
Feature and Giveaway: A Dream of Desire by Nina Rowan

No Distance Can Keep Them Apart.

For most her life, Lady Talia Hall has been dreaming of the day James Forester will take her in his arms and kiss her with unrestrained passion. Tired of waiting, Talia decides to take drastic measures to make James see her as more than his best friend's little sister. But her bold plan goes awry when the scoundrel informs her that he is leaving London—and her—for a life of adventure traveling the world. Crushed, Talia throws herself into her reform work and vows never again to let her foolish heart get the better of her.

But even halfway across the world, James can't stop thinking of the beautiful Talia, her bold declaration . . . or her brazen kiss. And when James learns that Talia's reform work has thrown her into the path of danger and scandal, nothing can keep him from returning to London. But a broken heart is not easily put back together, and old habits die hard. Talia and James must learn that trusting in true love is the greatest adventure of all...

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Check out the Daring Hearts series:

James wanted to kiss her again. Wanted to taste her, to strip that gown from her shoulders and expose the pale expanse of her skin and rosy-tipped breasts—

Stop. A growl spread through his chest. He would not do this. Not with Talia.

Bloody hell. It had been too long since he’d been with a woman. That was the problem. He’d never been one to frequent brothels like other young men, preferring instead to indulge in discreet affairs. Not always easy when one travelled so often, but he’d never had trouble finding a woman willing to satisfy his needs.

Except that for…what, eight months now…he hadn’t even wanted to look for one. The summer following Talia’s confession of love, James had tried to forget her by engaging in an affair with a nurse in New South Wales, but that had ended when he’d left for the Outback. And there, in the rocky, wind-whipped plains with stars sprinkled like sugar overhead, his all-consuming thoughts of Talia had begun.

Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 5 copies of A Dream of Desire

To Enter: 
  • US Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Nina Rowan & Forever Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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