
Sealed With a Kiss Event - Tessa Dare

Tessa Dare is the New York Times bestselling author of nine historical romance novels and three novellas. A librarian by training and book-lover at heart, she makes her home in Southern California, where she lives with her husband, their two children, and a big brown dog.

Places to find Tessa:
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Izzy and Ransom, the hero and heroine of Romancing the Duke can’t write each other traditional letters. That’s because Ransom is (mostly) blind following a dueling injury, and while the two of them are forced to cohabitate in a medieval castle, Izzy serves as his secretary, reading and writing his letters for him.

So rather than have the two of them write letters back and forth, I took the chance to write this as a sort of bonus scene.


“Take a letter, Goodnight.”

Take a letter?

Izzy looked up, surprised. For the past several days, she’d been serving as the duke’s secretary, reading through and sorting out the correspondence that had accumulated since his injury. She’d read aloud hundreds of letters, reports, and invitations, but she’d never once been asked to take dictation.

“Very well.” She found a fresh sheet of paper and dipped her quill. “How shall I begin?”

“Begin thusly.” He propped his hands behind his head. “Last night, I spent hours dreaming of your nakedness.”

Izzy blushed.

Of course. Of all the letters he’d received from his associates, social peers, and men of business, this would be the subject that moved him to respond. She’d had been forced to read aloud more than one shocking missive from a former lover complaining of the duke’s absence from her bedchamber. She wondered which of the ladies he had in mind. Perhaps he didn’t even care. He probably said such things to all the girls.

He said a lot of things. From the nakedness, he went on. And on. Forcing Izzy to transcribe a series of scandalizing descriptions, sensual promises, and bodily contortions.

When she tried to pen the word “nipples,” her quill rebelled in embarrassment. “That’s enough,” she said. “This isn’t a real letter. You’re only trying to humiliate me.”

“If I am, I think it’s working.” A smirk tipped his mouth. “I can feel your cheeks blazing from here.”

“You are terrible.”

“I’ve never claimed otherwise. And if this letter is teasing on my part, you may consider it repayment for that fiction of yours.”

She shook her head, confused. “What fiction of mine?”

“Yesterday. You read a letter inviting me to my club’s annual Bacchanalian. And you embellished it.”

“I’m certain I did no such thing.” But her reply was not as robust at it might have been, for she knew it was a lie.

“You did,” he insisted. “All that business at the end. ‘Our merriment has suffered without your companionship’; ‘We are eager to see you again.’ Most egregious of all, ‘You are missed.’ Fabrications, all of it. No one in London is suffering for my absence. No one is eager to see me back. No one is missing me. You made it up. I know you’re fond of stories, but I don’t need your pity, Goodnight.”

Izzy bit her lip. He was right. She’d made that part up. She couldn’t help it. In all these heaps of letters, there weren’t any that expressed any friendly concern or well wishes for the duke at all. The lack of sentiment didn’t seem to bother him, but it bothered Izzy.

Everyone should have someone who cared.

“Very well,” she said. “You caught me out. You made your point. Shall I throw this in the fire then?”

“No,” he said. “Don’t. That letter was dictated in earnest.”

“Oh, really?”

“Add this one last line. ‘The concern you have expressed is touching, but misplaced.’”

Izzy did as he asked. “And to whom shall I address it?”

“To Miss Isolde Goodnight, Gostley Castle near Woolington, Northumberland.”

“To… to me?”

Laughing, she skimmed over the absurdities of I dreamt of your nakedness, and all the crudeness that followed. Surely he didn’t mean any of that. Not with her.

But her eyes went straight to that last line.

The concern you have expressed is touching, but misplaced.

This was the message she was meant to absorb.

Izzy couldn’t agree. She didn’t think her concern was misplaced. Perhaps none of these other people writing the duke letters cared one whit whether he rejoined society or withered to dust.

But she did. She cared.

“So,” she said. “Do you despise the idea that someone would feel protective of your feelings? Or are you perturbed because the someone is me?”


“Well, then.” Izzy folded the letter and set it aside. “Since my concern vexes you, I shall be certain to continue with it. Vexing you is my primary means of amusement.”

“Did you say something?” he replied, sounding bored. “I couldn’t hear you above all the imaginary nakedness.”

Izzy only smiled to herself. He might be as gruff, crude, and surly as he wished. He couldn’t fool her, and he couldn’t stop her from caring.

She folded the scandalous letter now addressed to her and tucked it away. Not in her pocket.

In her bodice.

Teasing or not… it might be the closest thing to a love letter she’d ever receive.

As the daughter of a famed author, Isolde Ophelia Goodnight grew up on tales of brave knights and fair maidens. She never doubted romance would be in her future, too. The storybooks offered endless possibilities.

And as she grew older, Izzy crossed them off. One by one by one.

Ugly duckling turned swan?
Abducted by handsome highwayman?
Rescued from drudgery by charming prince?

No, no, and… Heh.

Now Izzy’s given up yearning for romance. She’ll settle for a roof over her head. What fairy tales are left over for an impoverished twenty-six year-old woman who’s never even been kissed?

This one.

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 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Romancing the Duke

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Tessa.
  • Choice of print or eBook copy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Tessa Dare for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Linda said...

Love it Tessa & can't wait to read it but then I love all your books :)
The book blurb is quite swoonworthy too "This one". *Sighs*

Anita H. said...

I have Tessa's book on my wishlist, and after reading this bonus scene, I can't wait to read it!

Karen H said...

I have read a few of your older books and have several more on my TBR shelves. This books sounds like a whole lot of fun. Putting on my books-to-buy list right now..

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the great review! I absolutely LOVE this cover it's very pretty!! :) Great job on the book!

May said...

Love Any Duchess will do so I am looking forward to this one!

TxDee said...

I know this book will be a treat. I have read as many of your books as I have been able to find and have never been disappointed. Each heroine/hero has been unique and so well developed that I still remember them long after I have finished the book. Given that I read dozens of romances every month, that's my highest recommendation!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway! I've wanted to read this book, so fingers crossed. :-)

Sue G. said...

This looks good! I enjoyed their teasing each other.

Alina P said...

I can't wait to read it! Ransom sounds like lots of fun and so does Izzy. I think I've read only 1 or 2 books where the MC was (almost)blind and it's always humbling to read :)

kmannrn said...

I love Tessa's books an d can't wait to read this one.

cheryl c said...

I have enjoyed your other books, and this one sounds like another winner for you. I love the teasing banter in this scene.

Jan Hougland said...

Izzy and Ransom. I'm no going to be able to get those names out of my head now that I've read the excerpt about those letters. Have you no shame, Tessa? :-) Now I MUST have the entire story so I'll be able to quiet my mind. Thanks for your writing and thanks for the post.

AquarianDancer said...

Hehe. I love lists. Probably more than I should.

Unknown said...

love the cover; putting this on my TBR list....

erin said...

congrats to Tessa on the new release! Wowzers! That was a fun yet steamy scene :) Thanks for sharing!

Di said...

Ransom is in for trouble with Izzy - I'll love seeing how she achieves her romantic desires!

sheryl said...

I loved this book!!! Tessa writes the best stories and I can't wait to read the next installment of this series

LilMissMolly said...

Just bought this PB today! I own all your books! Wouldn't mind a kindle version either though. Any chance you'll start making audio versions.

Glittergirl said...

I would love to win this book as it's gotten rave reviews! I have not started reading you yet but I can tell I must start collecting :-) Winning one will get me started! Thanks for the giveaway

Sophia Rose said...

That was a fun added scene. I enjoyed getting to know the characters a little. I haven't read this one yet so now I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway opportunity.

Pam said...

I'm looking forward to reading this book. I loved the Spindle Cove series, so I know I'll enjoy this one as well.

Jeanne M said...

Hi Tessa!

After reading so many of your books I know that in the end that Izzy won't settle for just a roof over her head and can't wait to find out who her hero will be that will see her for what she truly is - a woman who not only needs to be loved but will be just the right woman for him!

Diane D - Florida said...

Thank you Tessa for always writing such enjoyable books. I'd love to read "Romancing The Duke" in print, if I'm lucky enough to win.

Barbara E. said...

I can't wait to read Izzy's fairy tale. I know I'm going to love it. :D

Emma said...

Romancing the Duke sounds wonderful.Have a wonderful weekend.

lorimeehan said...

Great post. I'm putting this book on my TBR pile.

dstoutholcomb said...

loved the teaser.

I'd be happy with print or kindle-friendly ebook if chosen.

jmcgaugh said...

I enjoyed the bonus scene. I really must read this book!

Janice said...

I love Tessa Dare books. I consider The Spindle Cove Series one of my all time favorite historical romances. Looking forward to reading this new series.

Carol L. said...

Tessa, I have enjoyed everyone of your books. Izzy and Ransom sound like a fun loving pair of characters. It's definitely on my TRL. Would love a Print if I win. Thanks for this chance.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

mod2011 said...

The premise sounded interesting but wow ! I need this book !

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Tessa! Love Ransom and Izzy! I just started reading it the other day and am enjoying it immensely!

Unknown said...

I'm excited about this book! I read all your other series and I can't wait to read this. Izzy sounds like a woman who just might get her fairy tale ending

JenM said...

I loved all of the Spindle Cove books, and I'm looking forward to reading this, especially with the added bonus of a damaged hero.

Cathy P said...

Hi, Tessa! I have not had the pleasure of reading any of your books yet, but if the above is any indication, that is going to cfhange. I have also read some reviews of some of your books, and they were very good. Thanks for the giveaway.

Natasha said...

I can't wait to read Romancing the Duke!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie said...

These two are so adorable it hurts. Thanks for the excerpt!

Mary Preston said...

Love the crossed out list.

kipha said...

Teehee!!! Hi Tessa, that was a great deleted scene from the book! I cannot wait to read the next one~ Who said writing a love letter can't be fun when that someone you're writing to is the one to write it for you. ;D

Ada said...

Love the deleted bonus scene, now I'm dying to read the book! Can't wait to see how Izzy and Ransom will get to their HEA!

Glenda said...

Tessa, I adored that scene!! It was so very sweet and sexy.... I'm going to assume that Ransom wasn't making up the dreaming part either. :-)

bn100 said...

Sounds different

Rebe said...

Tessa's books are so much fun and this sounds like no exception!

Kim said...

The red just pops off that cover. It's quiet nice. I've been hearing a lot of positive things about your new book.

Tessa Dare said...

Just wanted to come by and say thank you all so much for reading, and thanks to Danielle for inviting me! I really had fun writing the little extra scene, and I'm glad many of you enjoyed it, too. :)

Tessa Dare said...

Oh, you know he wasn't. :)

Unknown said...

Very interesting description of the story.

Bube said...

Great bonus scene,I enjoyed reading theirs teasing :D
Thanks for the chance :)

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