
ARC Review: Drowning in Fire by Hanna Martine

Keko is a Chimeran general sent by her uncle to guard a visitor. Griffin has contacted the Senatus to strike peace between the elementals and the humans. He is water and Keko is fire. Intermixing the elementals is forbidden, but impossible to stop between them. Their affair lasts a week and when they are found out, they are banished. Griffin is attacked by a Chimeran and fights back, maiming him. Keko is stripped of her home and status. Griffin is sent back without the Senatus’ approval of his plan. Three years later, Keko has nothing to lose and decides to find the fire source. Her uncle and other members of the tribe are losing the gift of fire. She threatens the status quo and is ordered to stop. The fear is she may extinguish the flame in all. Griffin volunteers to track her and bring her back. Other sources ban together to find and stop her. Keko and Griffin must heal their relationship and the balance in among the elementals. They are playing with fire, but will they get burned in the process?

Keko is a fearless leader and excellent role model for the Chimerans. She breaks the time honored rule of falling in love with the wrong man, one not chosen by her family. Her punishment far exceeds her crime. She tries to follow the new order, but sees her kind suffering. She throws herself into the dangerous course of finding a cure. Her motives are true and she deserves the honors for following through on her convictions.

Griffin is a peacemaker. All occupy a small space, why not find common ground? He’s a bit optimistic and naïve. The powers that be like the balance of power and won’t cede a speck of territory. Griffin is the first of the couple to hope for more between them. Keko is used to being more detached. She had to fight her brother for a dominant position. Griffin has siblings and makes him more concerned for everyone’s future.

I liked Keko and Griffin. They make an excellent power couple. One point: there are a lot of characters introduced and I found myself making a list of the allies of each faction.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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