
ARC Review: One Night with a Cowboy by Elizabeth Otto

One Night with a Cowboy is the second book in the Paint River Ranch series by Elizabeth Otto. This book can be read as a standalone with interconnected characters. I had no problems getting into this story or understanding what was going on even though I hadn't read the previous book. I enjoyed this story, and thought that it was a sweet and easy read. After reading this story I really want to go back and read the first book as well as read more in this series. This was the first book I have read by Elizabeth Otto, but I will definitely be looking for more from her in the future.

Sophie Miller heads to Montana to help take care of her mother. She is jobless, broke and forced to deal with her sister while also trying to figure out how to make money to continue supporting her mom. When she meets a sexy cowboy at a carnival, she figures there is no harm in escaping her life for a night with him. Sophie and Tucker spend a passionate night together and find out that they have a strong physical connection between them. Tucker never lets women get close to him though and only does one night only. When he finds himself wanting to see Sophie again, he breaks his rule and asks to see her a second time. She turns him down, but a few days later she runs into him again. They find it hard to stay away from each other even though they know there is no future for them. The more time they spend together, the closer they get. But can they figure out a way to be together with both of them convinced that they have no future?

Sophie was strong and resourceful and I liked how she was always willing to help her mom and family. She worked so hard and was willing to find any job in order to continue to provide care for her mom. I liked that she was so supportive of her family, but that she also was so willing to help others. She was honest with Tucker and tried to keep things casual between them. But she couldn't help but develop feelings for him. She was really good for Tucker and she really helped him to open up a little and realize that they were good together. Tucker was sexy and strong and was one of those guys one hundred percent man. He was so closed off at first and had really thought that he didn't deserve to be with Sophie or his ex because of his dad. He also tried to stay away from Sophie and was confused by what he was feeling for her. But he kept going back to her because he knew that there was something more between them. He was also really sweet and found ways to show her that he cared about her. I liked that he was really supportive of her when he found out all she was dealing with and he was really there for her when she needed him the most. They had a lot of chemistry together and you could really feel their attraction to each other. But they also connected on a more emotional level and you could see that they were developing much stronger feelings.

I really enjoyed this book and I thought that Tucker and Sophie were really good together. They were sweet and steamy, and I thought that their relationship was very real and believable. I thought that at times this book was a little slow and things seemed to drag a bit because it was so detailed. But I thought that the story was really good despite that and I was really rooting for Tucker and Sophie to figure things out. This book was really cute and was lighthearted and left me happy. One Night with a Cowboy is one that I would recommend to fans of Contemporary Romance and sexy cowboys. If you are looking for a nice escape, this book is one you should give a shot. I look forward to reading more from Elizabeth Otto in the future, and I am curious about Tucker's brother Levi. I am excited to see what Otto has in store for him next.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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