
Feature and Giveaway: Between the Devil and Ian Eversea by Julie Anne Long

She might look like an angel...

The moment orphaned American heiress Titania “Tansy” Danforth arrives on English shores she cuts a swath through Sussex, enslaving hearts and stealing beaux. She knows she's destined for a spectacular titled marriage—but the only man who fascinates her couldn't be more infamous...or less interested.

...but it takes a devil to know one...

A hardened veteran of war, inveterate rogue Ian Eversea keeps women enthralled, his heart guarded and his options open: why should he succumb to the shackles of marriage when devastating good looks and Eversea charm make seduction so easy?

...and Heaven has never been hotter.

When Ian is forced to call her on her game, he never dreams the unmasked Tansy—vulnerable, brave, achingly sensual—will tempt him beyond endurance. And fight as he will, this notorious bachelor who stood down enemies on a battlefield might finally surrender his heart...and be brought to his knees by love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Check out the Pennyroyal series:

Julie Anne Long originally set out to be a rock star when she grew up, and she has the guitars and the questionable wardrobe stuffed in the back of her closet t prove it. When playing to indifferent crowds at midnight in dank clubs lost its, ahem, charm, she realized she could incorporate all of the best things about being in a band—namely, drama, passion and men with unruly hair—into novels, while at the same time indulging her love of history and research. So she made the move from guitar to keyboard (the computer variety) and embarked on a considerably more civilized, if not much more peaceful, career as a novelist.

Julie lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with a fat orange cat. (Little known fact: they issue you a cat the minute you become a romance novelist.)

Place to find Julie:

Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of It Happened One Midnight

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Julie.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Julie Anne Long & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


dstoutholcomb said...

I like the teaser--thanks

Jeanne M said...

All I can say is YEAH Ian is finally getting his own story! I

Jan Hougland said...

I love Julie Anne Long's Pennyroyal Green series and have them all, except this one. I thank you for this post so that I can keep up to date with Julie's new releases.

Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a good read.

made4books said...

LOVING,LOVING this series!! Thanks for all the great reads!

Tracey Parker said...

Julie I am definitely adding your books to my wishlist. Not sure how I haven't heard of you yet but I am interested! Thanks!

nmckenna said...

Why are the Duke and Genevieve still living at the Eversea's house? They have been married for a year now.

MsAwesome said...

The more I read the blurb (and excerpt) the more I want to read the book!

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