
Feature and Giveaway: Model Position by Kitsy Clare

In Manhattan’s glitzy gallery scene love and art are perilous games. Will Sienna dare to play?

All too soon, artist Sienna Karr will graduate art school and be flung out into Manhattan’s glamorous but cutthroat gallery scene. Luckily, she’s just met Dave Hightower, heir to the hippest gallery ever. He’s asked her on a date, and offered to introduce her to the gallery owner, his intimidating aunt Lydia. Sienna’s excited! Now she’ll be able to climb the ranks and make those all-important art connections.

Trouble is, she’s falling hard for the sexy live drawing model, Erik, whose sizzling green eyes seem to pierce right into her soul. Dare she risk losing those potential art contacts for love? Erik insists that Sienna is a real talent and her painting stands out above all the others. But she worries that he whispers this come-on line to every pretty art student who flocks around him during breaks. And her friends worry, is Erik up to her pay grade? What kind of guy chooses modeling for a living? Who is he, really? Her choice may be her ruin—or not—but she must decide fast. Everything in Sienna’s super-organized life is turning to terrifying yet sweet chaos.

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When Kitsy Clare isn’t crafting novels, she teaches writing workshops. She also loves to draw, travel, read spicy romance, sci-fi and thrillers. She divides her time between NYC and her Catskills studio, where she enjoys the sounds of birds, bullfrogs and coyotes.

Kitsy also writes YA as Catherine Stine. Her YA futuristic thriller, Fireseed One won finalist spots in both YA and Science Fiction in the 2013 USA Book News International Book Awards, and was an Indie Reader Approved notable book. Her YA Refugees, earned a New York Public Library Best Book. Ruby's Fire, the companion novel to Fireseed One, is receiving high praise from reviewers. She’s a member of RWA, SCBWI, Untethered Realms and SFWA.

Find Kitsy at:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Kindle (US/Canada ONLY)
  • 1 $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • 2 Art if Love Bracelets (US/Canada ONLY)
  • 2 Art if Love Coffee Mugs (US/Canada ONLY)
  • 1 eBook copy of Model Position
  • 1 eBook Bundle of Ruby's Fire + Fireseed One
  • 3 Handmade Laverdure Bookmarks

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or questions for Kitsy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kitsy Clare for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Karen H said...

I don't know a lot, actually nothing, about art and artists so I can't really say if I find anything sexy about the art or the artist. Books, on the other hand, is a whole different story! LOL

Marcy Meyer said...

I think artists are sexy, because they are very creative and usually in tune with their emotions.

Anonymous said...

I think they can be. I've never read a book about them before, though.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Glenda said...

I can't judge as a group. I know many on opposite ends of the spectrum. :-)

Unknown said...

Art and artists can indeed be sexy. I find the medium of clay sculpture to be the most sexy because of the tactile effort used to create each piece.

Ramblings From SEKS said...

They can be. There are many different types of art and artists. So it's just about a person's preference.

lorimeehan said...

Yes. There is a lot of art that is sexy. It just depends on what it is.

jmcgaugh said...

I think artists are just as likely (or not) to be sexy as anyone else. Their art, on the other hand, can definitely be sexy.

Unknown said...

Yes! Art and artist is sexy in their way. Thank you :)

Anne said...

They can be sexy, but in general I do not find them sexier than any other group of people.

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