
ARC Review: Hell for Leather by Julie Ann Walker

Delilah Fairchild owns a biker bar and would like to get the attention Bryan ‘Mac” McMillan. The interest is mutual. His friend describes her as “a woman you hate to see leave, but you love to watch her go.” Mac pretends to be a motorcycle mechanic, but is part of a clandestine government defense group called the Black Knights. Delilah also moonlights as a forensic accountant. Her Uncle Theo has raised her since her parents died; now he’s missing. And so is his friend Charlie. Both are former Marines who served in Vietnam. She’s attacked in her apartment and the Black Knights offer to help find her uncle. Terrorists have Theo because he knows where nuclear warheads are hidden. The CIA is interested too and sends an old friend to help. The Knights and agents tangle over jurisdiction and bragging rights. Delilah only wants her uncle back. She is caught and taken to a cave. After she’s found, Mac still can’t commit to a relationship. Memories of his parents’ marriage and breakup haunt him. He goes as far as buying back the family ranch and moving away to find peace. How much will Mac and Delilah sacrifice for love?

Delilah’s actions live up to her flaming red hair. She’s determined to find Theo, with or without help. She’s captured, but battles the whole time. She loves Mac, but doesn’t push. She’s used to the strong silent types. More than capable, she seeks out Mac, knowing he’ll help. She opens her heart to him and he’s worthy of her love.

Mac is a protector with a soft side. He offers comfort and support to Delilah. He is also a leader. Very appealing, he’s a man who saves a dog and the day. Even after Delilah stabs him by mistake, he pushes on.

Given the subject matter, there is violence. The Black Knights don’t take prisoners. They have an outlaw vibe, even though they are the good guys. The dialogue between them borders on insults and is entertaining. All in the group are a family unto themselves. The Knights are devoted, honest, and committed to seeing their assignments through to the end.

This book is one of a series. I haven’t read the others, but look forward to finding them.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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