
ARC Review: Claimed by the Rogue by Hope Tarr

Robert Bellamy is finally returning to London after a six year absence. It was not of his choosing. His ship was attacked by pirates and their sadistic captain sold Robert into slavery. One thought has kept him alive, his love for Phoebe Trent. He holds tight to the chain with her miniature attached. His only thought is to get to her and proclaim his love. His timing couldn’t be worse. She’s preparing for her engagement to Aristide Bouchart with a masquerade ball. As Phoebe dresses for the party, she holds the necklace Robert gave her so many years ago. The man she loves and believes to be lost at sea. Dressed in his foreign attire, Robert slips into the party. Phoebe steps out on the balcony and is approached by Robert. After she recognizes him, she faints. Her parents and Aristide are furious about his reappearance. Aristide plans to marry Phoebe for her money. He needs Robert to disappear permanently. Two attempts are made on Robert’s life and a suspicious fire burns his stored cargo. After meeting Aristide, Robert believes they have met before. Robert stays with his sister and her family while trying to reacquaint himself to Phoebe. She fills her time with charity work for orphans. Robert decides to woo her back by volunteering too. She sees the man she fell in love with and begins to rekindle the fire. Aristide enlists the help of Phoebe’s maid in hatching a plan to make Phoebe leave her house alone. They take her dog hostage. Robert remembers where he’s seen Aristide before and races to tell Phoebe. Too late, she’s been abducted. Will Robert and his friends be in time to save her and her little dog too?

Robert and Phoebe make an attractive couple. True love lasts forever. Phoebe is afraid to be left again. If she doesn’t marry soon, she never will. Society dictates women need to wed by a certain age. Her mother pressures her to marry Aristide. Robert has endured horrible circumstances and lives only to see Phoebe again. Their reunion is sweet and well worth the read.

The first book in this series, A Rogue’s Pleasure, was released in 2010. Characters from that book and backstory circle through this story. It should be read first because the history between Robert and Phoebe is better defined.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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