
My Favorite Book Couple with Samanthe Beck

Wine lover, sleep lover, and USA Today bestselling author Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California with her husband, their son, Kitty the furry Ninja, and Bebe the trash talkin’ Chihuahua. When not writing fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy contemporary romances, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

Places to find Samanthe: 

Top 5 Reasons Shane and Kagan from Robin Bielman’s “Her Accidental Boyfriend” Are My All-Time Favorite Book Couple

5. Two words: Robin Bielman. Need I say more? Of course not, but I will…

4. I could feel the heat between Kagan and Shane all the way back in Book 1 of Bielman’s Secret Wishes Series, “Kissing the Maid of Honor.” Check it.

“Can I get you boys anything else?” the waitress asked. Her gaze fell on Shane.

“That depends. Are you on the menu?”

The waitress, a pretty blonde wearing a white shirt, short pleated skirt, and black-rimmed eyeglasses, laughed. “If I was, what would you do with me?”

Shane leaned forward and pulled the pen from behind her ear. Then he took her hand, turned it palm up, and wrote something. “If you really want to find out, call me and I’ll go over the details with you.”

3. Shane’s nickname for Kagan is Jelly Belly. Sexy, because it means she’s sweet…and he wants to gobble her up in one bite!

2. When Kagan needs a big favor, Shane steps up.

1. I’m not the only one who feels this way about Shane and Kagan. “Her Accidental Boyfriend” is a 2014 RITA finalist for Best Short Contemporary Romance!!!

Thanks for hopping by and reading my list! While you’re here, don’t forget to enter the amazing Grand Prize Giveaway. Also, drop a comment below because I’m doing a giveaway just for today too! Up for grabs is a Kindle or Nook version of “Her Accidental Boyfriend” and the latest Brazen in my McCade Brothers series, “Falling for the Marine.” My apologies, but the eBook giveaway is limited to the U.S. and Canada only.

Faking it with this flirt never felt so real…

Kagan Owens has a secret. One she thought she’d escaped by leaving New York, but when her past follows her to her temporary new life, Kagan lets a teeny lie slip. And now the town’s biggest playboy and flirt, Shane Sullivan, has become her pretend boyfriend—just until she’s ready to return to NYC. But the handsome, fun-loving Shane makes it tough to determine where their friendly agreement begins and ends…

Shane has no intention of settling down—in fact, his job depends on it, and nothing’s more important than his work. Still, he can’t help but agree to Kagan’s scheme, if only to find out more about the mysterious beauty. But when every touch from her sets his heart and body on fire, he realizes playing an accidental boyfriend may be more than he bargained for—and more than he can give.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Pretending to be in love has never felt so sexy.

USMC helicopter pilot Michael McCade has two goals: Get his damn back into alignment and keep his nose clean until his commanding officer clears him to fly again. The doctor-recommended massage therapy seems like a necessary step toward returning to the cockpit, but when his too-hot-to-handle neighbor, Chloe Kincaid, turns out to be his masseuse, he strays from the straight and narrow in a major way.

Chloe Kincaid is looking for a simple, no strings attached, ego-boosting hook up. But when her positively panty-melting neighbor, USMC Major Michael McCade, (aka “Major Hottie”), shows up on her massage table, she lets desire get the better of professionalism. Now they’re pretending to be engaged to avoid a whole lot of unanticipated consequences of a momentary lapse in judgment. But can a girl who avoids attachments at all costs fake an engagement to a straight-arrow soldier without falling hard?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |


 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Her Accidental Boyfriend + Falling for the Marine

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment for Samanthe.
  • US/Canada ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Samanthe Beck for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I'd love to read these books, so fingers crossed. :-)

Sophia Rose said...

I haven't read Robin's book, but that excerpt has me eager to do so. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity for both ladies' books.

Robin Driscoll said...

How far apart did you get your cat and dog. I could never get my cat to accept my chihuahuas or my chihuahuas to accept another dog. Would love to win these books, they sound awesome.

erin said...

LOL... Congrats to Samantha on the newest release!! these sound soo fun :) Thanks for sharing!

Sharlene said...

I just read Robin's Falling For Her Wingman & loved it! Kagan & Shane play a part in this one. I want to go back & read the others in the series.

lorimeehan said...

Congrats on your newest release. The books look really good.

dstoutholcomb said...

nice teasers

Sam Beck said...

Hi Pink2! The Bebe the Chihuahua came first by about 7 years, and then we found Kitty. They have an unspoken agreement to leave each other alone. The real challenge is the 5-yr-old son and the Chihuahua...he loves her and she's terrified of him! Good luck in the giveaway!!

Sam Beck said...

Good luck Lindsey V!

Sam Beck said...

You'll love any of Robin's books! I just finished her newest book in the Secret Wishes series, (released yesterday), called "Wild About Her Wingman," and it is so, sooooo gooood!!! (And it's just 99 cents right now, for a limited time).

Sam Beck said...

Thanks Erin!

Sam Beck said...

Me too! I just finished it yesterday. If you need to catch up, now is an excellent time to pick up Book 1 of the series. It's called "Kissing the Maid of Honor" and it's on sale right now for 99 cents!

Sam Beck said...

Thanks Lori! Robin and I like to think of ourselves as the sweet and spicy duo...but, honestly, her Bliss series is kinda spicy! In a sweet way. ;)

Sam Beck said...

Glad you enjoyed!

Sam Beck said...

Thanks Dani, for having me at Ramblings today and letting me ramble about "Her Accidental Boyfriend"!

Robin Bielman said...

Aw, Sam! Thanks so much for this wonderful post! I'm super blessed to have a friend like you - thank you for *everything!* And guys, do NOT miss out on reading Sam's books! They're among my favorites! I have major crushes on all her heroes!

Anonymous said...

I'm not entering the contest because I've read ALL the books mentioned above. I loved them and can highly recommend them. :)

Marcy Shuler

RFTC Blog said...

You are so very welcome. You can stop by whenever you want. *hugs*

RFTC Blog said...

Marcy, I hope you at least go and enter the grand prize giveaway. Lots of great prizes up for grabs!

Sue G. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Nice choice of favorite couple!

Unknown said...

Robin is a new author to me, also. putting the books on my TBR list. thanks for the giveaway.

Sharlene said...

I think I have it on my Kindle for PC! I will check. If not, will definitely pick it up now. Thanks!

Glenda said...

If both books weren't already on my wish list, they would be now! Thanks for a great post!

Holly Letson said...

I have not read either author's books, so this would be nice.

MrsMac19 said...

Love the Entangled Brazen books! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

MsAwesome said...

And McCade's Brothers series on TBR now... That blurb was something else! Thank you! LOL

MrsDmacs said...

I have not read either of the these books. Thanks for the glimpse and chance to win!

Unknown said...

Both look like really awesome picks :D grats on new release!

Froggy said...

both books sound amazing!!

bn100 said...

Interesting books

Cathy P said...

Hi, Samanthe and Robin! I have not read HER ACCIDENTAL BOYFRIEND or FALLING FOR THE MARINE yet. They both sound wonderful and are must reads.

Natasha said...

These both sound amazing!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

May said...

Haven't read these books but they sound great.

veRONIca said...

Haha "Major Hottie". My friends and I are always giving guys code names, so I love when book characters also do the same

Clever Girl said...

I adored Michael and Chloe and Kagan and Shane sound like fun. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ann S

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