
Feature and Giveaway: Stealing the Groom by Sonya Weiss

Friends don’t let friends marry the wrong woman…

Chad Walker may be a take-no-chances man with a plan, but there’s no way Amelia Snyder is going to let her best bud marry Mean Girl #1—even if the wedding is solely so he can secure the controlling shares in his family’s company. But free-spirited Amelia’s at-the-altar groomnapping scheme takes a surprising turn when she ends up as the blushing bride instead.

Suddenly, with Amelia living in her handsome husband’s home—in his bedroom, no less—she starts to reconsider their strictly platonic arrangement. But Chad’s always been anti-risk and definitely anti-love, and betting a lifetime of best friendship on the chance at forever might be the biggest gamble of all..

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From the time she was a child, Sonya knew she was destined to be a writer. If she didn’t like the ending of a book or movie, she would write her own ending. When her children were young, she often wrote stories to entertain them. At the urging of one of her daughters, she submitted a short story and to her surprise and delight, it sold.

Sonya loves writing all things romance whether it’s writing contemporary adult or teen fiction and still hasn’t lost the wonder that she gets to do what she loves.

She enjoys reading, movies, chocolate, and laughter and credits her daughters as being the sweetest blessings in her life.

Find Sonya at:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 box of Chocolates
  • 1 3 Chapter Critique from Agent Nicole Resciniti

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Sonya.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sonya Weiss & Pump Up Your Book for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Brenda Dickson said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win. Can't wait to read "Stealing The Groom"

Anne said...

I wanted to be a writer as a kid too, but I quickly realized I had no talent or real ambition for it.

Sandy Kenny said...

I loved reading that you would change the ending of the book you were reading if you didn't like the ending--I do that all the time! I find myself sometimes "rewriting" a scene or a sentence if I don't feel that it fits right. One of these days I'll get my act together and submit my own work! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Have an awesome day!

Karen H said...

Sonya is a new-to-me author so I'm happy to meet her on this blog today. While I don't read a lot of contemporary romances, I do enjoy a good one now and then. This one promises to be a good one.

kareninnc at gmail dot com

penney said...

Wonderful giveaway, thank you, this sounds really good

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

dstoutholcomb said...

what a great storyline!

lorimeehan said...

The book sounds really great. Thanks for the giveaway.

Alina P said...

Sounds like a great friends to lovers book

Unknown said...

Thanks for featuring the work of another author who is new to me. STEALING THE GROOM sounds great! Sonya, if you're reading this, would you please tell us one film for which you rewrote the ending and how you changed the outcome?

Jbst said...

I can think of certain films or stories that I was unhappy with the ending too. Thanks for the contest!

Sonya Weiss said...

Thank you, Brenda. Hope you enjoy it. Nic is a great agent to have. Very supportive and sweet.

Sonya Weiss said...

I think with a lot of people who want to write, it's something that can be learned. There was a funny quote some guy said about by the time he realized he had no talent, he couldn't quit because he was already famous LOL. But I don't know who said that.

Sonya Weiss said...

I'm finding that rewriting endings is something a lot of writers do. I hope the best opportunities come your way when you do submit!

Sonya Weiss said...

Thank you so much, Karen. It's nice to meet you too!

Sonya Weiss said...

You're welcome, Kathy. Best of luck : - )

Sonya Weiss said...

Good luck with it. The blog tour has been a lot of fun. I've met some wonderful readers as well as writers.

Sonya Weiss said...

You're welcome, Marcy-lovely name : - )

Sonya Weiss said...

Thank you, it was a lot of fun to write : - )

Sonya Weiss said...

Hi Lori, thank you : - )

Sonya Weiss said...

I love friends to lovers story and I talk about it in the Behind the Book post on Entangled.

Sonya Weiss said...

Hi Katherine, there are a lot but I can name a few off the top of my head. The first one I ever rewrote was The Bodyguard. Loved the movie, hated the ending. The Pirates of the Caribbean one where Will Turner has to take the place of Davey Jones. There was a Jennifer Love Hewitt movie called "If Only" and I don't want to give it away but it's so darned hauntingly beautiful but the ending-too sad. I rewrote the ending of the final episode of the show Remington Steele too because the way it ended just wasn't satisfying to me as a fan.

Sonya Weiss said...

I don't know if there's any kind of data on which movies do best when they do give a satisfying ending, but I know a lot of people that hate it when a movie/show/book leaves the ending too sad or too open. I read a long book recently that was so good and then at the end, the heroine died. I felt so darned cheated after everything they'd been through.

Beth said...

This sounds like a funny story.

Sharlene said...

I am interested to see how this plays out! And I can't handle bad endings in movies, either! I need my HEA!

Unknown said...

sounds like a great story and thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Thank you for a great giveaway!

Sonya Weiss said...

Thanks, Beth. I wanted to write a story that showed friends-to-more but with humor and a twist : - )

Sonya Weiss said...

Sharlene, I know! It really bugs me to watch movies that don't end well. There was a Anne Hathaway titled "One Day" and I rooted for the couple the whole movie. The ending was so darned upsetting. I was glad that I'd rented that one instead of buying it first.

Sonya Weiss said...

Thank you, Barbara. Best of luck : - )

Sonya Weiss said...

I would love it if someone that won the giveaway ended up getting signed by my agent. I think that would be so fantastic!

Unknown said...

I loved this book. Can't wait to read more from Sonya!

Glenda said...

I do love a good friends to lovers book! This one looks like it fits the bill. :-) Thanks!

lisagkendall said...

Sounds like Sonya has a smart daughter since she encouraged mom to submit a story. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

I definitely agree with your assessment of how Remington Steele wrapped!

Janice said...

This definitely sounds like my kind of book. Friends to Lovers. Marriage of Convenience. YES!

JanD said...

Friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Natasha said...

Sounds like an amazing read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

This sounds awesome, I love the story and I'm adding this to my TBR!!

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