
Feature and Giveaway: Come Home to Me by Brenda Novak

When Presley Christensen returns to Whiskey Creek with her little boy after two years away, she has completely changed her life. She's made peace with her past and overcome the negative behavior that resulted from her difficult childhood. Now she's back in the small town that was the closest thing to "home" she ever knew—the town where she can be with the sister who's her only family.

There's just one catch. Aaron Amos still lives in Whiskey Creek, at least until he moves to Reno to open a branch of the Amos brothers' auto body shop. And no matter how hard she's tried, Presley hasn't been able to get over him. Seeing him again makes the longing so much worse. But she hopes she can get through the next few months, because she can't fall back into his arms…or his bed. She's come too far to backslide now. And there's a secret she's been guarding—a secret she'll do anything to protect.

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Check out the Whiskey Creek series:

Aaron craved the familiar, craved her. But, looking into her room, he was also afraid he’d see some sign that Riley had taken his place in her bed.

“When you change Wyatt, sometimes it helps if you distract him by giving him a toy,” she said. Aaron needed something to distract him.

As she went through a quick demonstration, he stood behind her, barely resisting the urge to slide his hands around her waist and up over her breasts.

“See how easy that was?”

“He was hardly even wet.”

She rolled her eyes. “Practice will make perfect―eventually.”

“When do I feed him lunch? At noon? Or did he just have breakfast?”

“He woke up at seven. Breakfast was at seven-thirty.”

No wonder she was tired. She wasn’t getting much sleep.

“He was in his high chair when I got here.”

“Having a snack. You can feed him at twelve-thirty or one. He’ll act fussy and let you know.”

“Got it.” They stood in Wyatt’s room, staring at each other for several seconds. Then she kissed her son’s cheek and reluctantly handed him over.

“I’ll send along a couple of his favorite toys. And you can call me if you have any trouble. Don’t hesitate. I won’t think badly of you if you want to give him back after an hour or so.”

“Come on, I’m not that big a wimp.”

“It’s that kind of thinking I’m trying to prevent. Don’t hang in there because you feel you have something to prove.”

“I wouldn’t,” he said. “But I don’t want to interrupt your picnic, either.”

She narrowed her eyes. “That sounds as if you’d actually enjoy it.”

“I hate the idea of you being with him,” he admitted. “I don’t know why you won’t date me.”

“We’ve been over this.”

“You’re making me the bad guy and giving Riley an unfair advantage!”

He thought she might argue with him, but she didn’t. “Riley has never rejected me. I have nothing to fear from him.”

“So you’re being a chicken shit?”

“That’s easy for you to say. It’s not your heart on the line!”

“I’ll be more careful with it this time.” He was as sincere as he could be, but she didn’t seem to take his promises any more seriously than she did his compliments.

“It’s pointless! I don’t have what it takes to make you fall in love with me, and I don’t want you to date me just because of Wyatt or because we’re good in bed together. There’s no need to confuse everything again now that we have it sort of figured out.”

“I’m only here for a short time.” If he stuck with his plan. “I’m asking for six weeks! How could that leave you any worse off?”

She glared at him, but he could tell there was no real anger behind it. He got the impression she was showing him that tough face, hoping he’d back off before she could give in.

“Come on,” he said, taking her hand. “How about one more chance?”

For a second, he was sure she was going to agree. But then she straightened her shoulders, raised her chin and flatly refused. “No, but thanks for making the effort.”

When he swore, she seemed a little shocked. “What’s going on with you?” she asked.

“Are you having fun turning the tables on me?”

“I wish.” She marched out to get Wyatt’s diaper bag. Then, a few minutes later, he found himself in his truck with a baby in his backseat—for the first time ever.

Brenda sold her first book, and the rest is history. A New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of fifty novels, Brenda Novak has been nominated for a prestigious Rita Award three times and won The National Reader's Choice Award, the Bookbuyer's Best, the Bookseller's Best, the Writer Touch Reader Award, the Golden Quill, the Hold Medallion and the Award of Excellence, among others.

Brenda and her husband, Ted, live in Sacramento and are the proud parents of five children—three girls and two boys. When she’s not spending time with her family or writing, Brenda is usually working on her annual fund-raiser for diabetes research—an online auction held on her Web site ( every May. To date, she has raised over $2 million for this cause.

Places to find Brenda:
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Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Mini Tote Bag + signed copies of First 3 Whiskey Creek Books

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Brenda.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Brenda Novak & LitConnect for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

Sounds like a great series.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Brenda! Sounds like a great read--it's now on my to-be-read list!

Rita Wray said...

I enjoyed the excerpt, thank you.

Marcy Meyer said...

I love this series by Brenda Novak!! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Di said...

I want Presley and her little boy to get their happy story.

Annwitch said...

This is such a fun series, I love the Christmas stories. When Snow Falls is my favorite.

Mary Preston said...

How amazing to add these to my keeper shelf.

dstoutholcomb said...

thanks for the excerpt--it's a great series!

Glenda said...

Great excerpt! Thanks for sharing it. Each one I read makes me want to read the book more. :-)

Sherry Butcher said...

Think your do another series like this?

Unknown said...
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Cassie Polla said...

Sounds like a wonderful series! I will be reading very soon!

bn100 said...

The series sounds interesting

Jessica (Peace Love Books) said...

I've heard great things about Brenda's books, but haven't had the chance to read them myself. They sound great!

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