
ARC Review: Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler

Ivy Halliwell is a feline shifter with a less than cautious partner. He doesn’t trust her animal instincts and walks into an ambush. It wasn't her fault, but other members of the team don’t believe her. She’s been tagged with the nickname, Poison Ivy. Landon Donovan is in the mountains of Afghanistan when he’s told to report to headquarters. He has to leave his band of brothers for a secret mission in Washington DC. The Department of Covert Operations wants only the best and brightest. Ivy and Landon are picked as a team. He’s impressed with her strength and ability. She smells nice too. The attraction is mutual and may be deadly. Distance is needed in the field, especially since his orders include an emergency plan to kill Ivy. Don’t allow her to be captured by the enemy. They make an excellent team. Ivy digs down deep into her senses and becomes oblivious to all around her. They break up a possible kidnapping of a scientist and later break into a lab. A doctor has a lethal plan for the shifters. When she is apprehended, Landon needs all the help he can get. Soldiers and shifters join forces to rescue her, but will they be in time?

Ivy accepts who she is and uses it well. Forced to constantly prove herself worthy, she rises to every challenge. She has a dangerous profession and superhero abilities, but her humanity stays intact. The best scene is when a young girl watches Ivy jump off a balcony and land on her feet, five flights down.

From being in the field, Landon knows to use all resources and don’t question success. He marvels at Ivy’s skills and is pleased to be her partner. His acceptance of Ivy helps her to overcome her loneliness. She helps him to look beyond the obvious and let someone else lead. His group of soldiers are devoted friends. There’s a scene where they meet Ivy at a dance club. They make Landon look at her as a woman and claim her as his own.

The bad guys are truly evil, especially a minor character from the beginning of the book. There is some violence in this book and it sets up for a sequel at the end. It’s not clear if Ivy and Landon will follow the story line.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

This one sounds great. Thanks for sharing for sharing about it.

Paige Tyler said...

Thanks for the great review! Thanks, Sophia Rose!


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