
Sealed With a Kiss Event - Theresa Romain

Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest, where she is working on her next book.

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When IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE begins, Henry Middlebrook has just returned from war after losing the use of his right arm. He’s determined to rebuild his life, and since he was a talented artist before he went to war, he starts relearning how to paint left-handed. He also befriends a clever widow, Frances Whittier, who may or may not have something to do with secret love letters that kindle a new passion in Henry’s heart.

Ok, she has a lot to do with those letters. Everything, in fact.

This is a Regency take on the Cyrano story, and Frances and Henry have a rough road to their HEA. There are secrets, a mysterious portrait, a duel, and lots of kissin’. But all ends well in this version of the tale!

Frances and Henry exchanged these letters in February 1816, about six months after their marriage near the end of IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE. By this time, Henry is able to write pretty well with his left hand, and he sends a love letter of his own.

Check out Henry and Frances' love story in It Takes Two to Tangle


Henry Middlebrook is back from fighting Napoleon, ready to re-enter London society where he left it. Wounded and battle weary, he decides that the right wife is all he needs. Selecting the most desirable lady in the ton, Henry turns to her best friend and companion to help him with his suit…


Young and beautiful, war widow Frances Whittier is no stranger to social intrigue. She finds Henry Middlebrook courageous and manly, unlike the foppish aristocrats she is used to, and is inspired to exercise her considerable wit on his behalf. But she may be too clever for her own good, and Frances discovers that she has set in motion a complicated train of events that’s only going to break her own heart…

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 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of It Takes Two to Tangle

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Theresa.
  • Choice of print or eBook copy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Theresa Romain for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Laurie G said...

How devastating to come back from a war with both emotional and physical wounds. Both Frances and Henry have to overcome their losses. I'm glad that their mutual needs cause them to team up as friends and eventually lovers. I loved the Cyrano movie with Steve martin.

Have you been to any of the war memorials in Washington DC or elsewhere in the USA?
My brother lost a good friend in Vietnam. Plus one of our neighbors has trouble walking due to a war related helicopter crash.

War definitely effects the soldier but it also effects family, friends and neighbors too.

Best wishes!

Laurie G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen H said...

I was touched by the hero's war injury. Actually, the same thing happened to my uncle during WWII. He was a talented, right-handed artist and part of his job was to draw maps, mostly behind enemy lines in the Pacific theater. He lost his right arm when a grenade was lobbed into his foxhole. Through therapy, he learned to use his left hand and actually ended up a better artist with his left than he was with his right.

Enjoyed your love letters today and since I don't have any of your work on my TBR pile, I'm looking to add your books very soon.

Kim V said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Love your books.

AquarianDancer said...

These letters are beautiful. I like that they are romantic and somewhat humorous as well.

May said...

What a great letter. :)

Love your books. I am reading one of yours now.

Alina P said...

The letters are lovely!
Love the cover as well

knye said...

I really love this letter idea. Did you enjoy revisiting the characters? Maybe this idea could be used for a future book's epilogue?

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to reading this and love the letters. I have a soft spot for veterans in books.

Unknown said...

a new author for me. love the cover. Historical romance is my fav genre. putting this on my TBR list. thanks for the giveaway

Diane D - Florida said...

I loved the letters too. I also think that the cover is beautiful, and that I would love to read this. Thank you for the chance to win.

Bube said...

Beautiful letters :)
Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Theresa, the letters are beautiful and so emotional. I have this book and am looking forward to reading it. Happy Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

Laurie G, that's beautifully said. The effects of war go far beyond those who see combat. A support system as part of recovery (in Regency terms, of course) is an important part of this story. Hope you enjoy it.

Yes, I've been to the memorials in DC--though not for many years, and I'd love to go back. There's so much history in that city that I could just drink up.

Unknown said...

Karen, oh my goodness--what an amazing story about your uncle. So glad he found a way to heal and continue to use his talents. Thank you for stopping by today!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Kim! A very happy Valentine's Day to you too.

Unknown said...

Aquariandancer, so glad you enjoyed them! I love to mix a few grins into my stories. Henry and Frances have a rough journey to HEA, but they do make each other laugh along the way.

Unknown said...

May, how cool! Thank you so much. :) Which book are you reading?

Unknown said...

Thanks, Alina! Glad you enjoyed the letters. I love that cover too. My publisher's art department does beautiful work.

Unknown said...

knye, yes--it was fun to peek back at Henry and Frances! These letters are exchanged between the main story of IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE and its epilogue (which happens in March 1816, a month later). So you can think of them as epilogue part 1. :)

Unknown said...

Jen, thank you. If you get hold of IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE, I'd love to know what you think.

Unknown said...

Hi, Barbara--glad we crossed virtual paths! Historical romance is my favorite genre too. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Diane. Good luck, and happy Valentine's day!

Unknown said...

And to you, Bube! :) Do you have any plans for the day?

Unknown said...

Angela, what a nice compliment. Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the book, and a very happy Valentine's Day to you too.

Di said...

Henry's war was 200 years ago and there have been so many since - I want to read how Henry and Frances get their happiness after loosing so much to war.

Emma said...

The letters are wonderful.!Thank you for the chance to win.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Jan Hougland said...

Theresa, I loved the excerpts on today's posts and have loved every story of yours I've read. Now I want to read the entire book about Henry and Frances' romance and HEA! Thanks so much for your participation in this hop tour and for this post.

Jan Hougland said...

p.s. Happy Valentine's Day to one of my fave historical romance authors!

erin said...

How romantic :) This is especially intriguing as it sounds like they had a lot of hurdles to overcome! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I've always loved the Cyrano story and look forward to reading IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE, which I have added to my TBR.

Unknown said...

Di, one of my favorite things about Henry and Frances is their determination. They may have lost a lot, but they won't give up on finding happiness.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Emma--glad you enjoyed them. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Unknown said...

Janice, that's so kind of you. I'm glad you've enjoyed my books in the past--I hope you like this one as well! Have a great Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

Erin, they did indeed have a lot of hurdles. But sometimes that makes the happy ending all the sweeter. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks very much, Katherine! I hope you enjoy it.

lorimeehan said...

The book sounds good and I love that cover.

Carol L. said...

Hi Theresa, I have always enjoyed your books and this one is next. It's on my TRL now. Love the cover and the letters. Getting to see into the heart and soul of the charcters.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Pam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pam said...

Hi Theresa, I love your books as well. This book sounds like a great read and the cover is really lovely. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

Glittergirl said...

Hey Theresa! How did you come up wirh the idea to make the hero left handed and what did you discover were his difficulties in a right handed world? Thanks for the giveaway and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY <3

kipha said...

Beautifully written!! Henry is so an artist! Well of course you are too Theresa, you're the author. LOL
I cannot wait wait to see if they're in the next book with Caroline and Michael~

Unknown said...

Thanks, Lori! I love that cover too. My publisher did a beautiful job.

Unknown said...

Carol, seeing into the characters is one of my favorite things about reading romance. Glad you enjoyed the letters!

Unknown said...

Pam, thanks so much. Good luck, and happy Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

Hi, Glittergirl! Left-handed high five to you. :) I wanted the hero to have the challenge of losing the use of his dominant hand. Since most people are right-handed, he had to become a lefty. And Frances, the heroine, was a left-handed person who was made to switch hands, so she could help him through a few of the challenges. Figuring out how to write was a big one, since writing with quill and ink is pretty different for the left hand.

Unknown said...

Ki, you're so kind! Thank you. :) Henry and Frances don't really show up in the next book, but Henry's brother and sister-in-law (Jem and Emily) are an important part of the story.

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! It's been so fun to visit with you all today. :) I'll be back tomorrow to check in again, so feel free to drop any questions or thoughts in the comments. Danielle, thank you for hosting the Sealed with a Kiss series--love it!

sheryl said...

I have yet to read this one. I like how you wrote the hero, as missing an arm. You usually don't see a missing limb too often in romance novels. Thanks for the chance and Happy Valentine's Day to you

dstoutholcomb said...

love those letters!

Sophia Rose said...

I love the idea that this regency romance features a more complex hero and heroine who have been affected by the war. This one sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Happy Valentine's Day!

bn100 said...

Sounds different

Sharlene said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Barbara E. said...

I loved the letters and I really want to get to know Henry and Frances better by reading their story.

Glenda said...

What great letters! I love the dynamics between Henry and Frances.

Happy Valentines Day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful book cover and very interesting description of the story.

AmyD Avid Reader said...

How lovely the glimpse of the heart in those letters that reveal such a riveting story to be told. I cannot wait to read it! I hope you have much success! Love the story line. Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day. :) Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely story.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hey Theresa! I loved the and the beautiful cover. I can't wait to read this one. It sounds like a great read! My 8 yr old son sends a leftie high five to you. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

HI, Sheryl--I really enjoy stories with wounded heroes (or heroines!), seeing how they rebuild their lives. Rather than losing an arm, Henry's arm is paralyzed--which in some ways makes it harder for him to adjust to the injury. But I promise him--and you as a reader--an HEA in the end.

Unknown said...

Thanks, so glad you enjoyed them!

Unknown said...

Sophia, thanks. Some of my books have been lighter, and in some the characters have more to struggle through. Frances and Henry both have wounds, but in a romance you know everything will end well.

Unknown said...

Hi, bn100--thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sharlene! I still have chocolate left, so the celebration continues. :)

Unknown said...

Barbara, that puts a grin on my face. I'm so glad you enjoyed the letters. On my website, you can read the full Chapter 1 of IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE as well:

Unknown said...

Thanks, Glenda! By this point, they've been married for several months and they can't resist teasing each other a little. :)

Unknown said...

Olga, isn't that cover lovely? My publisher deserves all the credit there. I just adore the red.

Unknown said...

Amy, thank you! Glad the story sounds interesting to you. If you get hold of a copy, let me know what you think. :)

Valentine's Day involved chocolate and my favorite Chinese food, so I call that a great day. How was yours?

Unknown said...

Woohoo! Leftie high five right back to your son. :) Thanks for visiting, Sandy!

jmcgaugh said...

Very sweet letters. I look forward to reading Frances and Henry's story.

Mary Preston said...

Thank you for the wonderful letters.

TerrieLynn61 said...

Your covers are romantic and beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thanks, jmcgaugh! Good luck to you.

Unknown said...

Mary, you're so welcome. Thank you for stopping by! I love these special events that Danielle runs, because then I get to read fun extras from all the other authors. :)

Unknown said...

I totally agree, TerrieLynn61. I can't take any of the credit; my publishers' art departments handle the cover design. It's always a delightful surprise to see what they come up with.

LilMissMolly said...

Wonderful letters, books and covers. Thank you so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Glad you enjoyed, LilMissMolly!

Unknown said...

I read the book and I love it! I think these two are my favorite couple from Theresa's series. Wounded hero are always a plus because the heroine has to do more work in letting him know that they love him no matter what happen to him

Natasha said...

Love the letters!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Sandy, how cool--thanks for reading ITTTT, and for letting me know you enjoyed it! You're so right, when a hero gets wounded, it changes things not just for him but for the heroine too.

Unknown said...

Hi, Natasha--thank you for stopping by!

Bube said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bube said...

A little late with response,sorry,it was not intentional!
Nope Theresa,was another day,also in my country we’re celebrating Saint Tryphon,the patron of wine,wine-makers and vineyards.
Love and wine :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a marvelous celebration! :)

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