
My Favorite Book Couple with Robin Bielman

Robin Bielman lives in Southern California with her high school sweetheart husband, two sons, and crazy-cute mini Labradoodle, Harry. When not attached to her laptop, she can almost always be found with her nose in a book. She also likes to run, hike, and dip her toes in the ocean. Filled with wanderlust, she longs to visit many different places and fulfill her curiosity. She wouldn’t mind indulging her sweet tooth in every location either. She’s a lover of sticky notes, cable television shows and coffee drinks. Writing is a dream come true, and she still pinches herself to be sure it’s real.

She writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her Secret Wishes series includes Kissing the Maid of Honor, RITA® Finalist Her Accidental Boyfriend, and Wild About Her Wingman. In July, 2014 her first single title paranormal romance, Veiled Target, will be released. She loves to connect with readers.

Places to find Robin:
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Hi everyone! I’m so happy and honored to be here today to celebrate Dani’s 3rd blogoversary! Happy, happy blogoversary, Dani and best wishes for many, many more!

When Dani told me she wanted a post on my all-time favorite book couple, I thought holy cow, how can I pick just one? And the truth is, I don’t think any of us who read romance can pick just one. So I’m going to go with my most recent favorite. A couple I still think about and who always make me smile and sigh when I do. A couple that made me laugh and root for them. A couple that made me want to leap through my eReader so I could hang out with them in person. (Hey, get your mind out of the gutter. Not like that.) But you know, I could be their friend and neighbor. I loved the town of Bluelick!

Know the couple I’m talking about now? It’s none other than the very yummy Tyler Longfoot and Dr. Ellie Swann from Samanthe Beck’s debut novel, PRIVATE PRACTICE.

Tyler is the town badass with killer charm. He’s got a reputation with the ladies going back to high school and Ellie wants him for it. You see, Ellie “Sparky” Swan might be a pro at medicine, but she needs some help in another department. The uh, sex department. And if Tyler will teach her how to be a wild woman in bed, well then, she’ll keep the secret of how he accidentally got shot—in his very fine ass. How fun is that set-up?

And things just get better and better from there. The dialogue between them is smart, sexy and delightful, and the sexual tension is off the charts. I fell head over heels in love with Tyler. I love a bad boy with a heart of gold. And I adored Ellie. She’s sweet, good-natured, and a little research-driven—until Tyler uses his expert ways on her. Watching them discover they had more in common than they realized and fall in love was the best. With heart, humor and supporting characters that made me smile, too, this book is the kind of story I can read over and over again. Thus, this couple is one of my all time favorites! And I absolutely have to mention that PRIVATE PRACTICE is a 2-time RITA® Finalist – for Best Erotic Romance and Best First Book. Huge congrats to Samanthe! Oh, and I’m super excited that there will be more books set in Blulick!

To celebrate Dani’s blogoversary, leave me a comment telling me what kind of hero you like best—man in uniform, man with a tool belt, man who works with is hands, etc.—and you’ll be entered to win an eBook copy of PRIVATE PRACTICE. I’m also giving away an eBook copy of my book, HER ACCIDENTAL BOYFRIEND. I think my hero Shane would get along quite well with Tyler.

He’ll teach her how to bring a man to his knees…

Dr. Ellie Swan has a plan: open her practice in tiny Bluelick, Kentucky, so she can keep an eye on her diabetic father, and make hometown golden-boy Roger Reynolds fall in love with her. But Ellie has a problem. Roger seeks a skilled, sexually adventurous partner, and bookish Ellie doesn’t qualify.

Tyler Longfoot only cares about three things: shaking his bad boy image, qualifying for the loan his company needs to rehab a piece of Bluelick’s history, and convincing Ellie to keep quiet about the “incident” that lands him on her doorstep at two a.m. with a bullet in his behind.

The adorable Dr. Swan drives a mean bargain, though. If sex-on-a-stick Tyler will teach Ellie how to bring a man to his knees, she’ll forget about the bullet. Armed with The Wild Woman’s Guide to Sex and Tyler’s lessons, Ellie is confident she can become what Roger needs…if she doesn’t fall for Tyler first.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Playing it safe never felt so risky.

Erin Watters is her small town’s resident wild child—she doesn’t do boring, and after having her heart annihilated, she definitely doesn’t do relationships. Her friends have other ideas, though, and when they throw down a matchmaking challenge, impulsive Erin can’t ignore it. Even when the annoyingly hot Troy Strieber accepts the matchmaker role…

As a rescue paramedic, Troy’s used to watching out for people. Never mind the bet he made with his buddy to play Erin’s wingman. But the more time he spends with the sexy, charismatic woman, the more he discovers a side of her she doesn’t let many see. Soon what started as an innocent game of matchmaking has them both thinking about the person right under their nose. But Troy’s a play-it-safe guy, and he won’t let a woman who lives for risk ever steal his heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |
Check out the Secret Wishes series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Private Practice + Her Accidental Boyfriend

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Robin's question: What kind of hero do you like best—man in uniform, man with a tool belt, man who works with is hands, etc.?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Robin Bielman for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


elena k said...

I love both books! happy anniversary for your blog! as for your question robin I like strong, sexy, alpha men with humor but they lose their heart with their women!

Sandy Kenny said...

I love strong Alpha males who love their women with all their hearts. Love soldiers and firefighters.

Anonymous said...

A man in uniform is always great! :-)

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway. Fingers crossed.

kathy p said...

Love strong alpha males!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi guys! And hi Dani! Thanks so much for including me in your celebration this month! Happy Blogoversary!!! I so love it here and wish you many, many more years of happy blogging! <3 <3

Sophia Rose said...

LOL! That's a tough question b/c I don't really have preferences; I have moods. I love all those types of heroes and it just depends if I'm in the mood to read their story.

Robin's book couple choice sounds fun and I'm pretty sure I already have the book on my wish list b/c I thought that already. Haha! Robin's book sounds great too. I read a different one by her and enjoyed her writing. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Marcy Meyer said...

I love a cowboy/rancher! That hat and tight jeans, dirty from hard work.....ummm, what was I saying. lol!

erin said...

this is a tough question! Can I say a mix of all? LOL... ok... then I'd have to say a guy with a tool belt cuz that means he's handy! thanks for sharing!

lindalou said...

I don't really have a preference... any hero you write about always seems to make me swoon... :-)))

Unknown said...

Strong alpha males of any occupation.

Sue G. said...

I like the nerds! I married an engineer nerd so I guess I'd pick Man Who Works With His Hands.

Unknown said...

hehe I do love men in uniform, but I have to admit I do love my men who work with their hands, it's just so much sexier then sitting at a desk.

RFTC Blog said...

*hugs* Always a pleasure to have you drop by. =)

lorimeehan said...

I like men in uniforms, cowboys and men in kilts.

Anonymous said...

I am drawn to men in uniforms. The danger, the power, the alpha!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sophia! Samanthe does write with humor and I find myself smiling through her books A LOT! Thanks so much for reading a book of mine already! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Robin Bielman said...

Aw, thank you so much, Linda!!!

Robin Bielman said...

Thank you everyone for stopping by today!! It looks like a man in a uniform is pretty popular! I have to agree. ;)

Have a great weekend!

Robin Bielman said...

LOL, Marcy!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Erin! Of course you can have a mix! And he'll be wearing a tool belt. ;)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Dale! That leaves things wide open. I like that!

Robin Bielman said...

Hey, Sue! Have you read Vicki Lewis Thompson's Nerd books? They are awesome! I loved them.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Lily! I think I have to agree with you. :)

Robin Bielman said...

Hey Lori! I just got a picture of a cowboy wearing a kilt in my head! LOL Okay, so it was really a guy in a cowboy hat wearing a kilt - and nothing else. ;)

Robin Bielman said...

Hey Chris! A man on the dangerous side. Yes, please!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Elena! Love your answer!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sandra! *swoon* Me, too!

Robin Bielman said...

H Lindsey! You're welcome!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Kathy! Yep, they get to me every time, too.

Glenda said...

Hey Robin! It's not really fair to ask for one type of favorite hero! There are so many awesome ones out there and quite honestly I often pick my next book based on which type I'm in the mood to have as my next book boyfriend. :-)

Unknown said...

Any is fine with me as long as he's hot and gorgeous!! LOL!! Thank you for this giveaway!! :)

Unknown said...

I like strong alpha males :)

Unknown said...

Uniforms are the best! But I do love them all! :)

Cathy P said...

I love strong, sexy, handsome alpha males in uniform. Of course, I also like cowbys and men in kilts. I guess, in short, just give me a strong, sexy, handsome alpha male. Lol!

bn100 said...


MrsDmacs said...

A man in uniform!

Mary Preston said...

I like them all. I can't say I favor one over another. Just give me a great story with heroes to love.

Unknown said...

strong alpha males, either is in uniform or work is hands. thank you :)


MrsMac19 said...

I think I prefer a man in uniform, though an alpha personality in any profession works just as well! I'm very happy with my mild-mannered (teacher) husband, but it's nice to live in another person's reality every so often. I just finished Wild About Her Wingman - it was great! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

dstoutholcomb said...

man in uniform, cowboy, alpha male

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Glenda! I know! ;) And I love your answer. Isn't is awesome that we don't have to settle for just one type in romance novels?

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Marcy! Those work for me, too!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Olga! Thanks for chiming in!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Krysten! I have to say, I love them all, too.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Cathy! I think the alpha guys are way in the lead here! Thanks for commenting!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi bn!

Robin Bielman said...

Okay, alpha and a uniform, I think that's the consensus! Mmmm….

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Mary!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Olivia! You're welcome!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Mrs.Mac! Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed Troy and Erin's story!! :D

Robin Bielman said...

All good in my book, too! :)

veRONIca said...

Can I get a man in a uniform and a toolbelt??

I care more about than man's gestures than his occupation/skills

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