
Feature and Giveaway: All You Need is Love by Marie Force

Hoping to take the magic of the island and move it to the mountains with the Abbot family, purveyors of the odd and hard to find relics of a time long gone by in small-town Vermont. Hope you'll come with me to the Green Mountains! Watch for the first book in the series in early 2014!

The family-run Green Mountain Country Store is cherished by locals as a reminder of simpler times. The Abbott children are determined to keep it that way—but their father has different plans…

When Cameron Murphy heads to Vermont to build a website for a new client, she imagines a more relaxing trip than she gets. After wrecking her car by colliding with the town moose, she meets the most handsome hero she’s ever seen. Unfortunately, her savior, Will Abbott, is also the son of her client—and he wants nothing to do with the new website or the city girl creating it.

For all Will cares, Cameron can march her fancy boots right out of town and out of his family’s business. But he can’t seem to get her out of his head. As his family’s dispute heats up, so does the chemistry between the two, leaving them wondering if simple is better after all—especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

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With more than 2.5 million books sold, Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of more than 30 contemporary romances. Her New York Times bestselling self-published McCarthys of Gansett Island Series has sold more than 1 million e-books since Maid for Love was released in 2011. She is also the author of the New York Times bestselling Fatal Series from Harlequin’s Carina Press, as well as the Treading Water Series and numerous stand-alone books. All You Need is Love, book 1 in her new Green Mountain Series from Berkley Sensation, was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller in February. The second book, I Want to Hold Your Hand, will be out in June, and the third book, I Saw Her Standing There, is coming in November. In 2014, Marie will have eight mass-market print releases—the first five Fatal Series books from Harlequin and the first three Green Mountain Series books from Berkley. While her husband was in the Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island. She is the mother of two teenagers and two feisty dogs, Brandy and Louie.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of All You Need is Love

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Berkley sponsoring this giveaway.
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kathy p said...

Love this author!

dstoutholcomb said...

sounds like a great story

Anonymous said...

I love books by Marie Force and would love to read this one! Fingers crossed. :-)

Unknown said...

My boss has been raving about Marie Force for awhile now and I think I just have to see all this goodness she is talking about.

Kim said...

I'm a big fan of Marie. Unfortunately, I'm a little behind on reading her books.

JenM said...

I love Marie's books, both the Ganstt Island series and her Fatal series. I can't wait to start this new series.

lorimeehan said...

I love Marie's books that's why I want to read it.

Unknown said...

I admire Marie's other work and would love to give this new series a try. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. (I know that the UK edition is called YOUR LOVE IS ALL I NEED; will the titles of future installments also differ?)

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