
Feature and Giveaway: House of the Rising Sun by Kristen Painter

Augustine lives the perfect life in the Haven city of New Orleans. He rarely works a real job, spends most of his nights with a different human woman, and resides in a spectacular Garden District mansion paid for by retired movie star Olivia Goodwin, who has come to think of him as an adopted son, providing him room and board and whatever else he needs.

But when Augustine returns home to find Olivia's been attacked by vampires, he knows his idyllic life has comes to an end. It's time for revenge—and to take up the mantle of the city's Guardian.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out the Crescent City series:

A little about me: I’m a former college English teacher, but I've held a crazy mix of other jobs including maitre’d for Wolfgang Puck, personal trainer, and sales for Christian Dior Bijoux. On the writing side of things, I’m a two-time Golden Heart finalist and have been on the board of three different RWA chapters. What can I say? I like getting involved. I’m not adverse to bossing people around either.

I have a *slight* shoe addiction and occasionally indulge in an unnecessary handbag. Hah! That was a joke. There is no such thing as an unnecessary handbag. I love make up and jewelry and spa days. Yes, I’m a girly girl. But don’t think that makes me weak. I can (and do) kill off characters with the best of them. Speaking of which…

My forays into writing have been as varied as the jobs I’ve held. I’ve written poetry, articles for magazines, short stories, paranormal romances (that include fantasy, contemporary and steampunk genres) and now I’ve found a home with urban fantasy. I love worldbuilding and few genres give you the kind of license urban fantasy does.

I’m also the co-founder of the award-winning writer’s site I tweet more often than I should. You can also find me on my Facebook author page here:

I live in FL with my retired Air Force husband and a horde of feline dependents. I’m represented by The Knight Agency.

Find Kristen at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Kristen Painter Bag with complete HoC Series, signed copy of House of the Rising Sun + Swag

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kristen Painter for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


PM350 said...

I have House of Comarre in massive TBR
would LOVE to win and read
whats your favorite color??

wiccawitch4 said...

I would ask her if she would ever come to Canada so we could do a signing here!

Anonymous said...

Fell so in love with HoC I had to buy the last book as an ebook to get it faster and I can't stand reading on a screen! :3 Do you plan on giving the witches their own series, since we've vamps and fae now????

Unknown said...

For Kristen Painter: If you could be any comic book hero, who would you be? One of the originals....or would you make up your own?

AquarianDancer said...

What was your first thought when you saw the covers for the House of Comarre series? They're beautiful and unique.

Anne said...

I haven't read any of her books yet, so I don't really have any questions.

Courtney said...

What was the worst thing about teaching college English?

Unknown said...

I am loving the book covers. I do have one question. The blurb talks about Augustine, so whose the woman on the cover?

Hattie said...

LOL - about handbags. I agree! What is your favorite style of handbag?

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