
My Favorite Book Couple with Christine Bell

Christine Bell is one half of the happiest couple in the world. She and her handsome hubby currently reside in Pennsylvania with a four-pack of teenage boys and their two dogs, Gimli and Pug. If she gets time off from her duties as maid, chef, chauffeur, or therapist, she can be found reading just about anything she can get her hands on, from Young Adult novels to books on poker theory. She doesn’t like root beer, clowns or bugs (except ladybugs, on account of their cute outfits), but lurrves chocolate, going to the movies, the New York Giants and playing Texas Hold ‘Em. Writing is her passion, but if she had to pick another occupation, she would be a pirate…or, like, a ninja maybe. She loves writing fun and adventure-filled romance stories, but also hopes to one day publish something her dad can read without wanting to dig his eyes out with rusty spoons.

Places to find Christine:

Very excited to be here and talk about my favorite book couple with you guys! I took WAYYYY too long to decide what two names I was going to put up here >.< I have SO many. After much deliberation, I went with Zsadist and Bella from JR Ward’s Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, book #3). I love the series anyway, but watching this beast rescues his beauty and vice versa was positively enthralling to me. The biggest thing was the way I connected to each of the characters. Ward has this way of getting deep into a character’s point of view so that the reader can feel their pain and there was a LOT of pain in this one. I’m usually a sucker for funny, light reads (think Jill Shalvis and Shannon Stacey) but this couple had me from page one.

So what do you think, readers? You think Bella and Zsadist sound compelling? Who are your favorite book couples?

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Of these, Zsadist is the most terrifying member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation. Renowned for his unquenchable fury and sinister deeds, he is a savage feared by humans and vampires alike. Anger is his only companion, and terror is his only passion—until he rescues a beautiful aristocrat from the evil Lessening Society.

Bella is instantly entranced by the seething power Zsadist possesses. But even as their desire for one another begins to overtake them both, Zsadist’s thirst for vengeance against Bella’s tormentors drives him to the brink of madness. Now, Bella must help her lover overcome the wounds of his tortured past, and find a future with her…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

She's worth the fight.

Olivia Beckett's once-charmed life is falling apart. Her family is about to lose everything, and she has almost no chance of going back to college next semester. She can't even seek solace from her high school sweetheart. He's changed. She doesn't recognize the boy she used to know--his violent behavior is escalating and it scares the hell out of her. Her whole world is crumbling, and she has no one to turn to...

Sebastian "Bash" McDaniels is an up and comer in the boxing world working nights at the local college bar until he can land the fight of his dreams that will get him the hell out of Boston and away from his family's tragic past. He's weeks from his goal when Olivia Beckett comes tumbling into his life in a flash of silky dark hair and haunted eyes. When he saves her from a potentially brutal beating, they begin to grow close, but Olivia's ex isn't ready to let her go so easily.

Bash can't bring himself to walk away, but fixing Olivia just might leave him broken...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Check out the McDaniels Brothers series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Lover Awakened +  eBook copy of Fix You

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Christine's question: So what do you think, readers? You think Bella and Zsadist sound compelling? Who are your favorite book couples?
  • Choice of print or eBook for Lover Awakened.
  • If winner resides outside of US, an eBook copy of Lover Awakened will be provided.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Christine Bell for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Susy said...

I love Z and Bella!!

AquarianDancer said...

I've heard so much about Zsadist that I feel like I have to read the book! I haven't started the series, yet, but I will.

Sandy Kenny said...

I haven't read anything by JR Ward yet, but it sounds like something I'd want to read. I also have way too many favorite book couples to list them. Thanks for posting here today--have a great weekend!

erin said...

I haven't read Z and Bella yet :) Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new release!

Unknown said...

Just ordered about six of JR Wards books..I think I will start with #3 after reading this blog. I would have to say (and I read a lot of romance novels) that my favorite couple are Z and Jessica from Cherise Sinclair's Masters of Shadowlands.

Di said...

I've had this series on my TBR list for a while - posts like this make it rise to the top - Thanks!

Amber Hughes said...

I just had to comment (*not entering giveaway) because Z is my favorite!! Definitely one of my favorite books in the series too! Love your pick Christine!

On a side note, loved part 1 of Fix You!

Good luck everyone!

lorimeehan said...

Z and Bella was my fav book so far in the BDB books. My fav couple is Beth and Ian from the Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read Lover Awakened, but Bella and Zsadist do sound compelling.

I really loved Nick and Becca from Hard As It Gets by Laura Kaye.

Marcy Shuler

MrsDmacs said...

I just finished Lover Awakened within the past month and loved it!! I'm on V's book now. I recently (just yesterday) added Fix You to my wish list after reading Casey's review.

Thanks for the chance to win them!!!

sheryl said...

Huge fan of the BDB!! This was one of my favorites in the series. New author for me, thanks for the intro. I have a few favorite book couples: Kate and Curran, Merit and Ethan, Mac and Jericho, and Claire and Jamie.

Glenda said...

I haven't read this series by JR. I'm gonna have to soon!

Unknown said...

I like Bella and Zsadist. My one of the favorite book couples is Maddie and Jake from Fastball by V.K. Sykes.

Kim said...

This isn't my favorite series, but Bella & Zsadist were a good couple. My favorite couple is Cameron & Jack from Something about You by Julie James.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I do like Bella and Zsadist. I also like Christine Feehan's Dark series couples :)

bn100 said...

yes, like Zsadist and Bella

MsAwesome said...

I just started the BDB series with Dark Lover and just loved it. Next stop, Hollywood, so it'll be a while before I'll get to Zsadist but if it's anything like Wrath and Beth then I'm sure I'll like it. And if I have to choose one couple, I'd say maybe Ian and Beth from The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley.

Mary Preston said...

Yes, a great couple.

My favorites are Cathy & Heathcliff from WUTHERING HEIGHTS.

Brooke Showalter said...

This sounds like an awesome series!

Natasha said...

Yes they sounds amazing!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Cassie Polla said...

Sounds fantastic! My fave couples are Travis Maddox and Abby Abernathy from Jamie McGuire's Beautiful Disaster and Kellan Kyle and Kiera from S.C. Stephens's Thoughtless Series.

jmcgaugh said...

I recently read Lover Awakened, and I love Zsadist and Bella.

MrsMac19 said...

Lover Awakened is my favorite BDB book!! Bella & Zsadist are my favorite literary couple, too! The way he literally finds a reason to live because of her ... swoon! Loved it!! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

Unknown said...

I haven't got into Wards books yet ;/ had a hard time getting into them, but I did hear this was one of her best

Froggy said...

I love Bella and Z too!

Clever Girl said...

I love Bella and Zsadist!
Ann S

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