
Sealed With a Kiss Event - Robyn DeHart

A life-long lover of stories and adventure, it was either become a stuntwoman for the movies or live out those adventures from the safety of her PJ's and computer. Award-winning author, Robyn DeHart chose the latter and couldn't be happier for doing so. Known for her unique plotlines and authentic characters, Robyn is a favorite among readers and reviewers. Publishers' Weekly claims her books as "sizzling romance" while the Chicago Tribune dubs her "wonderfully entertaining." Robyn is an award-winning author as well as being a four-time RT Bookclub Reviewers' Choice award nominee, and a three-time RomCon Reader's Crown nominee. Look for Robyn's new trilogy on forbidden love coming from Entangled: A Little Bit Wicked (fall 2012), A Little Bit Sinful (spring 2013) and A Little Bit Scandalous (summer 2013). Also in 2013, she'll launch a new historical romantic suspense series with NAL, the first in the series is The Secrets of Mia Danvers (2013). Robyn lives in Texas with her brainy husband, two precocious little girls and two spoiled cats.

Find Robyn at:

Meet Remington "Remy" Hawthorne and Emma Masterson, they are both spies working for the elite group known as the Seven. They worked together once before and parted ways as enemies. Now they're assigned together again and this time she's masquerading as his mistress.

Check out Remy and Emma's love story in No Ordinary Mistress

London, 1814

Remington Hawthorne, Earl of Latham, has spent his life protecting the Crown. When he's assigned to play the part of lover to Emma Masterson, one of the few female spies in England and the one woman he can't forget, he'll have to risk his heart as well as his life.

It isn't easy being an independent woman, much less a spy. Perpetually tasked with proving she is as valuable as any man in her profession, the last thing Emma needs is to be reunited with the one man who makes her want to forget her duties and get lost in passion.

Pretending to be his mistress isn't difficult - remembering that it is all a charade is a challenge. With every glance, every touch, every kiss, she is drawn deeper under his spell and pulled further from her goals. She refused him once, but it will take every ounce of strength to not give in to the passion that still burns strong...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of A Little Bit Wicked

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Robyn.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Robyn DeHart for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

Hi Robyn!!! I'm so excited for Remy and Emma's story!!! It's looking and sounding so great.
Were they one couple you planned to have a story for from the beginning or did they just crept up on you to have their story told ?

May said...

I think it is great to have a female spy. Certainly interesting!

sheryl said...

I am going to have to read this one ASAP! I love a great spy book, especially when the heroine is a spy as well. Thanks for the post, I love Robyn's books and I am wondering how is missed this one.

Karen H said...

Oh, I love the sound of this novella. When will you have details up on your website?

Cathy P said...

Hi, Robyn! I love your books and this one is definitely another winner. I love meaty spy books, and I can't wait to sink my teeth in this one.

Robyn DeHart said...

Karen, thanks for the reminder. Will update my website today!

Glad y'all like the sound of this one. It comes out next month (Mar 10th) and launches my Masquerading Mistresses novella trilogy.

Kipha - you know these characters were sort of here in the proposal of the series, but took on a whole new direction/life when I started writing. Initially neither one of them were spies. But when stories start to come to life, things change and sometimes I just sit back and enjoy the ride

Emma said...

This book sounds wonderful.

dstoutholcomb said...

very nice--I'm intrigued

lorimeehan said...

The book sounds really good. You are a new author to me Robyn.

LilMissMolly said...

I've enjoyed your books since your treasure hunter days. :)

Glenda said...

Robyn, great to know this is going to be part of a trilogy!! Looking forward to reading all of them!

bn100 said...

Interesting blurb

AquarianDancer said...

I love second chance stories! This sounds fantastic.

Mary Preston said...

Hi Robyn, I'm quite sure you had as much fun writing the letters as I had reading them.

jmcgaugh said...

I enjoyed the letters; the book sounds like a great read.

Unknown said...

you are a new author to me. this sounds like a good read since regency romances are my fav.

Janice said...

Very excited to read this book. Thanks for the amazing chance to win.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for the book! I've read most of your books and I can't wait to read it!

Jan Hougland said...

Hello Robyn! Love your stories...and the excerpt letters on this post. So I just went to Amazon and bought No Ordinary Mistress. :-) Thanks for participating in this valentine's day tour.

erin said...

OOOohhh! This sounds fantastic! Congrats Robyn on the new release and thanks for sharing :)

TerrieLynn61 said...

Love the excerpt. I also like the cover. Can't wait to read.

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Robyn! I can't wait to read Emma and Remy's story!

Unknown said...

Hi Robyn, I love spy books and the letters made me smile..cannot wait to read. BTW, I love your other books.

Kim said...

I always enjoy novels with a backdrop of spying. Sounds interesting.

Sue G. said...

This sounds really good.

Unknown said...

Very interesting description of the story.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I can't wait to read this. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Valentines Day :)

Colleen C. said...

I enjoyed reading the letters! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds really good. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read. Thanks for the giveaway.

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