
Sealed With a Kiss Event - Anna Campbell

ANNA CAMPBELL has written eight multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes fulltime. Her latest release is A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS, book two of the Sons of Sin series. Don’t miss her free short story, “His Christmas Cinderella”, in the e-anthology A GROSVENOR SQUARE CHRISTMAS, released in October 2013.

Places to find Anna:

Rakish arbiter of elegance Sir Richard Harmsworth meets scholarly vicar’s daughter Genevieve Barrett in A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS and they have a rocky time of getting it together! They only truly begin to work together when the villain in that book, Lord Neville Fairbrother, threatens their lives. Lord Neville’s evil has extended to touch the characters in the next two books WHAT A DUKE DARES (out August 2014) and the fourth book in my Sons of Sin series which features the Marquess of Leath, Lord Neville’s nephew. These letters are exchanged during events in that fourth book, as yet untitled, when Leath enlists Richard’s help to track down Lord Neville’s violent and blackmailing cohort, Greengrass. You can read more about both A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS and WHAT A DUKE DARES on my website:

Check out Richard and Genevieve's love story in A Rake's Midnight Kiss

It Takes a Lady…

Brilliant scholar Genevieve Barrett knows how to keep a secret. Her identity as the author of her father's academic articles has always been her greatest deception-until a charming housebreaker tries to steal the mysterious Harmsworth Jewel from her. She doesn't reveal that she recognizes her father's devastatingly handsome new student as the thief himself. For Genevieve, this will be the most seductive secret of all...

..To Catch a Thief!

Sir Richard Harmsworth has been living a lie, maintaining a rakish facade to show society that he doesn't care about his status as a bastard. Yet long haunted by his unknown father's identity, Richard believes the Harmsworth Jewel will confirm his claim as the rightful heir. But when Richard sets out to seduce the bookworm who possesses the stone, he instead falls for its beautiful owner. But even as she steals Richard's heart, Genevieve will be in greater danger than her coveted treasure...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Sons of Sin series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of A Rake's Midnight Kiss

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Anna.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment.
  • Choice of print or eBook copy.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Anna Campbell for sponsoring this giveaway.


Connie said...

Oh, Anna! Your writings are exactly what is termed "sigh-worthy." Sigh….

Hope you are doing well and enjoying your wonderful weather. So envious!! All the best!!

Unknown said...

Aw,cute letters! Thanks for the giveaway, Anna!

Linda said...

August 2014 is too far away Anna! The blurb is terribly tantalizing too *bites nails*

Kathleen O said...

Anna I just love your books.. Can't wait to read this one.. that little excerpt was a terrible tease...
superauntkx9_@live. ca

sheryl said...

I loved Seven Nights and I can't wait to read this one. I loved the letters, it makes you want to read more.

Diane D - Florida said...

Those letters were so lovely. My heart was melting as I read them. Lucky couple to have so much love between them.

Anna, I adore your books. I love how you draw the reader in from page one, right up to the "happy ever after".


Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I need to read an Anna Campbell book!


Di said...

wonderful letters! I'd love to read the full story about these two!

sallans d at yahoo dot com

May said...

Terrific letters... love it!

Maybe31 at

AquarianDancer said...

This is one of my favorite blog events! I love seeing the letters. ;-)

AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

Glenda said...

Wonderful letters! I can't wait for the book! I adored your short story “His Christmas Cinderella”!

Anna Campbell said...

Connie, so glad you enjoyed the letters! Thank you! As you can probably tell, there's a bit of a sneak peak at the fourth book in this lot!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Cerian! Thanks for saying you enjoyed the letters. I always enjoy writing Richard!

Anna Campbell said...

Linda, so glad you found the blurb enticing! My work is done! ;-)

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Kathleen! I'll put up an excerpt of Duke a little closer to publication time - I like to continue the tease, bwaahahahahahaha!

Anna Campbell said...

Sheryl, how lovely! Both that you enjoyed 7 Nights and that you enjoyed the letters. There's a nice few hints about the fourth book in the series there!

Anna Campbell said...

Diane, what a lovely thing to say! I love writing romance - I think it's such an affirmative take on life. So glad you enjoyed the letters - and the books! Thank you!

Anna Campbell said...

Jena, I definitely second that, LOL! Thanks for swinging by!

Anna Campbell said...

Di, they definitely have a rocky road to love in A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS - although as you probably gather from the title, there's a bit of nice stuff along the way too!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, May! So glad you enjoyed them. They were fun to write.

Anna Campbell said...

Dani runs the best events, doesn't she, AD? I love her Christmas party too where we get to write a scene from a story that she suggests!

Anna Campbell said...

Glenda, thank you so much! That anthology got such a great reaction - and it was lovely to give our readers a Christmas present!

Debbie Lou M said...

Such a letter!!! I enjoyed it and almost printed it off for my husband to read! ha, ha Might help him with ideas!!!

Debbie Lou M said...

Sorry, ant follow directions. and print.

lorimeehan said...

I loved the letters. They were so cute!

Anna Campbell said...

Debbie, how cool! Love that you think it's inspiring! It was fun to do - I did one last year for Jonas and Sidonie. Hope if Dani runs it again, I can do one for Cam and Pen from What a Duke Dares!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Lori. I always enjoy writing Richard - he's got such a lovely sense of humor!

Emma said...

A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS sounds wonderful. print. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Have a wonderful week

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Emma. You too! So glad you love the sound of the book. Good luck.

RFTC Blog said...

Aww thanks so much. I'm so glad you all like these events. I admit I'm always nervous when they start that no one is going to like them. So glad that the Sealed With a Kiss and Historical Christmas Eve are so well liked. I love having all of the authors stop by and share. =)

Anonymous said...

Anna, what fun letters! No need to enter me in the giveaway, as I've already read (and loved) this book. How nice to see a bit of after the HEA. :-)

Christina Brooke said...

Ooh, lovely! And the gorgeous Sir Richard is no dunderhead at all! You're tantalizing us with glimpses of Leath's story, too. Can't wait for that one!

dstoutholcomb said...

love those love letter excerpts

dstoutholcomb said...

dholcomb1 (at) aol (dot) com

dstoutholcomb said...

and I would choose either a print or ecopy if chosen :)

Jo Robertson said...

Oh, Anna, I am so ready for another of your books! I love stories about rakes or fancy boys or even even mild degenerates crossing swords with an intellectual woman. So many lessons to learn on both ends of the story.

TxDee said...

I always enjoy letters between characters, feeling that these often reveal more than conversations in person. Thanks for the chance to win this book. I am looking forward to reading it soon. If I win, I would choose a print copy.
quiltlady44 DASH bks2 AT yahoo DOT com

Vanessa Barneveld said...

Loved the love letters, Anna! I agree with Christina and Lady Genevieve -- Sir Richard's no dunderhead. He's pretty skilful with a pen. Thanks for a great read!

Barbara E. said...

I loved reading the letters, and I really need to get my hands on A Rake's Midnight Kiss. I can't believe I haven't read it yet.

Anna Campbell said...

Just call me Sherlock Holmes, but I think this might be my lovely Bandita sister, the very talented Nancy Northcott! Nancy, thanks for swinging by and for saying nice things about Rake!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Christina. I'm in the throes of writing Leath's romance with the mysterious Miss Trim right now so they naturally had to cop a mention.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much for swinging by. So glad you enjoyed the letters!

Anna Campbell said...

Jo, thanks so much for swinging by. And thanks also for saying you're looking forward to my next release! I love stories about bad boys and good girls - if they're done right, both hero and heroine have learned something about themselves and what makes for a fulfilled life by the end of it.

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Dee! Thanks for swinging by. I agree with you about letters. I actually really like epistolary novels although they're hopelessly out of fashion these days. As you say, letters can be so revealing of character.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Vanessa, thanks so much for swinging by! Oh, that Richard, he's just being self-deprecating because he's so charming, the cad!

Anna Campbell said...

Barbara, thanks for saying you loved the letters! They were great fun to write - and it's always fun to have another go at characters I've loved.

Martha Lawson said...

The book sounds really great! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Thanks for the chance to win it.

mlawson17 at hotail dot com

Annie West said...

Anna, what a treat. Having read and loved Richard and Guinevere's story, this little glimpse into their married life made me smile. More please! And now I'm intrigued as to what's happening with Leath. This series is growing more and more fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

Kandy Shepherd said...

How marvellous, Anna, to read these delightful letters. It's so nice to "catch up" with Genevieve and Richard and to get a glimpse into their life together after the "happy ever after" ending of the novel. Also nice to get an intriguing glimpse into the next book!
Please don't enter me into the draw for A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS as I am fortunate to already own a copy of this wonderful book!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Martha! Thanks for checking out the letters and so glad you think Rake sounds great!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Annie! It was fun revisiting Richard and Genevieve although obviously we also get to revisit them in What a Duke Dares and the fourth book.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Kandy. Glowing that you enjoyed Rake! Writing the letters was great fun - nice to have them teasing each other still. That was one of the fun bits about writing A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS, the banter!

Anna Campbell said...

Awww, thanks, Mary! So glad you enjoyed them!

Robyn said...

Thank you for writing such wonderful books and for this awesome opportunity to win a print copy!

Sharon Archer said...

Love these letters, Anna, and it's such a treat to catch up with the lovely Richard and Genevieve again after enjoying their story in A Rake's Midnight Kiss! And there's a peek at Leath and Miss Trim from a future Anna Campbell book! What fun!
No need to put me in the draw for the book - I have you on my keeper shelf!

Annwitch said...

Those letters are wonderful and so are your books. Thank you for the sneak peak and giveaway.

erin said...

Congrats Anna on the newest release! I've just "discovered" your books and I'm excited to dive in :) Thanks for a fun post! What inspires your writing?

Jan Hougland said...

Absolutely adore your stories, Anna! And after reading these two exerpted letters between Richard and Genevieve I'm especially wanting to read your latest story asap! Thanks so much for your writing and for this post.

Anna Campbell said...

My pleasure, Robyn. Thank you. Good luck!

Anna Campbell said...

Sharon, so glad you enjoyed Rake. Thank you. It was such fun to revisit them for this game.

LilMissMolly said...

love your books, Anna! I own them all but this new one. Congrats on the new release!

LilMissMolly said...

Forgot my email addy - lvsgund at gmail dot com

Anna Campbell said...

Ann, thank you for that. So glad you enjoyed the letters! Good luck!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Erin! Lovely to meet you - so glad you found the books! Hope you have fun diving in. Interesting about inspiration - pretty much everything. With the Sons of Sin series, I started thinking about how men who had a shadow over the circumstances of their birth would get along in a world where breeding for both people and horses was so important.

Anna Campbell said...

Janice, thanks for swinging by. And for saying how much you enjoy the books! Actually I wrote these letters just for Dani - she's got that much influence, LOL! So they dont' actually apear in Rake although I've decided to put them up on my website next month.

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Molly! Wow, sounds like you need to finish up the collection, LOL! Thanks for saying how much you enjoy the books - that's lovely to hear. Good luck.

Cathy P said...

Hi, Anna! I love your books and can't wait to read this one. Really enjoyed and sighed over the love letters. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Cathy! Thanks for swinging by - so happy you love the books and that you enjoyed the letters. I got quite sigh-ish myself when I wrote them, LOL!

Unknown said...

I recently heard about you from another author and your books look enticing! I can't wait to be able to read them.

Kristine *chaos* said...

Hi Anna I love your books it always makes for a great read. I enjoyed the letters.
-Kristine R

Unknown said...

I recently heard about you from another author and your books look enticing! I can't wait to be able to read them.

Laurie G said...

Cute idea with the love letters.

I also enjoy your work Anna!

Karen H said...

Love all your books Anna and this one is no exception. I haven't read it yet, but it's on my books-to-buy list! Thank you for this great giveaway too.

Sophia Rose said...

Richard and Genevieve's story sounds delicious. Cute letters! I haven't read any of Anna's books, but they sound good.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
sophiarose1816 at gmail dot com

Diane D - Florida said...

Anna, do you know who wrote those beautiful letters in that beautiful handwriting?

Annwitch said...

You write such great books, I've enjoyed a few, especially Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed. Annwitch707(at)aol(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Anna, I love your books - Love the letters shared ..
I purchased the book as soon as I was able to order it, so I just am posting a note of thanks :-)
oh dear, love, love, love... a tad overused, but I can't think of anything better.

Anna Campbell said...

Dani put them up, Diane. Suspect she found a pretty font! Isn't it lovely how they actually LOOK like letters?

Anna Campbell said...

Danielle, your Christmas one always sparks a story idea for me!

Anna Campbell said...

Ann, I was blown away with the reception to that one. It harked back to the gothic romances I read as a teenager!

Anna Campbell said...

Trina, how lovely. Which author, do you mind me asking? Lovely when your peers give you a recommendation! Good luck!

Anna Campbell said...

Kristine, thanks for saying you enjoyed the letter. It was fun to write them. And thanks also for saying you love the books! x

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Laurie. This is the second year (as far as I know) that Dani has done this for Valentine's Day. Hope she does it again next year. I know her fans love it.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Karen! Lovely that you enjoy the books!!! Good luck for the giveaway.

Anna Campbell said...

Sophia, thanks so much for saying you enjoyed the letters. That teasing, bantering relationship hiding deep emotion is very much what the love story between Richard and Genevieve is like. They were a fun couple to get to know. Good luck!

Anna Campbell said...

Wow, HH, what a lovely message. Thanks so much. So glad you loved the book. I really enjoyed this particular couple - loved that they were both so prickly on the outside and big globs of marshmallow inside! LOL!

Kim said...

Congratulations on the book. I've read several glowing reviews.

Letter writing is becoming a lost art. When was the last time you received a handwritten letter from someone you cared about - not an email or card, but an actual letter?

Anna Campbell said...

Kim, I actually still get quite a few letters although I have to say, even there, people are starting to type them which, while lovely, isn't quite the same. One of the reasons I love getting postcards is that they're always handwritten. That just means so much more, somehow. Thanks for the congrats - reviews have been very nice!

Unknown said...

I still haven't read this series yet. It has been on my TBR list for a while and I'm getting tired of getting to its position on my list. I might have to skip to it so I can read

Unknown said...

I forgot to add my email paaj(_)xyoo(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anna Campbell said...

Sandy, I hear you on the TBR list. I read a great book yesterday (Antidote to Murder by Felicity Young) which I've had for nearly a year. At least I know if it's there, I will EVENTUALLY get to it! Hope you enjoy Rogue and Rake when you get to it - and hey, Duke's along in August!

Mary Preston said...

Wonderful to read through the letters thank you.


Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Mary! So glad you enjoyed the letters!

Jeanne M said...

Hi Anna!

I fell in love with Genevieve and Richard when I first "met" them in A Rake's Midnight Kiss and loved there letters to each other!

I must admit it took me back to the time when my husband would write to me when he was in the Navy during Vietnam (yes letters, no internet or Sype back in those days!). Of course it could be weeks between the time he wrote them and I received them but they were always re-read many times over!

I think that actually reading someones thoughts make more of a impact sometimes than just talking to them. Even though I missed hearing his voice I think that the written word which is "thought" about before committing to paper cane more fully explain a person true thoughts as opposed to just an email that I might be sent to many people instead of just one!

Are you still excited about getting a "real" letter instead of just a quick phone call or email as I am?

Anna Campbell said...

Jeanne, you put that absolutely beautifully. I so agree with you about the superiority of real letters. I think it's such a pity that hardly anyone writes them anymore. When I lived in England for two years, my mother and I wrote to each other every week. I kept all her letters and she kept all mine. Now she's gone, it's so precious having that record of that time. If we'd emailed - not that my mum would have emailed! - I'd have read and deleted.

Unknown said...

Anything written by Anna will bring you laughter, tears, joy, happiness and a jolt of lusty behavior you won't easily forget. And Anna is just a super all round great person too.

Betty Hamilton said...

I love reading Anna's books and love letters are a real weakness of mine... the two together should be wonderful!! I would LOVE to have a print copy!!

Sue G. said...

You have such beautiful covers. Do you help design them?
suegaluska (at) yahoo (dot) com
Print copy please

Unknown said...

Beautiful book cover and very interesting description of the story.

Anna Campbell said...

Wow, Amy, I want that on a T-shirt! Thank you so much! xxx

Anna Campbell said...

Good luck, Betty. I must say I find love letters fascinating too! Thanks for saying such nice things about the books.

Anna Campbell said...

Sue, I've been so lucky with covers. Have you seen the one for What a Duke Dares? Just luscious! I have consultation rights on the covers but that basically means them showing me what they're going with and me going, "Wow, that's gorgeous!"

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Olga. That cover is lovely, isn't it?

AmyD Avid Reader said...

Once again you just reinforced my desire to read this new story of yours! I cannot wait! The letters are simply wonderful and deliciously written. I look forward to more.

Constant Reader

Brooke Showalter said...

Oh wow, Anna! These letters just spoke write to my heart. *swoon* I would just love to read your stories.

brookeb811 at gmail dot com

Carol L. said...

Anna, I have always adored your books. Love the letters. It's so heartwarming to see the love flowing between the characters. :) I still write letters and get them. I agree that letters have so much more worth and an impact. Thanks for the post.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

jmcgaugh said...

Richard and Genevieve sound like a great pair. I look forward to reading their story.
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

bn100 said...

Nice letters

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Natasha said...

Love the letters!
Print would be wonderful.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Bube said...

Aw,I love these letters :)
Thanks for the chance :)

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