
ARC Review: Wallflower Gone Wild by Maya Rodale

I read Maya Rondale before and I think she is really a fantastic and creative writer. She writes scenes with such precision that they are easily believable. I also like that her characters are always different, unique and almost a little bit of outcasts. I really like her as an author.

Wallflower Gone Wild was a historical romance/comedy. There were so many scenes and so many conversations that are laugh-out-loud. These characters really do and say the craziest things. The hero and the heroine are not the only ones that make this story funny, the supporting characters have their own mischievous acts. Combine that with a very stuffy English society and it becomes very comical.

Lady Olivia Archer has always followed the rules. She does what is expected of her. Says what is expected of her and by all accounts is a perfect English Lady. But she has had it. She is in her fourth season and no marriage proposals in sight. One night she meets a handsome a very alluring stranger. Her dreams are completely destroyed when that same gentleman is none other than Phinneas Cole—aka The Mad Baron. Olivia becomes desperate to cause a scandal when he offers for her and her parents accept!

Lady Olivia and her other wallflower friends devise schemes to dissuade “The Mad Baron” from wanting to marry Olivia. They really try everything possible. Phinn picked Olivia because she was (or so he thought) everything his late wife was not. He believed Olivia to be sweet, gentle, kind and a proper English lady. When Olivia goes out of her way to prove otherwise he realizes that his reputation is shadowing any chance he might have with her.

I really thought this was a great and funny romance. Phinn is such an excellent guy. He is more into mathematics and building machines then into chasing woman around English society. He prefers to spend his time working in the country or his machines and is socially awkward at times. The problem is that Olivia doesn’t believe that. It is impossible not to ache for Phinn, especially when all his secrets are revealed. Although I liked Olivia she was overly silly. Granted she thought she was marrying a murder. But she was just too much. Phinn really carried this story for me and the friendship between the wallflowers was also very sweet and endearing. I recommend this story if you’re looking for a funny story about two very unpopular people in English society looking for a chance at love.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sharlene said...

I liked the first book in the series & I am really looking forward to this one! ( and maybe a reread of The Wicked Wallflower!)

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