
ARC Review: Killing Honor by S.M. Butler

As a huge fan of men in uniform and the New Adult genre, I was really looking forward to this book. It sounded so good in the blurb and even though I haven't ever read anything by S.M. Butler, I figured this one had all the promise of being one I would love. While there were quite a few things that I did love, there were also things that I thought didn't work for me. Killing Honor is the first book in the Lucky Thirteen series, and I will be interested to see what happens in the future books. I did like all the characters, and I thought that this book was very real and believable. I just was hoping for a bit more, and felt like it was missing a bit more to the story than where it ended.

Brody has been deployed as a SEAL for two years and is part of SEAL team thirteen. They are on a rescue mission when his face mask gets pulled off and his face is revealed. With his identity now known to the enemy, he becomes worried for the safety of his wife and twin daughters. When his deployment is up he heads home to his family. He is married to his childhood sweetheart Devyn, and although they have known each other for years they have only been married for the last three. He left when his daughters were only two weeks old and had only been married for about a year. Returning home, Brody is worried about being a father after having missed so much. His return home is a huge adjustment for everyone and Devyn and Brody both struggle with how to pick up after two years of separation. When his enemy suddenly finds them, Brody must fight for more than just his relationship with his family. Can Brody keep them safe while eliminating the threat to their lives as well as figure out how to live life with his family again?

I really liked Brody. He was so refreshing as a hero because he had no problems admitting his feelings and I loved how sweet he was when talking or thinking about Devyn. I also loved that he was so committed to Devyn and his daughters. He was a proud papa and wasn't afraid to take a bit of teasing from the guys because of how he would always talk about them. It was clear how much he cared about them even though he was far away. I felt so bad for him after missing out on so much by being gone. I cannot even imagine coming home to a family that doesn't really know you and trying to find your place. Devyn was so strong and I really loved her character. She really struggled with Brody coming home and dealing with all the feelings that were brought on because of it. I loved that she was a good mom and her priority was them and helping Brody. She tried so hard to get him to open up to her and let him know that she was there for him no matter what. I really admired that she was able to handle so much at such a young age. I thought that Brody and Devyn were really sweet and I liked that they had been together for so long. Both were committed and faithful with no thoughts of anyone else, and I really loved that there was no one else for either of them. I did feel like their relationship wasn't really explored in this book though. I would have liked to have seen more of the two of them together.

Even though I really liked Devyn and Brody as well as the secondary characters, I felt like this book was more about the adjustment of Brody coming home and the danger of his job than anything else. The majority of this book is about how Brody and Devyn have changed and about figuring out where they go in the future. They are on shaky ground when the danger really appears and then just as the threat is neutralized, the book is essentially over. I would have liked to have seen things a bit more resolved as far as their relationship went. There is very little conclusion to their issues at the end of the story, and I just felt like things could have been fleshed out a bit more. I also felt like the beginning of this book was really slow. As I was starting this book, I honestly had a tough time getting into the story and I thought about stopping. I am glad that I didn't though and it was an enjoyable story once it picked up a bit. I am interested to see where this series goes from here, but I will admit that this is one of those that was enjoyable but just okay. I had been hoping for a bit more, and it just felt like it was missing something. If you are a fan of military heroes and New Adult books, this might be one you would enjoy.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Suzan Butler said...

Thanks for your review, Casey! :)

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