
Sealed With a Kiss Event - Jennifer McQuiston

Jennifer McQuiston is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Victoria-era historical romance, including What Happens in Scotland and Summer is for Lovers. The third book in her series, Moonlight on My Mind, will be released March 25, 2014. A veterinarian and infectious disease researcher by training, Jennifer has always preferred reading romance to scientific textbooks. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, two daughters (who got a pony out of mom’s book deal!), and a house full of pets.

Find Jennifer at:

His heart is unavailable.

Luckily, her interest lies in the rest of him…

Though she was just a girl when they first met, Caroline Tolbertson’s infatuation with David Cameron remains undimmed.

Now fate has brought the handsome Scotsman back to Brighton for what promises to be an unforgettable summer. Soon, Caroline will have to choose a husband, but for now she is free to indulge her curiosity in things of a passionate nature.

That is, if David will agree to teach her.

Past mistakes have convinced David he’ll make a terrible husband, though he’ll gladly help the unconventional Caroline find a suitor. Unfortunately, she has something more scandalous in mind. As the contenders for her hand begin to line up, her future seems assured…provided David can do the honorable thing and let them have her.

When a spirited young woman is determined to break Society’s rules, all a gentleman can do is lend a hand…or more.

Check out Caroline and David's love story in Summer is for Lovers

His heart is unavailable.

Luckily, her interest lies in the rest of him…

Though she was just a girl when they first met, Caroline Tolbertson’s infatuation with David Cameron remains undimmed.

Now fate has brought the handsome Scotsman back to Brighton for what promises to be an unforgettable summer. Soon, Caroline will have to choose a husband, but for now she is free to indulge her curiosity in things of a passionate nature.

That is, if David will agree to teach her.

Past mistakes have convinced David he’ll make a terrible husband, though he’ll gladly help the unconventional Caroline find a suitor. Unfortunately, she has something more scandalous in mind. As the contenders for her hand begin to line up, her future seems assured…provided David can do the honorable thing and let them have her.

When a spirited young woman is determined to break Society’s rules, all a gentleman can do is lend a hand…or more.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of What Happens in Scotland & Summer is for Lovers

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Jennifer.
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Jennifer McQuiston for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

Oh Jennifer! Cameron is such a tortured soul! These letters are just so beautifully written I'm speechless; but I want more of these nevertheless. I'm not sure but I tend to love these unsent letters more than the ones that were sent and replied to... Am I crazy? I just think these unsent letters are more open (well of course, they weren't sent and that's what they were meant to be, a sort of clearing of the mind) but they are just pure truths and I love that. I so cannot wait for Patrick's letters either next year or during the Christmas season~

Unknown said...

Loved it.

Karen H said...

Love your books Jennifer. I read the first book and loved it. I have the 2nd on my TBR shelves...need to pull it to the top to read soon before #3 hits the shelves! Love these letters too.

May said...

Love your books! What a great letter!

AquarianDancer said...

Those letters are adorable! I haven't read this series, so I would love the opportunity to start.

Kerrelyn Sparks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer McQuiston said...

Hi Kipha, I am so glad you enjoyed these secret love letters! Hopefully, they give folks a taste of the tortured nature of the love Caroline and David must work so hard to find.

(And apparently this blog post thinks I am Kerrilyn Sparks. Not that there's anything wrong with that! But I'm replying the old-fashioned way to avoid confusion.)

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Thank you so much Shannon!

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Well... better get hopping, # 3 is out March 25th, and it is barreling down on us faster than a southeastern ice storm! (Which is gripping Atlanta, where I am from, as we speak). Oh, and Summer is for Lovers is currently on a pretty amazing sale... the e-book is only $1.99 on all major bookseller sites! I feel a summer thaw coming on....

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Thank you so much May! I couldn't think of a letter either of the characters would actually be brave enough to send, LOL, but once I had established they weren't sending it, I was able to tap into their real desires. :)

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Thank you so much!

arizonadutt said...

I loved What Happens In Scotland! Now I need to get my hands on Summer Is For Lovers! Such a great series, with evocative writing and fabulous characters!

Di said...

Oh I want David to find his happiness - and I think Caroline is just the one to help him. I'd love to spend a summer in Brighton - especially as we are in the midst of this Nor'easter

Carol L. said...

These books are now on my TRL. I love the letters. Thanks for this giveaway opportunity and the chance to meet you here. Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sandy Kenny said...

Although I have not read "What Happens in Scotland", I have read Caroline and David's story. I love it that Caroline is so unconventional and the wounded soul that is David. I loved their story, Jennifer! Keep up the wonderful work!

Sue G. said...

I love these letters. These two lost souls are just longing for each other. :)

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read this book! I've heard great things about this author.

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Thank you everyone for all the kind comments! Glad you liked the letters...they were fun to write, although I had to work to back in the heads of characters I had 't written for over a year. :)

Jan Hougland said...

I love your letters much so that I MUST read the entire story of David and Caroline! I'm so glad you have another lovely story out, Jennifer, as I need another to feed my reading habit. :-) Thanks for participating in this blog hop and for this post.

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Thank you Janice! I LOVE a woman who knows how to feed her reading habit! (And calls it a habit, at that!)

erin said...

WOWZERS!!! Love those letters! I'm soooo excited cuz I just picked up your books during this recent awesome sale at Amazon :) Thank you soooo much!!! Now I just gotta lock the door, turn off the phone and dive in!

TerrieLynn61 said...

These covers are beautiful. The love letters are romantic.

Sharlene said...

Not entering the giveaway, as I already have both books. I love, love, love both of these books! And David is very swoon worthy!

sheryl said...

Loved both of these books. I can't wait for Moonlight! Thanks

lorimeehan said...

I loved Caroline's letter. Too cute!

kipha said...

LOLOL Now that is just weird~ Are you trying to tell me something about being Kerrilyn Sparks??? ;)

Emma said...

I like these letters.

Unknown said...

The letters!!! Caroline and David are perfect for each other even though he thought they weren't. I have got to love Caroline even more though. I can't wait for the next book!

jmcgaugh said...

I enjoyed the farcical story line of What Happens in Scotland, and I look forward to reading Summer is for Lovers.

Amanda V said...

Loved both books and can't wait for the third!

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Wow, lots of great entries going now. I am loving hearing from everyone, and so glad everyone likes the letters! I enjoyed writing them.

Glenda said...

I loved the letters! David and Caroline are so much alike! :-) Thanks for giving us some behind the scenes insight!

Hope you are staying warm!

dstoutholcomb said...

loved those letters

Heather S said...

I hope that you continue to have truly unconventional characters. So many authors say their heroines are unusual in some way, yet so many are cookie-cutter. I loved Caroline - I liked the idea of an athletic, muscular heroine who lived in a time and wore clothing that wasn't friendly to her or her lifestyle. May we have a plus-size heroine one of these days? One whose waist CAN'T be "spanned by the hero's hands"? lol

Unknown said...

love historical romance novels.....and the covers are really great:)

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Thanks Everyone! And Heather, I am pretty sure Caroline's waist can't be spanned by a hero's hands.... even a hero as tall as Cameron, LOL. But thanks for the kind words. I love that folks appreciate my unconventional heroines!

Laurie G said...

Cute idea with the love letters!

Caroline definitely sounds like an intelligent, determined young lady. David doesn't have a chance of escaping her! What a lucky man.

Glad to hear your third book will be released in March!

Are your characters ever based upon people you know?

Jennifer McQuiston said...

Hi Laurie... my characters are mostly figments of my rather rambunctious imagination, although I will say the heroine in book #3 (Julianne Baxter) shares some characteristics with a close friend of mine... but shhhh.... I haven't told her yet. I'm waiting to see if she figures it out.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I've not read any of these books and look forward to doing so. Thanks :)

bn100 said...

Interesting blurb

Natasha said...

Love the letters!
Thanks for the chance to win!

LilMissMolly said...

Your books are great and I'm looking forward to reading new ones.

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