thanks for coming by and hanging out with Captain "Jack" :)

Betty Hamilton said...

I definitely believe in true love. But I also believe that many of us mistake WHO our true love is and settle for less.

Sandy Kenny said...

I do believe that it exists, but unfortunately not everyone gets to experience it. I think that's why so many people love reading about it; there's something akin to hope that it exists for everyone.

ChristyEnglish said...

Betty that is deep! So true...I love it! Thank you for coming by :)

ChristyEnglish said...

I agree Sandra...hope is a beautiful thing. I hope we all find true love :)

erin said...

Congrats to Christy on the new release!!! Ummm... I want to believe but I haven't experienced it or seen it in real life... what I've observed has been a more gradual, slow journey :) But I do love reading about it!!! Thanks for sharing!

Diane D - Florida said...

Yes I do actually. I fell in love many years ago, and still love him to this day.

Unknown said...

I do believe in true love and continue to seek it for myself. For the time being, I'll experience it vicariously through the written word.

ChristyEnglish said...

A slow journey s great too, as long as we get there :) Thanks for joining us erin :) I hope you love the book

ChristyEnglish said...

That is so inspiring Diane! :) Thank you for coming by and telling us about your own love :)

ChristyEnglish said...

Ah yes indeed Katherine....a good book can take remind us of how lovely love can be, Thank you so much for coming by for our chat

Jo said...

I do believe in true love - but it may not always be who expect it to be :)

lorimeehan said...

I do believe in true love. I fell for my husband very quickly.

Barbara E. said...

I do believe in true love, and I love it when I come across great examples. :D It makes my heart happy.

Natasha said...

I do.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I do believe in true love and I am hoping to experience it in the future.

Di said...

of course, but not every couple has it - it takes commitment.

Sherry Butcher said...

Yes I do believe, I was married with it for 33 years.

LilMissMolly said...

Of course I do - I've been married for 22 years :)

Glenda said...

Absolutely! True love and love at first sight -- as well as lust at first sight that grows into true love. :-) I've been married to my true love for 22 years. Today at work a coiple came in who've been married 49 uears and together 4 more - ever since she was a freshman in high school. They are great together and NEVER have a bad thing to say about the other. :-)

ChristyEnglish said...

I guess that's what helps make it exciting :) Thanks for coming by Jo

ChristyEnglish said...

I love that Lori :) Thanks for hanging out with us...

ChristyEnglish said...

Mine too Barbara :)

ChristyEnglish said...

Thank you Natasha! :)

ChristyEnglish said...

Sandy I'm sure you will :)

ChristyEnglish said...

And hard work, Di :) Thanks for coming by :)

ChristyEnglish said...

Lovely Sherry :)

ChristyEnglish said...

I love it, Molly :)

ChristyEnglish said...

I love that story Glenda! Thank you for coming by :)

Glittergirl said...

Yes, I believe in true love. It's a rare thing in this day and age but if you put effort into love, sacrifice and honesty, I believe love grows.

jmcgaugh said...

Definitely! We've been married for 41 years and never would have made it without it.

Sue G. said...

Yes, I believe in true love but I don't think it is an instantaneous thing.

veRONIca said...

Of course! Or else there would be no hope for finding it

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