
ARC Review: Frenched by Melanie Harlow

I really loved this book. This is the first of Melanie Harlow's books that I have read, but it definitely won't be my last! The writing was fantastic, the characters were interesting and easy to relate to and the story was funny and engaging. I thought that Mia and Lucas were so much fun to read about and I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed their story. At first I was a little worried that the theme of this story had been done so many times before, but this one was different than any that I have read before and I absolutely fell in love with Lucas and Mia's story.

When Mia is dumped right before her wedding, her friends talk her into going to Paris on her honeymoon alone. Her first night in Paris, she ends up in a Canadian bar and meets a bartender that is half French and half American. When Mia says that she is going to return home the next morning, Lucas the bartender says that he will offer to take her around the city and act as her tour guide as long as she agrees to not leave right away and to give Paris a chance. As Lucas and Mia tour the city, they get to know each other and the attraction between them continues to grow. Mia knows that she is heading home in a week and the last thing that she needs is another love affair gone wrong. But she decides that she can have a good time while in Paris and decides to pursue a sexy fling with Lucas. But the more time they spend together, the more their feelings for each other grow. Soon they are both wondering what will happen at the end of the week and if there is any chance of a future together.

I loved Lucas. Words cannot even describe how amazing Lucas is. He was sexy and smart, passionate and sweet. I loved how he was with Mia. He was always making sure that she was comfortable with everything between them and didn't rush her or push her into anything. I liked that he gave her a hard time though and that he did push her out of her comfort zone when it came to living her life. He got her to see that there was more to life than lists, plans and organizing everything. I also really loved how what you saw was what you got with him. He wasn't afraid to be who he was or be completely upfront and honest about how he felt. He also wasn't willing to make promises that he knew he couldn't keep or thought that he couldn't keep and I thought that was really refreshing in a hero. Mia was also great. She was a bit uptight, but she was also really funny. I loved her lists and they always made me laugh. I loved that she was able to keep up with everything Lucas threw her way and she was also able to dish it right back. She was sweet and caring and I loved how even though her growing feelings scared her, she wasn't afraid to go for it or put herself out there. I thought that Lucas and Mia had such a strong and natural connection. You could really feel it right from the start, and it was just one of those undeniable connections that you didn't question at all even being that it happened rather fast. The chemistry between them was off the charts, and it seemed even more intense because of their connection. I thought that they were extremely steamy together, and I loved every single bit of it.

Overall, I was really impressed with how fantastic this book was. I loved Mia and Lucas and was instantly invested in their story. I really got lost in this book and the characters and didn't want to put this one down for a second. If I had anything to complain about, and believe me there wasn't much, it was that I would have liked a little more to their story. I was hoping to get maybe an epilogue or one more chapter, and that could just be me being greedy. The ending was satisfying and was in a happy place with no cliffhanger, but it was a little more abrupt than I would have preferred. I just wanted more. But really that is the only thing that I can even think of that wasn't beyond amazing. I really cannot wait to read more from Melanie Harlow in the future. Her writing style was really enjoyable and I loved how this book had everything I could have hoped for and more. There was just enough sweetness, steam, romance and humor to keep me turning the pages on this one. I absolutely fell in love with Lucas and this story, and I would highly recommend this one. This is one of the best Contemporary Romances that I have ever read, and I think this is definitely a must read.

**ARC provided by AToMR**

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Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the amazing review! I truly appreciate it, and it means so much that the one thing you wanted was more of Mia and Lucas! More is coming, I promise. :)

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