
Review: Freeing Tuesday by Katheryn Kiden

Freeing Tuesday is the second book in Katheryn Kiden's Save Me Series. I really liked Tuesday in Where Words Fail and I was really intrigued by Evan. I have to admit that I really enjoyed this story and I thought it was even better than the first book in the series. This story sucked me in right from the start and I loved it. This book can be read as a standalone, but I would really recommend reading Where Words Fail first so that you get to know all the characters and that way the story isn't spoiled.

Tuesday works for her best friend Abby behind the scenes of her record company and the hit band that Abby is lead singer for. The members of the band have become her family, and as much as she cares about them she hasn't told them anything about her past. Despite her amazing singing voice, Tuesday refuses to sign with Abby's company out of fear of her past catching up with her. She doesn't allow anyone close enough to risk them getting hurt, but all that changes when she meets Evan. Evan quickly becomes her best friend and as much as she wants more from him, she refuses to put him in danger and she also refuses to ruin their friendship by sleeping with him. Evan is used to sleeping with as many girls as he wants whenever he wants. He has never wanted more until Tuesday. Evan and Tuesday try to keep their feelings in check and remain just friends, but before long they are unable to fight the connection between them. As things start to heat up, Tuesday's past resurfaces and leaves all of them in danger. Can they fight their way through, or will Tuesday do what she has always done and run and hide?

I really liked Evan. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to though. I had been intrigued by him before, but at the start of this book he is a total manwhore. He literally slept with pretty much anyone and it really irritated me that he even did it in front of Tuesday or he would leave her in order to be with someone else. I really didn't take his feelings for her seriously at first because of it, but he won me over. Once he really made the decision to be with Tuesday and admitted his feelings, he was fully committed to her. He was so patient with her and he was extremely supportive. For never having been with a girl that he saw a future with, it really surprised me how good he was at being in a serious relationship. He really believed in not only her, but in their future together and he wasn't afraid to stand up for her and fight for their relationship. I loved that he never gave up on her even when others did. Tuesday was really complex, and she had been through so much. She tried to keep walls up to protect herself, but she wasn't able to do that with Evan. Tuesday tried to not only protect herself, but also those she cared for. She was always worried about those around her and was willing to hurt herself in order to do what she thought was best for everyone else. I thought that she and Evan were perfect for each other, and they just seemed to belong together. They had a ton of chemistry and were smoking hot together, but they also had such a strong natural connection to one another.

Overall, I thought that this book was really great. It is definitely my favorite of the series so far, and I thought that it was really well written. I had some problems with the first book, but this one was completely different and I was really able to get into it right away. Tuesday and Evan really captured my attention and didn't let go until I was finished. I did feel as though then ending was a bit abrupt though after everything had been resolved, and I just hoped for a little more. I would have liked to see how things played out for Tuesday and Evan after everything had come to a head and I think that even with the epilogue things felt a bit unfinished. I am curious to see where things go in the future of this series though, and I can already tell that Vanessa and Jason are going to be interesting to read about. They have a serious enemies to lovers vibe going, and I am curious to see if all that tension will ignite between them! I really like this series, and these stories are ones that I feel invested in right away. They really draw my attention and don't let go until the very end, and I would recommend them if you are looking for a different or unique read. These characters are flawed and complex, and are so real and believable. I think that is what appeals to me the most about these books is that they are just so easy to relate to. I look forward to reading more from Katheryn Kiden in the future.

**Copy provided by Dreams Come True Promotions**

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Tina B said...

This sounds like a great read. :)
I enjoy New Adult books. I love imperfect characters. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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