
ARC Review: The Hazards of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy

The Hazards of a One Night Stand is the second book in the Hazards Series by Alyssa Rose Ivy. These books do not have to be read in order as they are standalones, I had no problems while reading this book even though I hadn't read the first one in the series. This is the second book that I have now read by Alyssa Rose Ivy, and I am really enjoying everything that I read by her. She is a great writer, the stories are entertaining and engaging, and the characters are likable and interesting. I really liked reading Colt and Mallory's story, and I can't wait to go back and read the first book in this series now. If you haven't read a book by Alyssa Rose Ivy and are a New Adult fan, you should definitely give her books a shot.

While home for the summer from college, Mallory ends up hooking up with her high school crush Colt. The only problem is that she is really good friends with him, he is younger than her, and he just so happens to be her ex-boyfriend's brother. Mallory is determined to get away from him as fast as possible and get back to just being friends from afar. She heads back to school early and lets her friends set her up with Tanner. But when Mallory and her friends go to a party at Tanner's frat, she finds out that Colt is attending college there and is pledging the same fraternity. Mallory goes on a few dates with Tanner and although she feels nothing for him she is reluctant to stop seeing him. But Colt is determined to prove to Mallory that they belong together and that she should give a relationship between them a chance. Once Mallory finally admits her feelings for Colt, they begin seeing each other. But can they make a relationship work when there are still a lot of obstacles in their way?

I liked Colt a lot. He was a really sweet guy, and he was always thinking about Mallory. He was always doing little things for her that she liked and he was always there for her when she needed him. It was also really great to see how determined he was. He knew that they got along great and that they had a connection, and he was so patient in trying to convince Mallory that they were perfect for each other. I loved that he never gave up or was a jerk to her. Mallory had her moments for me. I liked her personality and I liked her friendship with the girls and their boyfriends, but the constant push and pull with Colt drove me crazy. She was hot and cold with him, and I didn't understand why she kept trying to have something with Tanner when it was clear she felt nothing for him and liked Colt. I did like that once she finally admitted her feelings though, that she went with it. She didn't waver and she was committed to him even with the many obstacles that got thrown in their way. Colt and Mallory were a great couple, and I loved how they were with each other. I also thought that they had a ton of chemistry together.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable read. I will admit that there were a few characters in this story that I didn't like at all. I hated Mallory's dad and I really didn't like Tanner. I didn't like him from the start, and I guess that is why I just couldn't understand what Mallory was doing with him. But I loved the rest of the characters, and I really liked that they all hung out together. It's rare that a group of girls and their boyfriends all like each other and can do everything together without someone feeling left out or it feeling forced. This group just worked together, and I enjoyed all the times they were together as well as when it was just Colt and Mallory. I felt like with this book there were a few things that were brought up and dropped, and I would have liked for those things to have at least been acknowledged. Colt refers to a letter that he wrote to Mallory in a care package several times, and yet it is never read by Mallory or mentioned again later in the book. There was also something that her dad did in the past that really had an effect on Mallory's life that is brought up, but I felt like it was never really dealt with. I can't say what as I don't want to spoil anything, but I really thought that Mallory should have discussed it with others besides her dad. Not that it would change her life at that point, but it was a pretty big deal at least to me. I did like this story though, and I thought that Mallory and Colt were meant to be together. I was happy with how things ended up for them and I liked watching them fall for each other. Alyssa Rose Ivy has written a great set of characters with this series, and they are definitely worth the read. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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