
ARC Review: Dare to Resist by Laura Kaye

I'll be honest, when I found out that Laura Kaye was releasing an Entangled Brazen book about my favorite trope (brother's best friend and little sister) I didn't even need to read the blurb to know that this story was a must read. I loved the cover, I am a huge fan of Laura Kaye, and with this trope I knew this one was going to be amazing. This novella was so good, and after reading I found out that this is actually the start of something really cool. This prequel novella is the start of the Wedding Dare series, and is the story about how Kady and Colton start their relationship. Their wedding is the event that the other four books will center around. I can't wait for June 9th when the other books will be released, and we get the stories about Kady and Colton's friends and family!

Kady and Colton have always had sort of a love hate relationship. They bicker and argue, and generally do everything that they can to annoy each other. Colton is six years older than Kady and is her older brother Tyler's best friend. While they have always irritated each other, there has also been attraction between them as well. Three years ago they gave in to the passion, but Colton pushed her away after and they have barely spoken since. Now three years later, they are both vying for the same security services contract. When they get stranded because of the weather and are forced to share a room together, things explode between them. There are still obstacles that stand between them and a relationship, but the more they get to know each other the more they realize how perfect for each other they actually are.

Colton and Kady were amazing. I loved both of them so much, and they were absolutely perfect for each other. Colton is strong and sexy, and also really smart. He is good with computers and runs his own successful business, but he is also completely built being former military as well. He was dominant and had been scared to pursue anything with Kady because of his darker desires as well as her being Tyler's little sister. He never imagined that she could crave the same things that he did. Kady was smart and sassy, and I loved that she worked so hard to be successful. She was determined, and didn't take crap from anyone. I loved how playful and witty she was with Colton, and even though they would snipe at each other you could tell it was because they both had feelings for each other. They were so much fun, and had a great connection on all levels. They were also smoking hot together and had some seriously strong chemistry between them. Once they finally went there with each other, these two were super intense and generated serious amounts of steam.

Overall, these two were fantastic and I loved seeing them take their feelings and lay everything out there. I was so glad to see them finally be open with each other, and find out how right they were together. Kady and Colton connected on every level, and they just clicked perfectly. My one complaint with this novella, and the reason for my rating being a 4 rather than a 5, is that I felt like they should have had another or chapter or two to their story. I know that the end of their story is the wedding that will take place in the next four books, but I just felt like we are missing the portion of where the novella ends and their wedding. I really wanted to see what happens in the middle, and how they get to the wedding. I still really loved Dare to Resist though, and I am so excited to see how the rest of this series plays out. I am really looking forward to seeing where Tessa Bailey, Diane Alberts, Katee Robert, and Samanthe Beck take Kady and Colton's friends and family. I think that this series is bound to be amazing with all these great authors writing the stories, and June cannot get her fast enough! I highly recommend this novella, especially if you are a fan of sexy stories that will leave you wanting more.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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