
ARC Review: Fiance by Fate by Jennifer Shirk

Fiance by Fate is the first book that I have read by Jennifer Shirk, but it definitely won't be my last. This book was a short and sweet read, and I really enjoyed reading it. I wasn't sure how much I was going to like this book not knowing the author and it being a trope that has been done many times before. But I thought that Jennifer Shirk did a really great job making this story unique and different. This was one of those books that I was able to just sit back and relax, and it was a great escape for a few hours.

Sabrina Cassidy believes in fate and signs. When her fiance decides they need a break, she believes that it is only temporary because there are too many signs that says they are fated to be together. While waiting for him to figure things out, she throws herself to work and everything is going fine until the owner's entitled son decides to move back home and ends up becoming her partner. Jack is looking to get a promotion but his womanizing reputation has made the board question whether or not he is ready for the job. Having heard about Sabrina's break-up he comes up with the perfect plan. She will pose as his girlfriend which will both make the board realize that he is capable of settling down and will help make her fiance jealous enough to realize what he is missing out on. At first Sabrina is reluctant, but soon she agrees after seeing her fiance out with another woman. Before long though, both Jack and Sabrina are starting to feel very real feelings that are anything but fake. Will Jack be able to leave behind his commitment phobic ways and settle down, and will Sabrina realize that maybe she misread all the signs when it comes to who she belongs with?

I liked Jack a lot. He was really honest and was always up-front about everything even if it wasn't what Sabrina wanted to hear. He also had a fun and playful side to him and was able to get her to loosen up. He was smart and dedicated to his job, and was more than just the playboy that he seems at first glance. I really admired that he might not have been the greatest bet for a boyfriend when we first met him, but he was determined to show Sabrina that she deserved more than her fiance. He always thought that she was better than that, and even if he wasn't right for her he was going to get her to see that she deserved more in her life. I also really loved that he never took credit for her ideas, even when it would have greatly benefited him. Sabrina took a little bit of time for me to warm up to. At first she was really judgmental and she was also really naive and blind when it came to her relationship with David her fiance. She didn't seem to realize that he was a jerk for stringing her along like he was and she believed every excuse that he gave her. But once she started getting to really know Jack, she not only came out of her shell but also started to realize that maybe her relationship with David wasn't as perfect as she had thought that it was. I really liked who she became when she was with Jack, and I thought that they were really good together. They made a great team when it came to work, but they were also a really great couple as well. They had a lot of chemistry and it was clear that they both were really attracted to each other.

Being a bliss book, this one was sweet and cute but didn't have much in the way of the physical aspects of their relationship. I think it could have used a little more of that side of their relationship, but it didn't change how real and believable their connection was. I just personally would have liked a little more of that side of them. I really enjoyed the wit and banter between the two of them, and I thought that they were really fun. These two kept me laughing and grinning throughout, and I was left feeling happy and satisfied after finishing this book. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet and light romance read. This book is clean and has mild cussing and little sexual content, but will appeal to all romance fans because of the connection and chemistry between Jack and Sabrina. I look forward to reading more from Jennifer Shirk in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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