
My Favorite Book Couple with Kieran Kramer

Double Rita®-finalist and USA Today bestseller Kieran Kramer writes Regency historical romances and now contemporary romance for St. Martin’s Press. SAY YES TO THE DUKE came out in fall 2013 and her newest release, her debut contemporary, SWEET TALK ME, is on shelves now.  HE'S SO FINE will be out in fall 2014. A former CIA employee, journalist, and English teacher, Kieran’s also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer. She lives where she grew up--in the Lowcountry of South Carolina--with her Naval Reserve commander husband and their three children.

Places to find Kieran:
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I have a lot of favorite book couples. My newest fav is the couple in Katharine Ashe’s MY LADY, MY LORD—Lady Corrina Mowbray and Lord Ian Chance. You’ve got to read this story!! It’s one of the best Regencies I’ve EVER read. I firmly believe it’s destined to become a classic. I don’t want to give it away, but the story, the romance, the characters, Katharine’s prose—they’re ALL magical. I’d love to talk about Corrina and Ian, but I have to be careful about spoilers. Let’s just say that these two are diametrically opposite. You’d never think they’re going to get together. No. Way. But they do, and it’s so, so perfect….

So I’m going to send the e-book, MY LADY, MY LORD to whomever wins as a bonus.

But before I read Katharine’s book, I’d already picked out Blue and Dean in Natural Born Charmer, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, for Dani’s event. Blue and Dean are my standby, go-to favorite couple from the books I read when I was in the middle of my mothering years. I still have a child at home, but at the time I read that book, I was at the height of my mommy stress—teens and middle schoolers in the house. It was great, but I was drained. This book revived me, gave me hope and made me feel good. I’ve read it several times.

My favorite couples have sparks flying a lot. Dean and Blue are at constant odds. It’s comforting to read about couples like that when you’re married yourself and life’s not perfect and you burned dinner, and your husband forgot to tell you that you look beautiful, and the kids are screaming AGAIN. You realize through couples like Dean and Blue that love doesn’t always come wrapped up in a pretty package. It’s messy, dammit.

But it’s worth it, too. Oh, yes, love is worth all the suffering, sacrifices, and s*** you have to put up with (I needed that third S word!) in your daily life. So enjoy Blue and Dean, and read the lovely, super-fun romance MY LADY, MY LORD, by Katharine Ashe. You’ll be so glad you did!!!


It wasn't every day a guy saw a headless beaver marching down the side of a road, not even in Chicago Stars quarterback Dean Robillard's larger-than-life world. He slammed on the brakes of his brand-new Aston Martin Vanquish and pulled over in front of her.

The beaver marched right past, her big, flat tail bouncing in the gravel, and her small, sharp nose stuck up in the air. Way up. The beaver looked highly pissed . . .

She was definitely a girl beaver because her beaver head was missing, revealing sweaty, dark hair pulled into a scraggly ponytail. He'd been praying for a little distraction from his own depressing company, so he threw open the door and stepped out onto the shoulder of the Colorado road . . .

Funny, sexy, and touching, Natural Born Charmer is the unforgettable love story of a golden boy who might be losing his luster and a spirited woman who's learned never to depend on anyone but herself.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


The last person True Maybank expected to run into while picking up her wedding gown was country music superstar Harrison Gamble. Years ago, when they were small-town teens in Biscuit Creek, South Carolina, they shared a forbidden night of passion. Now that she’s about to settle down, True’s love affair with the handsome crooner is a thing of the past. Or is it? From the moment he says hello, she has to fight swooning like an adoring fan.


Today he’s rich, famous, and on every woman’s hot list. But back in the day, Harrison wasn’t good enough for debutante True. Since then she’s had her fair share of marital prospects, including the perfect Southern gentleman she’s about to settle down with. Is Harrison the only one to realize the mistake True’s about to make? Can the society girl and the sexy singer make music together – this time around?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Sweet Talk Me, Natural Born Charmer & eBook copy of My Lady, My Lord

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Kieran.
  • Choice of print or eBook copy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kieran Kramer for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Kieran! So good to see you here! I love your books, and so I can't wait to read your newest. I love it that you've put something contemporary out, though I ADORE your historicals. Do you find it harder to write one more than the other? Or is it just "different"? I love that the setting is in South Carolina (I love the lowcountry!). I can't wait to read it. :)

Kim said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Do you find the research is a lot more for writing a historical book rather than a contemporary?

Sharlene said...

Hi Kieran! I love your romance books & I am so looking forward to reading your contemporary! Good luck with it!

Linda said...

Hi Kieran. I didn't realize you write contemp too! I rarely read them, preferring hist-rom over most other sub genres. I hope this doesn't mean a longer duration between your hist rom books :)

lorimeehan said...

Hi Kieran. Thanks for the great giveaway.

erin said...

Congrats to Kieran on the new release!!! I'm sooo looking forward to this newest book :) What was the inspiration behind your "contemporary" :) ?

Kieran said...

Hi, Sandy!!! You're so very sweet! No, neither one is harder--but they are very different. My gosh, the sentence construction is different. I write much more elaborate sentences in my historicals. The vocabulary is different, the time period, culture, etc. But they are both so enjoyable to me! I really, really hope you'll love SWEET TALK ME, and anyone who leaves a review of it on Goodreads or Amazon will get a couple of my homemade clothespin photo/note holders that I labored over with love!! Don't expect perfection in my crafting capabilities, that's for sure, LOL!!! I always appreciate my readers, though, so this is one way to show you!! XOXO

Kieran said...

Kim, it's actually not MORE. I already know a lot about the Regency period. I always have to supplement, every book. But believe it or not, I have research even in SWEET TALK ME, which takes place in my neck of the woods, the Lowcountry of South Carolina. You just never know what you have to investigate. One thing I had to research in SWEET TALK ME was bootlegging. And paddle boarding. Go figure!! :-)

Kieran said...

Sharlene, I so appreciate you! You're always such a ray of sunshine. Thank you so much!!!

Kieran said...

Linda, 2014 is the year of the contemporary for me! I'd LOVE if you tried out SWEET TALK ME! I'd especially love knowing what a regular historical reader thinks of it. I will always love Regency, but right now I want my contemporary career to get started, too. I've always had contemporary stories to tell, too. I love love stories in ANY time period. Thanks for stopping by!! :-)

Kieran said...

Hi, Lori! Thanks for participating!! :-)

Kieran said...

Hi, Erin! Thanks for the lovely warm wishes! The inspiration is in my own backyard--I love the Lowcountry, always have. But I didn't want to write a deeply angst-ridden book about it. I wanted it to be light and fun and sexy and romantic!!! I hope you'll check out SWEET TALK ME, and if you do, please let me know what you think. I was also telling Sandy in the first comment that I could use some help with reviews on Amazon and GoodReads. So feel free! I'll send you my cute little homemade clothespin photo/note magnets if you do, LOL!! :-)

Carrie E. said...

I can't wait to read Sweet Talk Me!!!! I really enjoy your books!! If you haven't listened to the audio of Natural Born Charmer, it's laugh out loud funny!!

mod2011 said...

Congrats Kieran for your new release. What prompted you to write a contemporary romance ? It's your first one, as far as I know (or am I mistaken). And I can't wait to read it; you are such a charming and nice person. I wish you all the best !

dstoutholcomb said...

Hi Kieran! Love your writing and talking to you on FB! Still bummed I can't meet you this weekend, but I have to put being a mom first. :) Congratulations on your new release!

Jeanne M said...

Hi Kieran!

You already know how much I've loved reading your historical books but Sweet Talk Me is getting me to read contemporary books again!

I fell in love with South Carolina when my son went to The Citadel and he was smart enough to stay there and we love visiting and not only to see our grandchildren! I love "your neck of the woods" and am thrilled to see that you picked an area nearby to nearby for Sweet Talk Me!

Can you give us an idea of which scene in it was the most fun for you to write without giving away any "spoilers"?

PS: Hope to be able to meet you the next time we're in the Charleston area!

Preet said...

I love that you're branching out and even more so that you're doing it under your name and not a pseudonym.

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

Anita H. said...

Hi Kieran, so looking forward to reading your new contemporary book! I loved reading your Impossible Bachelors series. Thanks for the chance to win!

Ada said...

Ohh I love Dean and Blue, such a great choice! I love SEP's books as much as I love yours and her Chicago Stars series is fantastic! Very much looking forward to trying our your new contemporary read, Kieran! :)

Karen H said...

Hi Kieren,

Love your historicals but I've never read your contemps. I'll have to take a closer look at them. Thanks for the chance to win.

Betty Hamilton said...

I would love to win PB copies of these books! They sounds like wonderful reads.

Cathy P said...

Hi, Kieran!

As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short. Lol!

I have really enjoyed your historicals and know I will love your contemporaries just as much! If I win, I would like my books in print, please.

Glenda said...

Hi Kieran! I read an excerpt of Sweet Talk Me and it sounds great! I honestly read more historicals, but do love a good contemporary. :-) My Lord, My Lady is on my TBR stack.... I can tell it's gonna be great too!

Unknown said...

What great recommendations! I will have a tough time choosing which to seek out first, but I'll admit that I'm super-curious to read about Dean Robillard and his "headless beaver." If someone were to tell you that she loved SWEET TALK ME and then ask for recs of other books with the same feel, what would you suggest?

MrsDmacs said...

Thank you for the recommendations! I've added them to my ever expanding list.

bn100 said...

Interesting books; haven't read them

Anonymous said...

Hi Kieran. Are you planning more books in the House of Brady series?

Marcy Shuler

May said...

I love the humour in your stories.

Natural born charmer is one of my favorite too.

MsAwesome said...

Natural born charmer sounds a very endearing story. I'll be ever so lucky if I got my hands on all three books. Thanks for the giveaway!!

sheryl said...

Can't wait to read the new book!

Bube said...

Natural Born Charmer is one of my favorite books! :)
The beginning of the book is so funny,original :D

“Uh, ma’am…You need some help?”
Her paws didn’t break rhythm. “You got a gun?”
“Not with me.”
“Then I’ve got no use for you.”

Susan E.Phillips is amazing writer! :)

Sweet Talk Me - the cover is super and sounds really interesting :)

Thank you Kieran :)

Brooke Showalter said...

My Lady, My Lord sounds awesome! I'm really into regencies/historical romance lately. Thanks for sharing your favorite book couple!

Jbst said...

This event is introducing to new to me authors. Thanks for being part of it.

Cnapper67 said...

Hi Kieran, I am really looking forward to reading your new book. It sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love the summertime cover!!! Sounds like a great book.

MrsMac19 said...

All three titles look great! I think the "Sweet Talk Me" cover is awesome (especially as it starts to thaw in the NE!)! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

MrsMac19 said...

All three titles look great! I think the "Sweet Talk Me" cover is awesome (especially as it starts to thaw in the NE!)! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Jan Hougland said...

Have loved your historical romance, Kieran, but I'm about to discover your contemporaries! Thanks for the excitement!

Unknown said...

Never read any of them, but they do look so charming!

Holly Letson said...

Sounds like a good story!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Daphne said...

I love Natural Born Charmer, it was such a great story, and I really want My Lord, My Lady. Sounds fantastic!

LilMissMolly said...

I love all of your books! Can't wait to read your new one.

Clever Girl said...

You've sold me on all of the books... off to add more things to my TBR list.
Ann S

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