
The Great Scot Blog Tour with Sue-Ellen Welfonder and Paula Quinn

Sue-Ellen Welfonder is a Scotophile whose burning wish to make frequent trips to the land of her dreams led her to a twenty-year career with the airlines.

Now a full-time writer, she's quick to admit that she much prefers wielding a pen to pushing tea and coffee. She makes annual visits to Scotland, insisting they are a necessity, as each trip gives her inspiration for new books.

Proud of her own Hebridean ancestry, she belongs to two clan societies: the MacFie Clan Society and the Clan MacAlpine Society. In addition to Scotland, her greatest passions are medieval history, the paranormal, and dogs. She never watches television, loves haggis, and writes at a 450-year-old desk that once stood in a Bavarian castle.

Sue-Ellen is married and currently resides with her husband and Jack Russell terrier in Florida

Find Sue-Ellen at:

Thanks so much, RFTC, for hosting the tour today! It’s great to be here again.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Notorious rogue, Sorley the Hawk, lives only to claim his stolen birthright, until Lady Mirabelle makes an offer that changes everything.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
Medieval battle scenes. As a romance writer, I probably shouldn’t admit that, saying ‘love scenes,’ but it’s the truth. I love writing wild, heart-stopping fight scenes. Many of my own enemies have perished in them and I’m convinced I was a medieval warlord in a past life. (said only half in jest)

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Pat Cody (Regency), Karen Stevens (Nonfiction Ghost-hunting), and Kristine Hughes (Nonfiction Regency/Victorian) because all three are long-time best buds and we have enjoyed the most amazing jaunts through the UK together. Would love to be there with them now, laughing and reminiscing about past adventures, living it up on new ones.

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
There isn’t much I won’t read, even cereal boxes in desperation. But my main love is nonfiction research on all things Celtic and/or medieval. Also love nonfiction esoteric/paranormal works. I adore cozy mysteries and Regency romance as pleasure fiction reading.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m always writing. Just now I’m working on other books in my Scandalous Scots series (1 e-novella, ONCE UPON A HIGHLAND CHRISTMAS, Dec. 2013, plus 4 full-length titles). I’m also getting ready to re-release another of my Allie Mackay Scottish-set contemporary paranormals (HIGHLANDER IN HER DREAMS was the first to be revamped and re-released recently), plus I’m writing a brand new Allie Mackay series that I’m excited to be indie-pubbing.

Turning the interview tables on you, ladies! Choose your fave place to read and tell me why.
     A) In the beach or at a pool, sun shining brightly, hot cabana boy optional.
     B) In a cozy chair by the fire, dog or cat a must, a rainy day equally so. Tea or hot chocolate as a bonus.
     C) In bed or in the bathtub, main thing is you are pampered, the world locked out.

Thanks again, RFTC! You asked great questions, always appreciated! Thanks to everyone stopping by today.

Good luck in the drawing! I hope you’ll enjoy TO LOVE A HIGHLANDER. Visit me online at:

As one of the bastards born to the Stirling court, Sorley the Hawk has never known his mother or father. It's a burning quest he has devoted himself to uncovering at any cost. But as a roguish warrior who serves at the pleasure of the King, his prowess-both on the battlefield and in his bedchamber-is legendary. So when a flame-haired Highland lass sneaks into his quarters with a tantalizing proposition, he can't resist taking her up on her offer .

Lady Mirabelle MacLaren will do anything to keep from marrying her odious suitor, even sully her own good name. And who better to despoil her than his sworn enemy, the one they call "Hawk?" As they set about the enjoyable task of ruining her reputation, Hawk and Mirabelle soon learn that rebellion never tasted so sweet.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out the Scandalous Scots series:

New York Times bestselling author Paula Quinn lives in New York with her three beautiful children, three over-protective chihuahuas, and a loud umbrella cockatoo. She loves to read romance and science fiction and has been writing since she was eleven. She loves all things medieval, but it is her love for Scotland that pulls at her heartstrings.

Find Paula at:

Edmund MacGregor will do anything to save Scotland from English rule-even kidnap Lady Amelia Bell for ransom. As the daughter of a duke and the chancellor's betrothed, she's the perfect pawn in this game. But from the moment he first lays eyes on his spirited captive, he can't resist stealing a kiss.

Lady Amelia's duty is to marry well, but that hasn't stopped her from fantasizing about true love. So when a sexy Scot appears in her home, she's beguiled. When he kidnaps her, she's furious. Yet as Edmund introduces her to a world of passion beyond her wildest dreams, can she leave her family behind for this handsome Highlander? And will Edmund risk the only true home he's ever known to capture the heart of this lovely lass?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

She did not scream as his eyes fell upon her again. She remained motionless, save for her bosom rising and falling hard beneath his hovering shadow. Her eyes were deep, rich mahogany—the color of warmth and gloriously huge and sparked with terror.

He brought his finger to his lips, begging her for silence before he moved away and disappeared into the castle.

Amelia bolted to her feet. Her heart beat a riotous litany in her breast. Clutching her chest, she counted out nine breaths in an effort to get a hold of herself. On the tenth, her eyes darted to David.

“I was dreaming,” she said, more to herself than to it. She had to have been, for no mortal man could scorch a soul with the heat of his gaze alone. Like sapphires caught between light and shadow, his eyes had glittered as they moved over her, scalding her nerve endings, robbing her senses. A dream.

But his scent still lingered all about her. She inhaled, filling her senses with the fragrance of dew and leather. She pulled in a deeper breath, closing her eyes this time. Who was he? A guest who had arrived early, mayhap? A very bold guest, carved from the gold God used to pave heaven’s streets.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 American Express Gift Card
  • 10 copies of To Love A Highlander + The Seduction of Miss Amelia Bell

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Sue-Ellen's question: Turning the interview tables on you, ladies! Choose your fave place to read and tell me why.     A) In the beach or at a pool, sun shining brightly, hot cabana boy optional.
         B) In a cozy chair by the fire, dog or cat a must, a rainy day equally so. Tea or hot chocolate as a bonus.
         C) In bed or in the bathtub, main thing is you are pampered, the world locked out.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cathy P said...

Hi, Sue-Ellen and Paula! I loved Sue-Ellen's interview and the blurbs from the two books. I love to read reclining in my chair with my Yorkie-Chihuahua mix in my lap and my Australian Shepherd at my feet, with either a hot or cold drink beside me.

Unknown said...

To many to name, but I like toe sword wielding and kilt wearing heroes.

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Cathy P! So nice to see you again :) Wasn't Sue-Ellen's interview fun! I love learning more about her! Wow, a Yorkie-Chi mix. Tough little dog you have there. I have 6 Chihuahuas all totaling 23 pounds lol. My joys!

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Lenna, those are the kind of heroes I like too!

pamerd said...

I love the stories set in the Highlands with those amazing men and women!

I love to read in my bedroom - it is quiet and peaceful!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Marcy Meyer said...

My favorite place to read is curled up on my couch, snug and cozy on a rainy day. And, I have not read any Scottish historicals yet, so I don't have a favorite part about them. YET.

Carol L. said...

l Love the interviews. I've read both ladies and Sue Ellen and Allie have given me so many wonderful hours of reading enjoyment. I would say B & C. As long as I have a good book and I isolate myself I'm good to go.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Pam, thanks for stopping by! Good luck in the giveaway :)

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Marcy, welcome and thanks for stopping by! Rainy days are so perfect for reading, aren't they? I hope you'll get a chance to read our books! You won't be disappointed!

Paula Quinn said...

Carol, welcome! Isolation when reading is a must!

Diane D - Florida said...

I love Scottish Highlander romances, and love anything that Paula or Sue-Ellen write. My favorite place to read is in bed. I read for about 4 hours every single night.

Jan Hougland said...

Well, I love to read so much that I have several fave places to read, not just one! I love to read while having a spa pedicure (talk about pampering!), in bed until my eyes slam shut, when the house is quiet and I am by myself with my Yorkie, Maggie by my side snoozing away. I can't read in a moving vehicle, so unless I'm flying, reading is a no-no, darn it! Thanks for asking, Sue-Ellen!

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Diane and welcome! Thank you so much for the kind words :) Wow I love your dedication to reading!

Paula Quinn said...

Welcome, Janice! Hmmm, I like where you read! At the spa sounds wonderful!

JeanMP said...

I like to read outside on the patio in the nice weather, when it is nasty weather in my favorite chair with a cup of tea by my side.

sheryl said...

I love Scottish romance, there is something to be said about a sexy man in a kilt and that accent!!! I love to read curled up on my couch or on my bed, usually with a coke and a snack and a couple of cats.

LilMissMolly said...

What a great pairing! I love to read in bed after a long day at work.

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Jean, welcome! Ah, a good book and a hot cup of tea on the patio. Nice!

Paula Quinn said...

Welcome, Sheryl! Oh, a Scottish accent...there's just nothing better!

Paula Quinn said...

Welcome, LilMissMolly! I like to read in bed too, but I usually fall asleep!

Kim said...

I haven't read a Scottish romance in awhile. Everything seems to be Regency & Victorian right now.

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Kim! Read Scottish! They're sexy and brawny, and loyal, and...well, I could go on and on :) You won't be sorry!

dstoutholcomb said...

usually involve brawny, alpha male Highlanders--love, love, love

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

I loved Sue-Ellen's interview! I know without doubt we have ridden into battle together. :)
I loved Sorley and Mirabelle's story and my heart thumped each time Grim made an appearance.

Paula, I'm not only wanting to read this new story, I find myself wanting your entire back list. They ALL sound so good! I do own Tamed By a Highlander but have wanted to get the previous ones before I read it. Can it stand alone without me feeling I've missed something?

Paula Quinn said...

Welcome, dst! Yes, the brawnier the better!

Paula Quinn said...

Hi Leah! It's so nice to see you here :) Wasn't Sue-Ellen's interview great? She's so much fun! I can't wait to read To Love A Highlander. Grim! Oh yeah!
Yes, all my books can be read as stand alone. I hope you enjoyed Tamed. Connor distracted me so much that I had to write the first three chapters of that book 11 times. Yes. Eleven.

Sharlene said...

My favorite place to read is in bed, propped up on a few pillows!

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Cathy P ~ So good to see you in here! And I'm delighted you enjoyed the interview and blurbs. They asked me some great questions! Loved them. And your reading choice mirrors my own fave, B! ;)

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Lenna Berry ~ That sounds good to me, too! :)

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Paula, I smiled about Cathy's dogs, too. Said before, and will again, you are sooo blessed to have so many.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Pamed ~ Love hearing when readers love Highland romance. It's the best there is!! Reading in quiet and peace, tucked in bed, is a fave with me, too. But 'B' is my top fave.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Marcy Meyer ~ You are a woman after my own heart. That's my favorite way to read, too. I LOVE rainy days (and nights). Hope you'll let our books introduce you to Scottish romance. Goes well with rainy days on the couch. That's a promise. ;)

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Carol L ~ Thanks so much for looking in here! Great to see you. And a thousand thank yous for mentioning my Allie Mackay books. I am so happy you enjoy my work under both names. Your reading spot choices reflect my own. Top fave is B, closely followed by C.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Paula, your comment made me laugh - here's why... Back in the days of Walkman's as 'the' way to listen to music, I would carry one with me whenever I flew somewhere. I love flying time to read, so I'd put the headphones on, but wouldn't be listening to anything. I just used them to keep my plane seat neighbor from trying to talk my ears off on the flight (as some people will do, regardless of a book in your hand!). The earphones didn't always work, but most times they did, thank goodness. ;)

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Diane D ~ You really, really made me smile! It's so good to see how much you enjoy our books. :) Agree with you about the pleasure of reading in bed. I am jealous of having four hours to do so. That sounds heavenly!!

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Janice H ~ You really made me smile, too! I love, love, love that you have so many favorite reading places, Each one sounds ideal. Please cuddle wee Maggie for me! Yorkies are so precious. :)

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Jean MP ~ ooooh, I love your two fave reading spots! Both sound so inviting. Sigh...

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Sheryl ~ I adore you! You just described my idea of heaven. And as Paula already said, oooh, yes, to those Scottish accents. And kilts!!! Can any men be greater? No way...

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Lil Miss Molly ~ No kidding... reading in bed after a long, hard day at work is pure bliss. Love it!

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Kim ~ You're so right. Regency always holds a huge part of the historical shelf space and Victorian / Steampunk has been on the popularity-rise lately. Just like all the 50 Shades-ish books and New Adult titles everywhere these days. But we're still here, Paula and I, and many other authors who LOVE Highlander and Scottish romance. Hope you'll enjoy 'returning to the Highlands' with us.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Ditto, Paula!

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

DST ~ Exactly! You described our heroes in a nutshell. So glad you love Highlanders!

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Leah ~ My champion, as always, and i absolutely agree: we have bloodied our swords togther. Side by side. 100%. Not a doubt in my mind as to when and where! I know you loved this story and am so glad you did! You were the very first to read it, too. :)

You'll love Paula's books. I'm reading this one now, and it's wonderful. As they all are.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Sharlene ~ That sounds sooo good! I could go for reading that way now, in fact. Bliss!

Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

RFTC ~ Thank you so much for hosting us today! I always love visiting this site and, as with every time, you made it so much fun. I loved your interview questions and really appreciated them for being unique and clever and different from the usual ones. Thanks for that!

Everyone ~ Thank you for coming by today to help Paula and I celebrate our new releases, and Scottish Romance! As some of you have noted, Highland Romance may not be the 'big runner' these days, but we are still out there, writing the Scottish books we love for the readers who love them. And so are many other great Scottish authors. A thousand blessings and thank yous to all of you who love our beloved genre!! We appreciate you so much!!

Kathy said...

B with a nice cup of tea and my cats Tabby and Twinkie with me. Oh and maybe a scone with lemon curd.

Kathy said...

B with a nice cup of tea and my cats Tabby and Twinkie with me. Oh and maybe a scone with lemon curd.

lisagkendall said...

What I love about this setting are the sexy men in kilts, and the accent. I would choose to read in my comfy chair so I can focus on my story, with one or all three of my Chihuahuas by my side. Hot chocolate in the winter or sweet tea in the summer. Thanks for asking and for the contest. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

Karen C said...

I'm not sure I have a favorite place to read. I can easily block out my surroundings at the beach, in a big oversized chair or in bed and be very happy. I don't have any pets to curl up with me, though. Really enjoyed the interview, blurbs, and excerpt!

MrsDmacs said...

B -- I love to cozy up on the couch with my "puppy" tea-cup yorkie! Thanks for the contest and the chance to win some more books to cozy up with.

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