
Feature and Giveaway: Lingerie for Felons by Ros Baxter

If there’s one universal truth, it’s this: You’re always wearing your worst underwear when you land in trouble.

Lola’s parents told her that everyone can make a difference. And she believed them. She’s been fighting the good fights since she was eleven years old. But at 23, Lola falls hard for an Australian stockbroker who thinks Doctors Without Borders is a porno and Joni Mitchell sounds like a harp seal being battered to death. She cuts him loose, but over the next fifteen years, through protests, misunderstandings, humiliating predicaments, and a number of poor underwear choices, their lives and paths continue to converge.

Along the way, Lola learns a few important life lessons: Never wear a red lace thong to a strip search. Make sure you take motion sickness pills if you’re going to the Southern Ocean to save the whales. And sometimes, Mr Right can be all wrong, and Mr Wrong just needs time to find the right path.

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Ros writes fresh, funny, genre-busting fiction. She digs feisty heroines, quirky families, heroes who make you sigh and tingle, and a dash of fantasy from time to time.

Ros has published Sister Pact (a romantic comedy co-written with her sister Ali) with Harper Collins, Fish Out of Water, Lingerie for Felons and White Christmas (Escape Publishing), Home for the Holidays and Seven Deadly Sins (Amazon). Sequels to Sister Pact and Fish Out of Water are coming out in 2014, along with Second Chances, a Bold and the Beautiful story published through Pan Macmillan.

In her spare time, Ros is also a public servant, consultant, mother, lover, taxi service for extra-curricular activities, and (because she is so freakin’ busy) maker-of-the-fastest-family-meals in the business. There is nothing you can teach her about using a slow cooker or making the same dinner sound more appealing by giving it an exotic name or interesting backstory.

Ros also coordinates “Tomorrowgirl”, a short story competition for remote Indigenous girls in Australia. You can find out more at

Ros lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband Blair, four small but very opinionated children, a neurotic dog and nine billion germs.

Find Ros at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Lingerie for Felons

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Ros.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Ros Baxter sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Do you believe that wearing the right underpinnings can give a woman a mental boost, even if she's the only one who will know?

Preet said...

I love the concept behind this book and am very eager to read it and see what happens!

dstoutholcomb said...

sounds like a fun read

Mary Preston said...

I'm looking forward to a fabulous read.

*yadkny* said...

Sounds like a great read! Added to my wishlist.

Emma said...

Sounds amazing

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

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