
Review: Strings by Kendall Grey

This book starts off with a bang and doesn't let up! I absolutely loved this down and dirty total raunchfest, and could not put it down! Strings by Kendall Grey is definitely a book that grabs a hold of you and refuses to let go. This book is not for everyone. I will tell you straight up that if you are at all easily offended or looking for a sweet and romantic read, you are going to want to stop reading this and steer clear of this book. That's not to say that this book doesn't have love or romance, but it's not your hearts and flowers type of story. I loved this book because it wasn't that typical ooey gooey type of read. This one was unique and different, raw and gritty. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed every second of it..

Looking to celebrate her birthday, Letty Dillinger goes to a bar with her last few dollars and ends up in a hotel room with a sexy stranger. After a night of adventurous and wild sex, she takes off never expecting to see Shades again. Her rock group Cherry Buzz Float books a tour with a band that they have a bad history with, but Letty is determined that they make this work and get the future in music they are looking for. When the band shows up, they have a new lead singer who just so happens to be none other than Shades her hot one night stand. Shades is now the competition for her music career and Letty has to make sure that she steers clear of him and the attraction she feels in order to make the best of the tour. But living on a tour bus in cramped quarters ends up being more than either of them can resist. Soon they are rocking out on stage, and then rocking the bus after the shows. Is there more to their fabulous sex and secret hook-ups? What happens when they start to develop feelings for each other?

Shades is freaking hot! OMG I loved him. He is open, adventurous and I thought his attitude about trying anything once was great! He's gorgeous and super sexy, and so passionate not to mention an absolute rock god! I loved that he was so unique and wasn't like any character that I have read before. He was constantly surprising me, and I had such a great time reading as he and Letty got to know each other. Letty was amazing! She was brilliant and unrelenting, and so absolutely true to herself. I really thought that she wasn't just a girl who happens to be a rock star, she was who she was and didn't make excuses or apologies for that. I thought it was refreshing how comfortable she was with herself. Letty and Shades are truly one of a kind characters that are so easy to like and root for. They will absolutely stick with me and will be some of my all time favorites. These two were also extremely hot together! Off the charts chemistry and super hot sex scenes! They fact that they were so uninhibited really showed that they belonged together and that they had a great connection and trust between them. One of my favorite things about their relationship though was that they were constantly fighting for control, and both of them were used to being in charge yet they worked so well together and complimented the other perfectly. It was really fun as a reader to watch as they pushed each other and to experience how intense their relationship was.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic! This one was over the top raunchy and yet it absolutely worked! It was fun and entertaining! I loved that it wasn't all angsty and emotional and the fact that it was so unpredictable. You never knew what would happen next or what these crazy characters would say or do. I loved all the secondary characters as well as Letty and Shades, and can't wait to read more about them. I will tell you that I hated Kate and wanted to punch the shit out of her. But as much as I disliked her, I loved Jinx! This book was the perfect escape I was looking for and was one of the best books I have ever read. If you are looking for an entertaining and dirty read that you can lose yourself in, this is absolutely what you are looking for! I would highly recommend this one to anyone that likes some hot rock star sex that not only pushes boundaries but flat out destroys them! Strings might have been the first book I have read by Kendall Grey, but it definitely won't be the last. I can't even tell you how much I loved this book and look forward to reading more from Grey in the future!

**Copy provided by Author**

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Tina B said...

Fabulous review, Casey! I was not aware that this book was a grittier story. I picked up a copy. :)
Love those stories that are darker.

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