
Review: When You're Ready by J.L. Berg

This book was absolutely amazing. When You're Ready by J.L. Berg is probably the most emotional and heartfelt book that I have ever read. It was beautiful and absolutely captured my interest from the very start. There was not a single thing about this book that I can complain about. I honestly was shocked when I found out that this was J.L. Berg's debut novel. The writing was fantastic, and the story flowed really well. This book was just everything great that you look for in a good book that will stick with you, and I know without a doubt that I will remember this story forever.

After losing her husband, Clare is left to raise their young daughter as a single mother. She had planned to grow old with Ethan and never expected to lose him at such a young age. A few years later, Clare ends up rushing her daughter to the ER and meets a handsome doctor. They are instantly attracted to each other, and feel as though there is something more between them. When they run into each other again, Logan ends up helping Clare build a ballet barre for her daughter Maddie. Logan thinks that he is incapable of loving anyone else, and knows that the last person he should get involved with is a single mother. But he finds himself unable to stay away from Clare and Maddie. The more time that they spend together, the more they all begin to become attached. Soon they are picturing a future together as a family and it looks like nothing can stand in their way. But when the unexpected happens, Logan must make a decision about the future that he had planned to spend with Clare and Maddie. Are Clare and Logan willing to risk everything for a chance at love?

I absolutely adored Logan. He was sweet and thoughtful, patient and kind. He was a super sexy doctor that always took care of his patients, but you could tell that he was completely different with Clare and Maddie. I loved the connection that he had from the start with both of them, and I especially loved how he was with Maddie. They were so sweet together, and he really treated her as though she was special and I loved that he always called her princess. He went out of his way to take things slow and make things right for not only him and Clare but Maddie also. I just thought that his character was one of the best heroes I have ever read and he will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends ever. Clare was strong and funny and was a really likable heroine. I loved how she was able to really move on from being dealt such a horrible tragedy, and even though it broke her heart she was able to really embrace the chance at a future she never expected. I loved how open and honest she was and how she always was understanding about Logan and his past. She never judged him or used it against him, and she was secure enough about their connection to be able to see past everything. Logan and Clare had such a strong and believable connection. It really felt like they were made for each other, and that they were always meant to be. That being said, it didn't take anything away from Clare's relationship with Ethan. It just felt like she had always been meant to be with both of them at different times. Clare and Logan not only had an undeniable connection, but they were also amazingly hot together and had some of the strongest chemistry I have ever read about.

Overall, this book is by far one of the best that I have read in a very long time if ever! This book had me emotionally invested from the start, and there were many times that I was laughing out loud while others had me tearing up and trying to read through a blur. Clare and Logan were absolutely impossible not to fall in love with, as were Maddie and Clare's best friend Leah. There really was absolutely nothing that I didn't enjoy about this book. This book will be one that I know for a fact will be reread over and over for me. I just felt so connected to Clare and Logan, and even though the ending was wonderful and satisfying I found myself feeling greedy for more. I instantly wanted to start the book over from the beginning and fall in love all over again. This book is an absolute must read. I can't even begin to truly tell everything that I loved about this book, but if you haven't read it then you definitely need to. I have said that about other books, but really this book is one that I wholeheartedly believe that any romance fan should read. I cannot wait to see what J.L. Berg has in store for readers in the future with this being her debut. She has a natural gift of story telling, and I will definitely be reading more of her work whenever I can get my hands on it! I cannot wait to read Leah's story next!

**Review copy provided by AToMR**

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