
ARC Review: Werewolf in Las Vegas by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Luke Dalton and Benedict Cartwright are playing poker for the highest stakes: for Luke, his family’s casino and for Benedict, his family’s bar. Their fathers started as friends and turned into bitter enemies. These properties sit next to each other. Luke wins and changes the makeup of Las Vegas. As a human, he just bested a member of a powerful werewolf pack and doesn’t realize it. But Luke’s haul is bittersweet. His sister, Cynthia, has run off with Bryce Landry because Luke doesn't want her to be a showgirl. Giselle Landry arrives from San Francisco, looking for her wayward brother. He’s supposed to get married and assume more duties for his werewolf pack. The Cartwrights’ Illusions hotel offers many amenities, including a simulated forest and only caters to werewolves. It has a tunnel to the bar, but the entrance has been blocked by Luke. Gisele and Luke decide to team up to find their missing siblings. Also as a courtesy to the Cartwrights, she’ll try to get Luke to sell the bar back to them. The couple hit the road and follow clues left by Cynthia’s taunting texts to her brother. Strangers approach him and lecture him about letting her dance. Luke’s doused by water a few times, compliments of Bryce’s practical jokes. On their journey, Luke and Giselle indulge in their physical attraction. Giselle keeps her true nature a secret. Even Luke’s butler, Mr. Thatcher, is a werewolf. Upon finding the wayward couple, Luke and Giselle must part and head back to their lonely lives. Will love help them accept the other’s careers, family obligations, and shape shifting?

Luke is oblivious to all the werewolves around him. No one has ever slipped up and he’s never noticed any strange behaviors during a full moon. I would like him to question and be shocked by the revelations, When Giselle does tell the truth, he’s not alarmed. In other books, there’s a wildness to shapeshifters. They have trouble controlling themselves. Not true of the Cartwrights, Mr. Thatcher, and Giselle. The wild beast is more docile than the human. Luke doesn't show many alphas traits and gives in to every request. He and Giselle make a playful couple, but not a lasting one. She would overwhelm him.

Giselle is an alpha and spins Luke around her little finger. She has a clear set of objectives and follows through to the end. She respects her heritage and doesn't plan on falling in love, but it happens. She finds others who have fallen for humans and made it work. She decides to try. She’s the redeeming character in the book.

Cynthia and Bryce’s antics get tedious very quickly. They both come off as pampered spoiled brats. Their older siblings should cut them loose to see if they could live on their own.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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