
ARC Review: Just Breathe by Tamara Mataya

Just Breathe is the first book that I have read by Tamara Mataya, and I really enjoyed it. I really liked all the characters, including the secondary characters. I also enjoyed Tamara's writing style and was able to really get into this story. I will admit that it took me a bit to get into this one, but once things started to pick up I was hooked. I know I will be looking for more from Mataya in the future.

 Elle's boyfriend Jason broke up with her in one of the worst ways possible, he didn't break up with her at all. Months ago he said he was going out of town for work, and then he just stopped calling or texting and never came back. She throws herself into her job at the library and hangs out with her friends. She has been self medicating with pot in order to cope. She decides to quit smoking and stay away from pot after awhile. Everything seems to be getting worse though when her best friend accepts a job in Spain and her roommates start acting weird. She ends up meeting a sexy guy at the library though, and she can't help but be drawn to him. Dominic asks her out and things finally appear to be looking up. Dominic and Elle grow closer and seem to be really hitting it off. That is until Elle catches Dominic in a lie. When her ex resurfaces around the same time, Elle begins to wonder if maybe Jason has changed. Does Elle take a chance with Dominic despite his lie, or does she try to trust Jason again and hope that he doesn't break her heart a second time?

 I really liked Dominic from the very start. He was sweet and thoughtful, and he seemed to genuinely be interested in Elle. He went out of his way to make things nice for her, and he even took into consideration her Synaesthesia and how that would affect their dates. I loved that he was always doing things that he figured she would like, but they were always so unique and different. He was able to come up with some of the coolest and most different dates that I have ever seen in a book, and I loved that he did it just because he wanted to. I liked Elle, but there were a few things about her that got on my nerves. I didn't like that she seemed to be so hung up on her ex Jason, even after everything that he did to her. I just felt like she needed to let it all go. She seemed to be really interested in Dominic, but then she would be comparing him to Jason or thinking about her past with Jason. I thought that what she was developing with Dominic was so strong that she should have left Jason behind completely. I liked how passionate she was about her job and books though. She was so excited just to be able to share her love of books with others, and you could tell that she was truly happy with her job regardless of how much money she made. I thought that Dominic and Elle had a lot of chemistry right off, and I liked that they really got to know each other. They were a great fit for each other, and their relationship was more than just sex. I liked that they were developing real feelings for each other, and took it a bit slow even if they were extremely attracted to each other.

 Overall, this was a really great book. I liked the characters, and I thought that the story was good. I will admit that this story started off really slowly to me. I was having a really hard time getting into this one, and it seemed to be really detailed and lagged. I was feeling bogged down with all the details and all the pining over her ex and how Elle had been so upset by what he did. But once we got beyond the details of her job and books, and heartbreak over Jason the book really started to pick up. After that, I really just got sucked into the story and didn't want to put this one down. I liked Elle and Dominic, and I thought that they were such a great couple. I really recommend this story to NA fans, and I think that these characters are so easy to like and relate to. This one is one that I had a really good time reading and I think a lot of others will too. I look forward to more from Tamara Mataya in the future, and can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Swoon Romance PR**

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Feaky Snucker said...

Thank you for reviewing! I LOVED their dates, and it was certainly a challenge coming up with fun things that Elle could do. I know how Dominic felt:)

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