
ARC Review: Out of Control by Nina Croft

Out of Control is the second book in Nina Croft's Babysitting a Billionaire series, and I really enjoyed it. I had liked the first book in this series, but for me this one was better. These are standalones with interconnected characters, and I really enjoyed getting to know Dani and Zach. It was nice to see Jake and Kim from the first book though as well.

Dani was injured on her last deployment and has been taking it easy while she heals. She goes to work for her friend Jake, and he assigns her to protect a friend of his. Zachary Hunter made some enemies out of the wrong people, and has been threatened. When Dani shows up to work, she immediately labels him a playboy asshole when she finds him naked and floating in the pool with a blonde on his arm. Zach is surprised that his friend Jake would send such a small woman to protect him, and doesn't help things when he makes that known. But the more that Zach is around Dani, the more he is drawn to her. Dani is attracted to Zach, but it determined to remain professional. Zach however has other ideas and pursues her relentlessly. Before long the chemistry between them is more than either can fight and they decide to be together until their time runs out. But when the job is over and Zach is safe, will Dani reenlist or will her future have been changed by the relationship that they have started to build?

I liked Zach. He had definitely earned his playboy reputation, and at first glance it appears as though Dani had him pegged correctly. But once you start to get to know his character better, you see that he is actually thoughtful and caring and a really good guy. He was athletic and sexy, but he was also really smart and I loved that he was a writer. He was honest and up-front, and I liked that he was really understanding when it came to everything that Dani had issues with. He was patient and let her explain things in her own time, and he was always really supportive. It was great to see him being so fun-loving and playful and he really got her to loosen up and come out of her shell. I liked Dani, but she had several issues. She had lost her brother and felt a ton of guilt over it, and her parents weren't great either. Then she joins the Army and ends up getting injured and having to deal with all of that. It wasn't surprising that it took her awhile to open up to others and that she tended to make assumptions rather quickly. I did like that she was able to open up to Zach though, and she really started to heal and get over things with his help. I liked that she wasn't just a soldier in the Army though, but that she was also a dog trainer and operator. There is something fascinating to me about someone who is able to handle animals that way and their commitment to those animals. Dani was strong and capable, and I liked seeing a heroine that wasn't a typical girly girl. Dani and Zach had a ton of chemistry together, and I thought it was great that she was so unlike the girls that he would normally be attracted to. These two were really hot together, and I thought that they were absolutely perfect for each other. They just fit the other and were the balance that the other needed.

Overall, I really liked this story and it was a book that I was able to really get invested in. I liked the characters and I thought that they were each unique and different, and weren't like others that I have read before. The story was good if a bit predictable, but honestly that didn't bother me. I was able to just enjoy it for what it was, and it left me happy and smiling. The pacing and writing were great, and I have come to find that Nina Croft always entertains. This book is definitely worth the read, and I think that anyone looking for a good lighthearted read with some heat and strong characters will really enjoy this one. I look forward to reading more from Nina Croft in the future, and can't wait to see what she writes next. If you haven't read any of Nina Croft's Babysitting a Billionaire series yet, I recommend that you give this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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