
My Favorite Book Couple with Vanessa Kelly

Vanessa Kelly is an award-winning author who was named by Booklist, the review journal of the American Library Association, as one of the "New Stars of Historical Romance." Her sensual, Regency-set historical romances have been nominated for awards in a number of contests, and her second book, Sex and The Single Earl, won the prestigious Maggie Medallion for Best Historical Romance. Vanessa's next series, The Renegade Royals, is due to hit the shelves on Nov. 26 with Lost in a Royal Kiss. Book one in the series, Secrets for Seducing a Royal Bodyguard, will release in January, 2014.

Find Vanessa at:

My favorite book couple isn’t found between the pages of a romance, but in a historical mystery series by Elizabeth Peters. Amelia Peabody is an indomitable young Englishwoman who inherits a fortune and decides to spend it adventuring in Egypt. Once there, she meets the formidable archeologist, Radcliffe Emerson, who she describes as “the most distinguished Egyptologist of this or any other era.” Emerson is also handsome, relentless in the pursuit of archeology, and possessed of a famously fierce temper which has earned him a hilarious but affectionate nickname among Egyptians—Father of Curses. But Emerson meets his match in Amelia—she’s not the least bit intimidated by his temper or his intellect, and she soon has him eating out of the palm of her hand. Together, they embark on a series of adventures that span most of their lives and nineteen books. When their son, Ramses, is born, things get even more entertaining.

The Amelia Peabody Mysteries are hilarious, intelligent, and tons of fun. I love the depiction of these two larger than life characters who are fiercely in love and devoted to each other, but who have no problem maintaining their independence and wonderful personalities. It’s a fantastic depiction of a flawed but loving relationship and marriage that only grows stronger as time passes.

Amelia Peabody, indomitable Victorian, embarks for Egypt armed with confidence, journal, and umbrella. Enroute to Cairo, she rescues dainty Evelyn, abandoned by her lover. They sail up the Nile to the archeological dig of the Emerson brothers - irascible but dashing Radcliffe and amiable Walter. A lively mummy, visitations, accidents, kidnap attempts - evil is afoot.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


Some men are born into scandal. Others pursue it with a passion. Griffin Steele, secret son of the Duke of Cumberland, is guilty on both counts. Yet somehow London’s most notorious scoundrel has been saddled with an abandoned baby boy—and with the unflappable, intriguing spinster summoned to nurse him…

Justine Brightmore may be a viscount’s niece, but she’s also a spy’s daughter, determined to safeguard the infant when his suspected royal parentage makes him a target. Yet how to protect herself from the rakish Griffin? Marriage might shield her reputation, but it can only imperil her heart, especially with a groom intent on delicious seduction…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Check out the The Renegade Royals:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom + Crocodile on the Sandbank

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Vanessa Kelly for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Karen H said...

Hi Vanessa,

I thoroughly enjoy your books. I'm nearing the end of Mastering the Marquess and I'm loving it. Still have one more book in the series to read yet. Not sure what happened, but I've read these books 'out of order' and I don't usually do that. Blame it on a huge senior moment! LOL Anyway, also looking forward to reading your next series too. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Vanessa! Love your books and I can' wait to read this one.

AquarianDancer said...

You've added a new series to my TBR pile...not that I really needed one. ;-) I love hearing about author's favorite reads!

erin said...

Congrats Vanessa on the new release!!! Love your books!!! I haven't read any of the EP books and I'm definitely going to have to fix that :) Thanks for sharing!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Karen, I read books out of order all the time! So glad you enjoyed MTM - since it was my first, it's near and dear to my heart!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thanks so much, Sandra!

Vanessa Kelly said...

I'm a complete fanatic for this series, Aquarian Dancer. Thank God they're are a lot of them and they're big, long reads, too!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you so much, Erin! I think you'll really like EP's books. Historical romance + mystery + great heroine + sexy hero. What more could you ask for?!

Cathy P said...

Hi, Vanessa! Congrats on your new release! Thanks for introducing me to Elizabeth Peters books. They sound like a hoot and must reads.

Preet said...

Hi Vanessa, my favorite of your books are your first two historicals. I too am a huge fan of Elizabeth Peters and Amelia Peabody in general. I read the series about 10 years ago as fast as I could. I absolutely love the romance, intrigue, and setting.

Di said...

Vanessa - I'm intrigued with this series by Elizabeth Peters. Since I love your stories I bet I'll enjoy her stories too - Thanks for the recommendation!

Glenda said...

Hi Vanessa! I had almost forgotten about Elizabeth Peters! I've read one book in her series - after Ramses was born - but never was able to get any of the others! Thanks for the reminder!

dstoutholcomb said...

Vanessa, I enjoy your writing and your FB parties.

Vanessa Kelly said...

Cathy, they're so funny and very interesting, too. I love the setting of Egypt in the late Victorian era.

Vanessa Kelly said...

Amelia is so much fun, isn't she, Chanpreet!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thanks, Di - I would try her out!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Glenda, Ramses is hilarious - this incredibly precocious child who drives Amelia crazy. But he grows up to be this fantastic hero - just as good if not better than Emerson.

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

As someone mildly obsessed with Egyptology, you'd think I would already have devoured the Amelia Peabody series. I should retire my other handle (LadyAnubis) until such time as I at least begin reading the first installment. Thank you for drawing the attention of RFTC readers to what by most accounts is a fab series of historicals!

Sharlene said...

I am so looking forward to reading this book! Congratulations on your success!

Kim said...

Congratulations on the new book. Have you ever had a great plot idea in the middle of the night, didn't write it down and forgot the details the next morning?

Martha Lawson said...

Both of these books sound wonderful! I'm putting them on my wish list.

MrsDmacs said...

Thanks for sharing the book by Elizabeth Peters, my "to read" wish list is getting longer.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your newest release! I missed your FB party yesterday but I went to check it later and it seems like everyone had fun. I blame my night class for making me miss it. I'm just wondering why the release for book three is next year? And when will there be a like synopsis of it release

Vanessa Kelly said...

Katherine, you MUST read the Peabody Mysteries - I think you'd love them!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you, Sharlene!

Lori Palmer said...

How have I never heard of the Amelia Peabody books before this?? Thanks for the introduction!

Vanessa Kelly said...

*weeps* Sadly, yes. That has happened to me, Kim! Now I make myself get up and write it down.

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you, Martha!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Peabody will make a fine addition ot your TBR list, MrsDmacs!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Sandy, Tall, Dark, and Royal is the next story in The Renegade Royals, and that will be out in November. It's a digital novella which is Dominic's love story. The 3rd full length book will be out in January - the reason for that being that I'm still writing it! It takes at least 4 or 5 months (minimum) for me to write a book that I'm happy putting out in the world. Synopsis should be on my website in a few months!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Lori, you should check her out!

lisagkendall said...

Thank you for the introduction to Amelia's books. The description makes me think of Evie from The Mummy movies.

bn100 said...

The books sound interesting

Barbara E. said...

Amelia Peabody and Radcliffe Emerson sound like a fantastic couple. I've only heard a little bit about Elizabeth Peters' books, I guess I'll have to check them out now.

catslady said...

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the first book in this series and what lovely covers.

Kezia said...

Congrats on your book release! :)

Unknown said...

Loved the first book! Definitely cannot wait to read this one :)

Donna E said...

Vanessa, don't guess I've ever read any of Elizabeth Peters, but I think I'm going to have to try the stories with Amelia Peabody -- I like romantic mystery so this seems fun. And your description makes me think of The Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz.
I'm looking forward to reading CONFESSIONS also. I've enjoyed every book of yours that I've read - and some of the covers are just wonderful!

Judy said...

It's been years since I read an Amelia Peabody book! Thanks for the reminder because now I need to go back and read them all.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to reading Griffin and Justine's story. I haven't read any of Elizabeth Peter's books.

Marcy Shuler

Unknown said...

Congratulations on their release

Unknown said...

Congratulations on their release

Sophia Rose said...

I love the Amelia Peabody series. They are totally on my favorite couple list too. I look forward to reading your book too, Vanessa. I like a dab of intrigue in my romance and it sounds like your hero gets up to a bit in this one.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I haven't heard of the Amelia Peabody series. I'm looking forward to reading the series. I'm also looking forward to reading Vanessa's newest book as well.
Thanks :)

Alexisa said...

Congratulations on you new release. I've loved your books and looking forward to reading more.

Emma said...

Congratulations on you new release.

May said...


I live Amelia Peabody too!

MsAwesome said...

Hi Vanessa, I know about your contemporary romantic suspenses but any Historical mysteries in the horizon for you? and Congrats on the release. I love your Historical Rom and I cannot get enough of them =D

Unknown said...

I suspect that you are right ... please be assured that the first title in the series is on my TBR!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Lisa, I would bet the script writer had Amelia in mind when she write Evie.

Vanessa Kelly said...

I love them, bn! Just about my favorite books.

Vanessa Kelly said...

Barb, I'm an EP fanatic, so I'm always going to encourage people to check her out!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you so much, catslady!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you, Kezia!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Krysten, so happy you liked Secrets!!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Donna, they're fantastic romantic mysteries, and as their son Ramses grows up he becomes a great romance hero, too.

I'm so glad you enjoy my books, and thank you for all your support!!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Judy, when I finish them, I'll probably go back and read from the beginning again! I'd also like to try out her Vicky Bliss mysteries.

Vanessa Kelly said...

Marcy, they're really good!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thanks so much, Fyre!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Aren't they great, Sophia? And, yes, my h/h do get up to some trouble in this book!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you so much, Beautiful Disaster!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you, Alexis!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thanks, Emma!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Isn't she great, May?

Vanessa Kelly said...

MsAwesome, hubby and I have actually been working on a historical mystery series for a few years. We *almost* sold it to my publisher, but he finally passed. At some point, we'd like to indie publish it.

And thank you for your kind words about my books!

Cassie Polla said...

I haven't read any of your books, so you are a new author to me, but they sound fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Hi Vanessa,
So interesting to see what you appreciate in a book. Is there good romance in the Amelia Peabody series? I always take recommendations seriously!
Thanks for everything, Connie

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you for stopping by, Cassie!

Vanessa Kelly said...

It's a fabulous romance, Connie, that plays out through all the books. It definitely fits into the romantic elements category. I love the books!

Anita H. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anita H. said...

Hi Vanessa! I can't wait to read Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom. I haven't heard of the Amelia Peabody Mysteries before, thanks for the introduction!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Hi, Anita - thanks for stopping by!

sheryl said...

Thanks for the intro to Elizabeth Peters, going to look her books up. Huge fan already Vanessa, can't wait to read the new one.

Glenda said...

I am SO going to have to track down the rest of these books!!

Unknown said...

I enjoy your books Vanessa, are their any plans for a V.K.Sykes romance.

Sue G. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love the new cover!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Thank you, Sheryl!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Hi, Julie! Yes, we'll have a new VK Sykes romance out at the end of May, I'm happy to say.

Vanessa Kelly said...

It's good, isn't it, Sue?

Brooke Showalter said...

Oh, Amelia Peabody sounds wonderful. I love a good mystery. :)

Natasha said...

Congrats on the new release!!
I can't wait to read it!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Gretchen said...

I love historical romance series, and yours is great! I've made room on my "keeper" shelf for this one :-) I have not heard of the Amelia Peabody series; I'll have to check that out.

Amanda V said...

Another series to add to my TBR pile!

jmcgaugh said...

These Amelia Peabody books sound like a great deal of fun!

Jan Hougland said...

Hello again, Vanessa! I've loved your historical romances for quite some time, as well as the stories you co-author with your husband. I thank you for the many hours of reading fun and entertainment you have provided me. I've never read anything by Ms. Peters so this is intriguing. Thanks for the post.

Unknown said...

second time I seen Crocodile on the Sandbank must be really interesting :D

Froggy said...

You are a new author to me, your book looks very interesting!

LilMissMolly said...

Love your books. Thanks for the giveaway.

Clever Girl said...

Confessions sounds exciting, it's definitely going on my TBR list.
Ann S

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